VN - Ren'Py - Jason, Coming of Age [v0.11.0] [CoeurDeCochon]

  1. 1.00 star(s)

    Ted Danson

    The game starts off good, but goes downhill after what I'd consider the prologue of the game with the initial move in.

    The scope of the game is just too big. There are too many characters to be having days unfold the way they do. There is so much extraneous plot and different POVs that are unnecessary.

    This game is several years in already and there isn't enough content there for the very first character that you can have as a love interest.

    Instead of building on existing characters and relationships, like many games before it, this game just keeps piling the characters and plot on.

    At this rate unless you are into absolutely every character there's just not enough there and I can't see any of the individual relationships having enough content and a satisfying ending.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I am very happy to have found and tried this game. I was apprehensive, the title suggested a shota type game (shota is not my thing), but finally I decided to try it out, and I was blown away!

    Wow what a beautiful game! and what gorgeous and diverse girls/women for us to engage with in the game. And to top that, the creator allows us all to choose freely how each girl should shave or keep her pubic hair (and has been hinting on armpit hair too). As hairy women attract me, I very much applaud this choice.

    Great art work, great characters and a great basic story. (I am yet undecided about the occult/supernatural story elements that have been more and more unveiled). If CoeurDeCochon (aka the creator) keeps up the updates and the same quality of writing I am sure this will be one of the Best VNs I have ever played.

    This game is good enough it made me sign on as a subscriber at SubscribeStar, thus I rate it a 5 out of 5, try it I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    (This rating is based on v.0.9.2)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Jason, Coming of Age [v0.9.1]" is an exceptional game that seamlessly blends captivating storytelling with immersive gameplay. Set in a richly detailed world, the narrative follows Jason's journey, navigating the complexities of adolescence. The character development is outstanding, as players witness Jason's growth, facing dilemmas that resonate with real-life challenges.

    The game's graphics are visually stunning, enhancing the overall gaming experience. The attention to detail in both the environments and character designs creates a vivid and engaging atmosphere. The dynamic soundtrack complements the narrative, intensifying emotional moments.

    What sets "Jason, Coming of Age" apart is its unique choice-based gameplay. Players' decisions shape the story, leading to multiple branching paths and various endings. This element adds replay value, encouraging exploration of different choices to uncover diverse narrative outcomes.

    The game mechanics are intuitive, allowing players to easily immerse themselves in the world of Jason. From solving puzzles to engaging in meaningful conversations, every aspect feels well-crafted and thoughtfully designed.

    In summary, "Jason, Coming of Age [v0.9.1]" stands out as an exemplary game, offering a compelling narrative, stunning visuals, and interactive gameplay. It is a must-play for those seeking a memorable gaming experience that transcends traditional boundaries.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is excellent, with very hot scenes and characters. I love all the detail put into the pubic hair on the girls. There's some trans/homo stuff, but luckily it is avoidable in a way in which you do not feel like you are losing content. I am really looking forward to more and to getting some action with the family!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game! Beautiful renders, incredible girls and awesome story with many choices that are worth to explore in replays. At last a game worth to be played. Looking forward for new updates. Please dev, do not take too long to update.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    has an intriguing wonderful story and beautiful realistic unique models. I liked the progression hopefully it goes like this . And by the way would be great if there are more milf charaters and family issues.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    There are three super annoying things that makes this game unplayable for me:

    1) Annoying skip function (it's been "enhanced" so that while you skip, images distort and there's an annoying sound playing)

    2) It's not easy to quit (Alt+F4 program) because the dev wants us to read some shit or whatever

    3) There are some homosexual/transgender scenes here, which make this a game for no one.

    The rest is not that important, it's basically a game like many others but with some egregious content that made me put it on my ignore list.

    1/10 game IMO
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    For some reason I've been enjoying the "magic sex demon" stories more recently, think I've just been lucky finding the better ones. This one is definitely an 8/10* atm. [EDIT at bottom]

    + visually great. The lighting, the angles, the models, the posing, all great. Very little I have to complain about. Every model also stands out, all looking sexy in their own way.
    + another boon is the fact that on several occasions, the player can choose the pubic hair of the romance options. This is a VERY rare creative decision, and I absolutely commend the dev for it.
    - the ONE complaint I have is that for Alex, you can choose the genitals she has, and the penis option definitely seems like it doesn't match the model. I imagine it's due to the size, which doesn't match the rest of the body at all. It also lacks the ability to change the pube choice, unlike with a vagina. It feels very tacked on.

    + the diversity of romance options (even if not actually romance-able currently) is great. I know some people don't like the older models, but there addition is nothing but a boon for the AVN. Stories that pretend that older women wanting to have sex is impossible, or not allowing the player to have the choice, is always the lazier option. Diversity of choice is always a plus.

    / the story is...fine? I mean it's not really important, but in the AVN atm it is purely to push the story. The decision to delay the explanation isn't really worth the build up, as at the moment it's completely unnecessary. Currently the mystery isn't significant enough to keep me interested in it, so long as the romance-able characters and sex scenes keep going, the story is entirely to just move things along.

    / the dialogue is also a mixed bag. The characters are almost automatically in love with you, and so the majority of their dialogue is solely about wanting to fuck you. That's all well and good, but when it's half a dozen characters basically saying and thinking the same thing, it can be annoying. It also means all of the individual characteristics they CLEARLY have, are essentially only apparent when they're talking to someone else other than the MC, which is a rare occurrence. They are also prone to repetition.

    - after introducing all these attractive characters in the prologue, the dev decides to spend what must be decent chunk of their time on totally unnecessary scenes with external characters. When you choose to introduce a dozen possible love interests, it'd be prudent to ensure you're actually spending time fleshing them out, and not on random fucking people. I don't have to know that some orc-looking mobster can't get his dick hard. I think it would benefit the dev to focus on making this SOLELY from Jason's/MC's perspective. Have us learn through his eyes. If you want to do an inner monologue for when we're with other characters, sure, but the work required to do these extra scenes that could go into the main LIs essentially makes them worthless.

    - in several instances there are just...unnecessary delays? You can't skip or manually go through the montage scenes, and instead have to sit as they slowly move by. It's a small thing, but I can imagine it piling it up more.

    - you can choose not to have love interests interact with other characters, but that isn't the case at all currently, and I'm confused why that's the case. I THINK that may be cancelled out when you pick 'bisexual', but that would be an utterly ridiculous choice. Really the only interaction between two love interests that is relevant is the sister and her gf. Everything else is a deliberate choice, which feels weird when you SPECIFICALLY ask if we want to see that content?

    EDIT: I was so tempted to lower the score after the v0.9.2 update. The whole Christmas edit was not only unnecessary and is yet another totally unnecessary addition, but this time it almost feels like it just entirely weakens the entire world-building aspect, and even then it wasn't particularly strong to begin with. The idea that It's revealed the women in the family have vague "magic Christmas powers", you find Santa Clause after (it is heavily implied) he fucked your mum, find out he's your dad, and then your supposed protector shown in the previous updates had sex with your sister is one of the most utterly moronic changes I have seen to a story in a while. Not only that, but the update was clearly rushed, as it is visually weaker than the rest of the product too. It's currently a 7/10, which technically gives it still the 3.5/5, but I can't do halves so I'm doing 3/5.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really lovely game. Great graphics and interesting characters. Artist avoids the boring gravity-defying and completely unrealistic shapes seen in other games. Reasonably frequent updates. I hope he can make a living doing this so do support.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I just completed all the content and had to write a review to show some support. Models are all good and the story is interesting so far. I usually fall off of games if they're not complete but I can see myself coming back for the updates each time.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Ima just say.. I'm bush man and this game does the bush justice..

    Thanks for the top effort, its clear a lot of hard work has gone into this. Script is solid, renders are great, I'm looking forward to where this is going.

    I hope to be able to support through patreon soon.

    Good luck!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good story. I love the style, it makes this game stand out. I also appreciate the uniqueness of each character. I also like the variety of body shapes and colors. My only complaint is the low quality and shortness of the animations.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    damn, this game.

    story: interesting, engaging, badass moments, funny moments, just an over all engaging story and narrative from start to finish. i was sad to see it end so soon!

    characters: characters with a unique personality making them stand out as their own characters, making them feel real. the first game that truly represents REAL LOOKING BODIES, and a diverse variety of them too. thin, skinny, average, toned, fatter. stretch marks, celulite, different shaped asses and boobs, realistic model details. diverse range of genders, from female, male to trans. and im hoping me choosing bi as my sexual preference means ill explore males and females! the characters were great!

    scenes: the animations are present, no stills, which is a great starting point. some really good animations in there, however i also noticed the quality of the animations drop, from being smooth, to then robotic with rough transitions/loops throughout each frame. then to some that just wernt animated, and acted more as stills but with robotic animations. that bit was abit of a let down, please rework that, and keep all animations at a consistent smooth quality throughout! as so far youve hit the nail on the head with a great game in the making, dont half ass the animations to save on time. this games worth it!

    sexual deeds: the games still in an early build, but from this build i experienced glory hole oral, plenty of further oral scenes, a creepy clown lady with vaginal and anal, and an anal creampie, and then some more oral with other characters, and then anal with a trans person, that gives you the options of being the top or bottom in the second round. i really do look forward to seeing how this game evolves, as its got plenty of anal in it, i however would love to see more anal/ass related content galoreee!! but its atleast at a good point for the build it is. just expand further

    world: i thought and hoped id of gone in to a sandbox esque type game, being able to explore, and interact with any characters that differ dependant on the time you venture out, being able to repeat scenes by talking to them, with dialogue to reflect its been more than once. so that was abit of a bummer, as it has the mobile phone, the stat guide, it has the beginner perks of a sandbox, but its sadly a VN, so just click click click, which can get quite tiresome.. so i cant really rate the world, as i cant explore it freely, as its an experience on rails.

    MC; hes interesting, with a demonic secret, and sure thats been done a thousand times. but no game has had me giggling in manic episodes whilst he goes full super sayaaan and beats a dudes ass. he's flirty, interesting, quirky, probably too bold tbh, as he goes straight to sex talk before even having much conversation with say his collegue at work (older lady).. however, hes still a good mc so far.

    summary: this is a great game that has a promising start, interesting and engaging narrative, diverse cast of characters that truly shines with its varied body styles, and personalities. the scenes although too early to cement my score, has a stellar first impression, with a range of kinks thats yet to be fleshed out, but atleast has promise. some good animations, but the inconstency of quality has let it down, so that needs reworked and kept consistent throughout, maybe even further animate it so the bodies react to said deeds, ass cheeks curling and waving etc, balls and dicks swaying more smoothly. its an overall great game to start off with that blew my intiial expectations out the water, and i found myself througholy enjoying the game, and was sad to see it finish so soon. this is on my radar

    wishlists: better animations, with smooth and longer animations throughout, and full animated models reacting to whatever deed youre doing. bi content galore, from traps, to glory hole unaware scenes (trap sucking your dick, or youre fucking a dudes ass and not knowing it, until you meet them later in the game and maybe find out_, more bi content though, more traps, more trans, muscular ladies, dominant ladies, dark themes like Creeps that non con your character, ranging from physco ladies, to creepy dudes that will top or bottom force you, be cool to see what choices we can use with the demon character. sandbox gameplay, day n night systems, with each having unique scenes to freely explore, and different characters. being able to freely explore the world, and freely interact and repeat scenes with characters. booty calls, calling folk over for sex.

    looking forward to this!
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is alright, so far nothing impressive
    the story seems cool i like it so far
    the animations are meeh kinda weak to be honest
    the characters models look good and the game as good graphics to, but i personaly dont like most of the girl looks compare to other games i seen.
    the story as potencial to be good, so far looks interesting.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Black Gryphon

    The models in this are some of the best I've seen. The choices are well developed and actually meaningful. And the story has really kept me interested. Thank you so much for this game! I'm so eager for more I'll definitely be supporting your Patreon.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    insanely well written with some really beautiful renders and lighting. add to that the variety in body types and personalities, and the game (an actual AVN) is just stunning.

    also, possibly the best implementation of kink option control I've seen to date where you can choose real time the gender of your current partner in one specific case.

    two things for those who don't realize, just in case they matter to you:
    1. this game is extremely LGBTQ-friendly. genital hair options aside, there are plenty of gay and bisexual acquaintances and love interests alongside the straight folks, so while you don't have to have intimate relations with anyone in the game, if you can't handle them even being in the game at all... you're going to have an issue.
    2. supernatural. this tag is there for a reason. we've finally gotten a graphic reminder of that reason. so, again... if you can't handle
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      , consider carefully whether to play.
    personally, I really enjoy the game and continue to look forward to more of the story.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well... i had a blast playing this, not really often i get hooked plot wise with these kind of stories + the lewd content and the variety of LIs (and the customization at some extend of them) make the whole experiencie super enjoyable. The english need a bit of polishing but it's not hard to follow. I recommend it, looks really promising.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Why am I doing a review now?

    Well first of all to support the project here, and secondly because I think we have reached a point where we finally understand well what project we are talking about.

    For me it is clear that the author already had the main elements of the story in mind (the supernatural, the young rampant, the double life).

    What wasn't yet clear was which kink the author wanted to focus on and what genre the project would be channeled into.

    Now it is clear that this is an excellent harem project, with a story that can potentially be original with many eccentric and particular characters.

    On the technical side I really appreciate the use of non-super inflated models and the work that has been done on them. The quality of the renders is excellent and the animations, although few in number, are not standard and pretty decent.

    The dialogues are well written and the pace of the story is very lively.

    It is a project that can potentially be among the top without a shadow of a doubt.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game rocks! Beautiful renders. The huge diversity in ages and body types is a major plus. Love all of the beauty marks and freckles! I really like where the story is heading. Maybe not an awesome idea to have copyrighted music?

    Option to remove public hair for trans Alex in the future maybe?
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    v 0.8.1

    tl;dr -> It started good but got downhill pretty fast. Dev doesnt look like he has an idea where he wants to go with his story or at least, hes changing it midways...

    - While the girls all have unique looks, they also often have a disproportion. Tits are to huge, a weird looking waist etc.

    - At the start of the game you are asked about your sexual prefferences and while it seemed that you can opt out gay stuff, the dick of MCs best friend gets shoved into your face while he masturbates.... WTF?!
    Another scene is where MC is in a photo shoot and there is a clear fix on him solo naked with a hard on... another WTF

    -Until the mid of the game it seems like a normal corruption game but than it takes a 180°
    -> You meet a girl which is nearly immune to your powers but lets you fuck her and take her virginity after meeting her 8 hours before.... After that its like "pls marry me and fuck me till the end of days"
    ------> After that encounter it all gets into a romantic way of wrighting with a lot of emotions etc which.... just doesnt feel right. Its out of nowhere and poorly implemented.