Like stoper has said. He does take his time but he is always working. Though I saw him playing Assassins creed for like 30 minutes!
But seriously, his work takes time. Just doing the environments can take hours if not days. Let alone the clothing and how he fits them is far beyond what any other dev does here. He was gracious enough to teach me some of his arcane ways and I am already using those techniques in my final update, he didn't have to do that but he did. The guy is truly a great dev and a great person and one of the best, if not the best 3d artists here. Doing this work for over a year now I can see just how much time and love he pours into every frame he does. The lighting is fantastic. The textures near perfection. Most people may not see or appreciate it, but from a fellow artist, this guy is on a whole other level. Yes I know, I plug stoper a lot but for good reason. He makes me want to improve every day to get to the level that he is at.
I'm proud to be supporting him.
That may have been the nicest thing I have ever posted on the internet