Yes I guess I focused too much on the physical. And I agree that Christian and Parker are decent human beings. Christian and Heather provide a positive role model of an open relationship, for Jessica to explore or not. And Jessica initiates the flirtation with Parker, after catching him simply "appreciating" her figure. I'd also include the flirtation with Tommy the intern as mutually enjoyable.
What I find so sad about the rest of the m-f relationships is the transactional stereotyping. The mechanic, the mayor and the principal all use their position or the situation to extract sexual favours, and that, to me, makes them all fucking disgusting, regardless of physical appearance. And that Jessica is prepared to provide sexual favours to advance her career is another dated and degrading stereotype.
We might as well be playing a game glorifying the career of Harvey Weinstein!
Compare that with the joy of Jessica exploring the liberation of her own sexuality, then sometimes inviting her boyfriend to explore that with her.
Don't have anything to say about mechanic, told him to go fuck himself right away for being a cunt.
Mayor? Sure, a fine example of a disgusting human being, who certainly seem to be experienced in abusing his position. I cannot agree with you more here.
But principal? Not so much. Maybe I'm forgetting things, but I remember finding principal path hot, because Jessica was the one, who initiated the whole cheerleader thing, in fact it felt like she was going after her own hidden fetish more, that actually using the whole "deal" as a way to get the things she needs. Principal was surprised by her, if anything.
And I don't really see how in this case it's that stereotype you're talking about(talking about principle mostly).
She is good at what she does, she doesn't need to suck up to anyone or make some sort of "dirty deal" and has free will pretty much in any interaction she has through the game. If this was a fucking kinetic novel, boy would that be horrible, not having a choice in majority of what's possible in this story.
But yeah, markers taste different for everyone, so just to clarify, I'm not trying to start some shit here, simply felt like you're kinda wrong about one character there.
I'll replay the game soon-ish, the principal part that is, to see if I get the similar to mayor bad vibe or not.
I do remember one thing, that seemed uncomfortable to me in that path, though - a janitor being around the principal's office. Opens at least one path with bad vibes, blackmail and whatnot. Hopefully Stoper won't do that to those, who just want kinky Jessica roleplaying a "naive" schoolgirl.