
Aug 8, 2016
Not trying to start an argument, moralize, or say anyone can't play the game. Which is also why I'm not going to report the game/thread, either, and instead offered up suggestions as to how the Dev could (if they wanted) avoid this game having problems directed at in the future. Some of ya'll need to take a breath and realize not everyone on this site who voices a negative opinion of something you're okay with/get off to is out to get you or take away your pretendy funtimes.

Would it count as pedophilia if the main character was the same age as the other characters?
Yes. Even though that isn't the case here, the original art is still depicting 12-13 year old characters engaging in sexual acts. Also, I'm not going to engage with the rest of your argument because, dude. You realize you're arguing for pedophilia in this case, right? That's not a good look, full stop. You don't need to bring in arguments about censorship, right/just laws, morals or whatever; I already said that I don't care about any of that, because none of those things have any relevance to the original point I'm bringing up. Stop trying to make a porn game into a moral hill to die on; if you want to play it, then play it. I don't care.[/QUOTE]

Ugh, the anti-fun police is here.

Have fun trying to convince this guy that this is ok.
I can't care less if ya'll want to play the game. I made my comments, will now proceed to answer more comments directed at me because of my previous comments, and then move on with my life. There's no need to "convince" me of anything--at the end of the day, this is a game that centers on titillating players by rewarding gameplay with fictionalized depictions of 12-13 year old characters engaging in sexual acts. Which is, like. Textbook illegal.

Jezz guys calm down, let's just appreciate that we got to play this game, if you don't like it just don't play it. And it doesn't mean that everybody else can't play it too
Exactly. I'm not about to sit here and throw down with everyone who disagrees with me like I have a dog in this fight; this is just one game on a website of hundreds. I initially checked it out because I like Naruto, and because all the other Naruto-based games I've seen here have pretty much sucked. Unlike those games, though, this one is using underage depictions of several characters as part of the sexual things happening in the game--so, I let the Dev (who is taking suggestions) know that that's kind of pretty subjectively gross (to me, as a player) and objectively illegal in at least several different countries around the world. That's all. (And, after that, I even offered them suggestions as to how they could retool the game in order to possibly avoid arguments like this in the future, re: have it take place during the Infinite Tsukyiomi or whatever.)

Not saying the Dev should take the game down; not saying people shouldn't play it; not judging people who play it; and I'm definitely not demanding the Dev change their "vision" of the game if this is the route they ultimately want to take. I'm just, y'know. Pointing out that there's a bunch of underage cartoon girls performing sex acts, here, and both distributing and creating that kind of material is sooooooort of illegal in most places.

It's up to the moderators on F95 to decide if this violates rules. If it does the thread will be locked / removed. If it doesn't then it will remain. I see little point in arguing about it.
Yeah. Again: I don't want to argue, and I'm not attacking anyone in this thread for liking the game. I'm also not going to report the game, either; the Dev wanted suggestions, and I pointed out a rather major issue with his game/its setting that could potentially become a problem in the future. Das it.

(Edit: I also have similar issues with games like Four Elements Trainer, but since I don't have any attachment to ATLA, I've never felt interested in clicking open that particular part of the forum--but, what I said about this game also applies there, as well, even if the characters have been aged up to be 18 while still retaining their underage character designs.)
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New Member
May 25, 2017
The developer is not distributing this "art" in the countries mentioned on wiki. Everybody who downloads it, does that on their own "risk". But i mean, he just has to mention that they are all 18 and its fine. He would get problems with patreon otherwise, i guess?

Don't know why this has to be such a huge discussion, i guess people have too much time.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 13, 2017
Well, not the happiest thing to wake up to haha, anyway, let's get into it.
Looks good to me and the combat system is not bad ether cant wait for the next update
Thanks! I'll be improving the system more, not quite where I want it to be yet.

liking the game so far, too bad one of my fave gals aint gonna be in it (Tayuya of the Sound and Kin. Since both are very dead)

The art's amazing, how long do you spend on pics on average?
Don't be too sure yet haha, maybe something will happen in arc 3? I'm not the artist haha, the art is done by Jii! You can check out his page in the front page!

Looks great, will try it whe have more content... one question this will have impregnation?
Yeap, that's planned.

Do you think you'll implement a Mac version? I would assume it would be quite compatible, but it's up to you. Dialogue is a bit stiff but I'm sure you can work on it overtime. Artwork is fantastic, some scenes are wonky like the placeholders but I think you'll add that in later.

All in all, keep up the good luck!

Are you aiming for a new update per month or as you go along?
Aiming for monthly updates, I try to keep the players updated once a week, and an update for the games drop once every month.

will konan be added?
There are plans, but that's assuming the game survives lol

And a moment later (about an hour or so) I decided to try it...
It really looks promising, and like I said, I'll watch how it progresses.

About the poll in this thread, I would say it depends:

Focusing on one girl at a time is always an option as it allows to bring (let's say: ) "higher value" scenes faster in comparison to the other option. For the developer it could mean more focus on one part of the story, but my input is that there could be scenes with several girls at the same time, and this option could delay such options as you first need to progress with other girls, who first needs to be developed.

Focusing on several girls at the same time gives a bigger variety early on while the game is being developed, and while the first option offers "higher value" scenes in specific releases, this option would deliver them in about the same time, which would be delayed more than in the first option (could depend further...), but it could be better for those who prefer other girls more than ones in the planned queue of focus. The developer would need to focus on several stories at the same time, but contrary it allows joint scenes like mentioned above.

It depends if I am good or bad with words, maybe mostly on the topic and that I occasionally forget something, but I am bad at decision making and that's my input to that.
But personally I think the second one is more appealing, mostly because of the bigger early variety.

Edit: Often in threads like this, this is how I finally make a decision xD
I see, thanks for your feedback! However it seems that things would need to take a different direction due to some unexpected circumstances...

Pretty much I was asking if the girls would have the same sex list like in "Rouge Like", or would each girl get scenes just for them?

Like is everyone of the main four girls gonna have an anal beads and footjob scene or is stuff going to be spefic to each girl?
Oh, no, they will all have their own variants! For example Hinata will have a masturbating scene instead of an anal bead scene.

It's quite rough around the edges, but I can clearly see potential in the game. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of the game.

I would like to give a few suggestions/"thing to think about" if I may.
I think it would be good to be a bit more clear about the MC 's age. Has it is now, it's kinda hard knowing how old the MC is supposed to be.

The other thing is, I think the game would benefit to give a look to the MC. Now, I understand the idea is that is for us to give him any look with want. And I don't want that to change either.
Since you mention him getting a disguise, I think you could give him a specific look while still letting the player imagine what he looks like. Think something like the MC from Four Elements Trainer.
Since our MC is a ninja, I'm pretty sure you could come up with a few designs like this, it's the perfect setting for designs like this.(just look at Shino)
Edit: I know there is the look of the MC when in battle. But, I don't think it looks that good. Kinda look like he covers his face because it's horribly disfigured.(And kind looks like he is a zombie)
I see! His sprite is not really planned cause of the reasons you said above, and also cause it was intended to be more of a "first person view" thing. The battle sprite will be smoothed out and updated, hopefully that will make it better!

And one more suggestion I may have. It would be awesome that if you can make some pointers what is the building for. I mean it took me about 10 minutes to orient myself in the game screen. Like I mean at simplest just add some tag that this building is Ino fuckhouse or sumtin. I know that it maybe was in the opening but when have most blood in my dick during fapping I was getting lost a bit :D. Otherwise great game so far
Will do! The map will be updated and I will get labels for them when it happens! Thanks for letting me know that is an issue!

i love the art ❤
Glad you liked it! Jii is pretty awesome at them!

This is looking pretty good so far definitely looking forward to more. As for the poll I would say develop them mostly at the same time. Not only does this allow joint scenes to be made easier/faster.

The main downside I can think of is this means you can't have situations where one girl helps you corrupt another. Maybe a staggered approach would work better, so some of them would be easier to corrupt/access than others. For example to get access to Hinata you might need one of the others at level 3.

Then again I am spit balling and might be throwing out the worst ideas possible so yer take it with a grain of salt.
I see, thanks for the idea and insight!

The first time you see shizune there's a message in the upper-left saying that "image sakura normal not found" if someone can report to the creator... I didn't find a way to do it
I'll get on it, thanks for letting me know!

I'm pretty sure this can be classified as (mostly) child pornography, especially with the characters (who in the first half of the series are all 12-13 years old) being represented by artwork that's so close to their original designs in the series. Even in Shippuden, Naruto and the gang are still between 15-17 years old depending on where in the story you are, so.

Kind of really super fucking gross, guys.

Also, before anyone brings it up: , and in the US are .


Edit: I know we're kind of making jokes and haha'ing in the thread about hearing police sirens, and that quite a few of the incest games on Patreon featuring "technically not" young characters try to get away with what they do by saying all the characters portrayed are actually 18+ (despite often not looking it, or still being in high-school, etc) but a game like this, in much the same vein as Four Elements Trainer, is really not even making a token effort to hide how pedophilic its content is.

My suggestion for fixing all this (potentially illegal) mess, take it or leave it: would be to start with the Shipudden character designs, but age up the underage cast so they're all at least 18+. You could also easily set the game as taking place within the context of the event that happens during the Ninja World War, or rehash the events of , wherein an "evil" version of Naruto named Menma switches places with the real Naruto due to a ninjutsu that transplants both into the body of their counterparts living in an alternate universe.
No worries man, I will be making arc one into a patch once I'm done with it.

So I spent the night thinking about this one after having played it. Art issues aside, I have something else that I think should be addressed. I think you should have more relationship development between the characters based on the corruption level. I get that the game is very early days, but I think that as they become more submissive in their trance moments, they become more trusting and perhaps become somewhat romantically attracted to him in their waking life.

Given the nature of their individual personalities, it would be a shame if you had them lose all of that and just become mindless sex drones. It also kinda feels like the character should be less of a sociopath and maybe have reservations about this power at first, perhaps even being regretful at first given that he may actually like the girls and feel bad about using them.

That being said, I highly agree with the underage issue of the girls in this first part of the game and think that you should rethink your corruption levels when they are this age. A preteen/young teen should have a lot more psychic blockage about stripping naked, so much that the trance should have less effect for it. You should start with levels like kissing, making out, copping a feel and at the end level maybe them strip some as they do that. Then you should get to the higher degree of action with the older women or when the 4 main girls are in their teens in the Shippuden era.

I guess I just wish you'd write this with the MC being less of a douchebag who goes overboard with his new powers.
I see, I'll try to do the best I can to have their personalities intact, the end goal here isn't to turn them into mindless drones however, so rest assured!
The whole "love route" thing on the other hand might be a bit tricky, considering that the game will have continuity across the four arcs. So there might be some issues with going for one route in the first arc and the other in the second.

To the game's creator. I really suggest you add better screenshots for the game at the start. Right now I wouldn't try it out, because I don't know what the art looks like and how good it is.
Understood, I will get working on that after the update!

Sorta, he can claim original art all he wants, but the H scenes are clearly of a different quality of artist than the standing clothed models.
I'm not really sure what I can say to change your mind.

And guys, come on, no need to fight about this, I'll make the necessary preparations for the other stuff.
Worst case scenario, if we run into trouble, I'll stop updating the game in public and release it to the public once more when we go into Shippuden.
Jun 15, 2017
There shouldn't be a problem, the dev just needs to put a notice on the main menu that all characters depicted are over 18.
Also to be fair @epidemico even starting this convo runs the risk of ruining peoples fun, the mods are going to see this discussion and debate whether or not to take it down because people have a problem with the games characters.
At the end of the day there is no issue or risk to the dev both irl and on this forum considering people like the four elements trainer (and many more) have been doing this for ages.

p.s. @speedapple Good shit dev, loving the story and art so far, hope this game continues to grow and you manage to make all 4 arcs :) .


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Well, not the happiest thing to wake up to haha, anyway, let's get into it.

Thanks! I'll be improving the system more, not quite where I want it to be yet.

Don't be too sure yet haha, maybe something will happen in arc 3? I'm not the artist haha, the art is done by Jii! You can check out his page in the front page!

Yeap, that's planned.

Aiming for monthly updates, I try to keep the players updated once a week, and an update for the games drop once every month.

There are plans, but that's assuming the game survives lol

I see, thanks for your feedback! However it seems that things would need to take a different direction due to some unexpected circumstances...

Oh, no, they will all have their own variants! For example Hinata will have a masturbating scene instead of an anal bead scene.

I see! His sprite is not really planned cause of the reasons you said above, and also cause it was intended to be more of a "first person view" thing. The battle sprite will be smoothed out and updated, hopefully that will make it better!

Will do! The map will be updated and I will get labels for them when it happens! Thanks for letting me know that is an issue!

Glad you liked it! Jii is pretty awesome at them!

I see, thanks for the idea and insight!

I'll get on it, thanks for letting me know!

No worries man, I will be making arc one into a patch once I'm done with it.

I see, I'll try to do the best I can to have their personalities intact, the end goal here isn't to turn them into mindless drones however, so rest assured!
The whole "love route" thing on the other hand might be a bit tricky, considering that the game will have continuity across the four arcs. So there might be some issues with going for one route in the first arc and the other in the second.

Understood, I will get working on that after the update!

I'm not really sure what I can say to change your mind.

And guys, come on, no need to fight about this, I'll make the necessary preparations for the other stuff.
Worst case scenario, if we run into trouble, I'll stop updating the game in public and release it to the public once more when we go into Shippuden.
Well, people here are a little "touchy" with mere drawings it seems. In any case if you can't keep posting updates here tell us where you gonna put them please.
I'm really looking forward to this game.
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Nov 21, 2017
It's cool you're gonna fix the few named bugs mentioned in the thread and you mentioned next build. Is the next build gonna be a hotfix or will it be the next month version?


Feb 17, 2018
I would like to have the Dev think about not finishing one character before going to another.

i know why people voted for it, it is because they want to have one character in fear or having a not finished game so it is better to have one character ending instead of none

now, since it was voted i at least hope that the dev think about moving then at least more equally we can have focus on sakura or hinata example but i hope that we can't go all the way with then, because i want to have some threesome and it is a logic to not focus on one and we can have a all over the world corruption try to imagine if we focus on tsunade and then she began to act all slut etc the others would perceive what she do? so a all over corruption is more realistic, we can have a focus on one for example but we need to have at least some lock to not let you do things unless X thing happens you can't have x happen if Y did not happen etc hope you understand, following it.

Sgt. M

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
First off: amazing work! keep it up!:) Second: About time someone made a parody game where you can get the women pregnant as part of the story. the only other parody games that I know of that have this feature are bvb1, bvb2, and four elements trainer. Can't wait to get the girls pregnant and mess up the time line as a result!
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May 19, 2018
oh my, this thread already has walls of text..

that aside, the game seems good so far. dunno if I reached the end of content or not though... got Ino up to ~250 sub, with no level up, all animations and text seem good. Sakura ~550 sub, level 2; This time, I noticed that with the footjob, whether or not you seal off her mind doesn't matter, the text is the same.

are Tenten and hinata not in the game yet? couldn't get into hinata's home, and the academy only had an option to look around (never "found" anything by doing that)


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2017
Can't wait to get the girls pregnant and mess up the time line as a result!
Well, the introduction says that you have to revive your clan and for that plan you have to use the girls, that in itself already messes with the timeline, whether sexual content is included or not xD


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2017
oh my, this thread already has walls of text..

that aside, the game seems good so far. dunno if I reached the end of content or not though... got Ino up to ~250 sub, with no level up, all animations and text seem good. Sakura ~550 sub, level 2; This time, I noticed that with the footjob, whether or not you seal off her mind doesn't matter, the text is the same.

are Tenten and hinata not in the game yet? couldn't get into hinata's home, and the academy only had an option to look around (never "found" anything by doing that)
Check the OP, it includes basic information (like current content, walkthrough).
For a direct answer, Sakura goes up to lvl2, Ino lvl1, and the others aren't included yet.
(mistake was already mentioned)

Edit: The OP has an open poll about what the focus in development should be (one character at a time or all slower at once), so content for others could probably get delayed.
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4.30 star(s) 88 Votes