
Sep 22, 2017
No, no.

I meant it like to have the finished product, before its completed.

Ever seen 'space balls: the movie'?
They have the full movie on VHS before it has even been finished filming.
I'm afraid your classic comedy movie reference is lost on most here.
Mar 13, 2019
You guys must really like gangbangs. I don't know. To me it still depersonalizes the whole thing and turns the relationship with the heroine nasty.

I think it's funny tho. You guys like gangbang so much you create a magical way that the heroine of your story can get gangbanged by one person.

In my opinion, you're missing half of the fun of the game doing that.
The reason you gain points slowly as you play is so that you can invest in the right skills to eventually beat the girl.

The game is supposed to start with the heroine feeling powerful. In JSK's own words when he made the original Demon Queen. Raping the enemy that gave you so much trouble is satisfying or whatever. I don't like the rape ends so I don't get that tho.

Good players can also build up points quicker than bad players, so playing in a way that you gain points really fast is part of the fun of the games. Not only that, but you don't need MAX stats to beat the game. How much "help" you need in stat points shows the limits of your skills at the game.
I suppose it would made sense at that point but honestly I just don't have time at that point to care at that level and struggle away at a task I can just max my stats for. Like sure for the demon lord women or Yumisu I'd care enough but the rest of these people fuck no. Trust me I remember the old days of when Defeated devil girl was on porn sites(Might still be on the ones that had this issue)and you grinded your ass off to beat her only for the game to go black screen for no reason because these god damn people can't put a flash game on their site properly.
Mar 13, 2019
Come to think about it, I've not seen accessories on the heroine's so far, no earrings, necklaces, rings or the such.
Something tells me the road to hell is going to get paved with good intentions. I don't even think it'd be worth putting accessories on these characters god forbid the kinks like what comes with bull rings and the like. Whether or not that'd happen is another thing.


Mar 17, 2018
Is the community repository safe I don't wanna risk anything with my systtems...even though I have a eairler version of the whole files


Jul 25, 2021
In my opinion, you're missing half of the fun of the game doing that.
The reason you gain points slowly as you play is so that you can invest in the right skills to eventually beat the girl.

The game is supposed to start with the heroine feeling powerful. In JSK's own words when he made the original Demon Queen. Raping the enemy that gave you so much trouble is satisfying or whatever. I don't like the rape ends so I don't get that tho.

Good players can also build up points quicker than bad players, so playing in a way that you gain points really fast is part of the fun of the games. Not only that, but you don't need MAX stats to beat the game. How much "help" you need in stat points shows the limits of your skills at the game.
Ehh... You know what, I remember playing Karen Daughter of Martial Art Plutocrat specifically just for the gameplay because the way the action bar works there is more fun, so sure. Maybe the demon turn-based one is also particularly fun, Daughter of the Defeated Devil, if I remember correctly.

Usually it's just a grind to level up Speed and/or Power until you can either block everything or dish enough damage quickly enough tho.


Jul 25, 2021
You guys must really like gangbangs. I don't know. To me it still depersonalizes the whole thing and turns the relationship with the heroine nasty.
Prolly because I used to play without the translation, so I can't read shit.

The Girls are minimalists. they don't need useless shiny objects...
If only that was true in reality.

Unfortunately it is not.
Reverse-isekai JSK girls???
Mar 13, 2019
Prolly because I used to play without the translation, so I can't read shit.

Reverse-isekai JSK girls???
Wasn't referring to fictional. Those are an entirely different conversation. Wait Icevail have i missed something? What is this Reverse Isekai JSK工房 girls he refers to I must be outta the loop or missing something.
Mar 13, 2019
Ehh... You know what, I remember playing Karen Daughter of Martial Art Plutocrat specifically just for the gameplay because the way the action bar works there is more fun, so sure. Maybe the demon turn-based one is also particularly fun, Daughter of the Defeated Devil, if I remember correctly.

Usually it's just a grind to level up Speed and/or Power until you can either block everything or dish enough damage quickly enough tho.
Yeah Karen I don't believe I bothered with that game. Then again that's most JSK工房 games as far as that goes. I can say the freeware demon lord game gave the same vibes you were talking about of grinding ststs and getting the satisfaction of finally raping her.


Oct 21, 2022
Old JSK fightin games had 1 action bar, you either use it and start next one or stand there do nothing and get beaten, JSK now keep action charges rite ? iirc Karen was smth like ,
1. Girl come down kickin open the door
2. Challanges player
3. beat the crap outta player
4. mocks.
5. leaves... or not


Jul 25, 2021
Wasn't referring to fictional. Those are an entirely different conversation. Wait Icevail have i missed something? What is this Reverse Isekai JSK工房 girls he refers to I must be outta the loop or missing something.
Was just joking lol. If I say something with strike-through like this then don't take it seriously. Quick someone write an SI fanfic where JSK girls reverse-isekaid to our world or others.

Old JSK fightin games had 1 action bar, you either use it and start next one or stand there do nothing and get beaten, JSK now keep action charges rite ? iirc Karen was smth like ,
1. Girl come down kickin open the door
2. Challanges player
3. beat the crap outta player
4. mocks.
5. leaves... or not
Yeah, in Karen you can't build up action points like in some others. You can attack at any point in the action bar but the damage scales with the bar, while to defend the bar must at least halfway filled. Both of those action uses up the entire bar, so if you attack you'll be left defenseless until the bar fills up, and if you defends, even if you were at full bar it'll uses up all of it. The way the game goes is you have to judge each and every Karen's attacks and decide when is the last moment you can unleash your attack, so your attack can hit that much harder, before then wait until your bar is half-full to defends before Karen finally attacks.

...I'm prolly doing a terrible job explaining it but eh, whatever. I'll download Karen now and play it. Also, "girl come down kicking open the door, then challenges player" might just be able to describe every JSK game I think, aside the talking ones.


Feb 17, 2018
Was just joking lol. If I say something with strike-through like this then don't take it seriously. Quick someone write an SI fanfic where JSK girls reverse-isekaid to our world or others.

Yeah, in Karen you can't build up action points like in some others. You can attack at any point in the action bar but the damage scales with the bar, while to defend the bar must at least halfway filled. Both of those action uses up the entire bar, so if you attack you'll be left defenseless until the bar fills up, and if you defends, even if you were at full bar it'll uses up all of it. The way the game goes is you have to judge each and every Karen's attacks and decide when is the last moment you can unleash your attack, so your attack can hit that much harder, before then wait until your bar is half-full to defends before Karen finally attacks.

...I'm prolly doing a terrible job explaining it but eh, whatever. I'll download Karen now and play it. Also, "girl come down kicking open the door, then challenges player" might just be able to describe every JSK game I think, aside the talking ones.
Karen's unironically my favorite, with the Vampire girl a close second. I dunno why, but something about Karen's appearance just hits the right spot for me, the perfect mix of cute and hot to me. The vampire girl does that too.
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Oct 21, 2022
Yes Vampire Girl ( what's her name ? Aristocrat? Aristotle? Aristocrap? ) was my favorite... tho there's no one better than her ATM... so i guess is still my favorite, but the new Sheep Loli demon Lord looks nice :sneaky: *licks

Vampire girl is like those girls who think they are scary and intimidating, but is small and cute. Rather than makin me scared, she make me UwU de entire time. ESP her reactions when her super strong, confident moves got interrupted. And the music when she's caught feels like mocking her. :LOL:
Jan 18, 2023
please help to get diamond 4 in story mode 2 how to talk. (29) Lessons for a Shoplifting Girl
As far as I know, it is absolutely impossible to get 4 diamonds in story mode 2 of JSK 29th game "Lessons for a Shoplifting Girl".
You can get 4 hearts which lead to the lewd end, or, at most, 3 hearts and 3 diamonds which lead to nowhere.
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Mar 31, 2022
I downloaded the game from the repository, but I still dont get any translations. What am I doing wrong?
If it's the unity games you're talking about, do you have the translation text file for the auto translator plugin? If you do then check whether the game folder has any Japanese characters. If it does, change it to english. If not, check if folder name is too long. Then rename the folder to something short. Autotranslator is quite finicky if you didn't know.
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