First of all, sorry for some english mistakes.. it's not my first language.
I think is worth write some impressions about this game, because the developer had a hard work doing this game and should get the deserved credit.
I really liked it! The story is atractive enough to spend our time trying to get laid with all the caracthers. hahah
Thanks for that!
I just have some comments about how the interaction works.
I miss in this game some "logic" about what we need to do and say. There is no clue, no background.. looks like is just randomly advanced. Based mainly on luck.
The Eddie interaction on the doctor's office for instance. The chance to get the guy there depends only of your lucky guess. Almost impossible without seeing the walktrough.
Should exist some kind of tip of the path you are taking.
Like after click "grab his chest" should have some text saying:"looks like he like it"... on other side "grab his back" then say: "a strange moan, guess he doesn't feel confortable" And then we can decide : "want do grab this part of his body again or not?". With this we can have some ideias what is happen.
The way its works today there is nothing but luck. Grab his chest +1, grab his lat -1! How can we know that? That the guy likes that someone grab his butt but not his back!
The bar/nightclub interaction is other example of what could be improved.
The only way to advance relationship with the bartender is get drunk a lot, but doing that you basically lock the option to go to Raymond's house, since you can only go there if drink nothing. Even a couple drinks you get busted. And that doesn't make sense. Why would someone be so shy to not tell that a strange is hot when semi drunk but at the same time only if sober acept to go to another strange's house in the midle of the night leaving his friends behind? And there is no clue about that. You can only have a chance do say that the bartender is hot one time. Should be always available that option. If not work one time, you can drink more and come back to try again later. And the same with Raymond.. we should have the option to know when get too drunk, some message saying that you feel dizzy and should drink some water ( or not) but have some clue about it. And can accept his offer even with some drinks taken.
That is just some examples. there is more situation that could be improved.
BUT.. again.. I love the game, the caracthers! Waiting all the updates to have a chance do get my hands on the bartender, Jasper, Ryder, Elliot ...
Just writing some ideas of improvment.