Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
Great game. Just hope for more characters in the future.

I know it is difficult to balance having both a 'stat' system along side a 'difficulty' system,
as together can cause a huge snowball effect beyond the dev's planned gameplay/loop/pacing/etc.


Game Developer
Nov 11, 2023
Constantly running into the same 2 bugs, hundreds of times.

Bug 1: Double line of bonuses, that don't really add to your stats.
View attachment 4098099
^example, the line of "increased by 0.98" didn't add anything at all, perhaps a javascript bug?
^^this happens very VERY often spread across all instances.

Bug 2: Choices remaining, and when clicking does nothing, and/or removes the line from screen, and/or states something like "already choosen/chose something else"
View attachment 4098140
^example, the line of "just outright blackmail her" is a leftover from previous screen, and when clicked, simply vanishes.
^^this happens in nearly every single screen following a choice.

I'm on firefox.
bug 1 is just on library study alone, will get fixed for next version.
bug 2 is a known bug that has no practical big issues, they'll get rewritten over time

Is the ONLY way to enable Natasha Anal is having 90something+ sex control and passing all her 'checks' when you have sex with her?
Yes, thanks for making me think about it, Now that reaching high sex control (without the flat-stat snowball) this definitely needs rebalancing and being moved to a lower trigger

Many errors in coding, many > in text in a many spots:

<<carol>>Oh, we were just getting ready for you, honey<</carol>>><br>
<<carol>>Oh, we were just getting ready for you, honey<</carol>>><br>
&lt;&lt;set $melanieanaled +=1&gt;&gt;&gt;
<<set $melanieanaled +=1>>>
&lt;&lt;susan2&gt;&gt;&gt;Oh... you&#39;re back?&lt;&lt;/susan2&gt;&gt;&lt;br&gt;
<<susan2>>>Oh... you&#39;re back?<</susan2>><br>
&lt;&lt;natasha&gt;&gt;What the fuck? who is it? it&#39;s nighttime&lt;&lt;/natasha&gt;&gt;&gt;&lt;br&gt;
<<natasha>>What the fuck? who is it? it&#39;s nighttime<</natasha>>><br>
&lt;&lt;carol&gt;&gt;Oh hey $name , we were just having some fun, want to come in?&lt;&lt;/carol&gt;&gt;&gt;&lt;br&gt;
<<carol>>Oh hey $name , we were just having some fun, want to come in?<</carol>>><br>
&lt;&lt;natasha&gt;&gt;What the hell, Carol? No, go away $name&lt;&lt;/natasha&gt;&gt;&gt;&lt;br&gt;
<<natasha>>What the hell, Carol? No, go away $name<</natasha>>><br>
at dev: Hell, just do a search for <<< and >>> and look at coding to see if one of them is extra.
Thanks, a few of those escaped, I will get to them soon!

Found another coding/typo error, an extra \ this time, og line:
  &lt;&lt;/nobr&gt;&gt;\\</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="79" name="mspearlpool" tags="" position="2000,300" size="100,100">&lt;&lt;nobr&gt;&gt;
Considering i only code inside of twine and this is just the recompilation, I have an hard time figuring out where the issue is here

5 instances of exact same exact typo error for katerina virgin achievement:
" Error: child tag <</notify>> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <<notify>> "

regarding this line, IT IS in the html at 5 different lines, exactly the same:
&lt;&lt;set $katrinavirginachievement to 1&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;cod 7
<<set $katrinavirginachievement to 1>><<cod 7

FIX: add closing tags to the 'cod 7'
&lt;&lt;set $katrinavirginachievement to 1&gt;&gt;&lt;&lt;cod 7&gt;&gt;
<<set $katrinavirginachievement to 1>><<cod 7>>

ALT FIX: remove the +coding
&lt;&lt;set $katrinavirginachievement to 1&gt;&gt;
<<set $katrinavirginachievement to 1>>
This is already fixed on online versions, it slipped through on the DL ones, will be gone next patch, thanks agan : )

I'm glad to know that despite all the issues with poor coding you appreciate the game, I'll work on fixing them


Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
Considering i only code inside of twine and this is just the recompilation, I have an hard time figuring out where the issue is here
Sorry, I forgot to add the "or" twine code like I usually do, I'll cut off rest of line.
<</nobr>>\\</tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="79"
Maybe cause the code is right at the end, but in THIS section: <tw-passagedata pid="78" name="mspearlclass" tags="" position="2000,200" size="100,100">

There is a single / at the start, but TWO // at the end.
So a single "/" shows up as text outside of the dialogue boxes/bubbles.

So said line just needs one of the two / deleted, to make it a single /.
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Jul 24, 2017
The gameplay loop itself is fun to explore and genuine congratulations are deserved for developing such a novel game. At the time of writing this, I have played through that whole game once and am working on my second playthrough on the current update. However, I am commenting because I think another writing pass should be a high priority. There are frequent grammar and punctuation errors and frankly the dialogue in general feels like a placeholder.

Let's take a look at an interaction with Rose.

The both of you enter your room, she checks and makes sure nobody sees you entering together before doing so.
She sits on the border of your bed, you promised you'd behave, so you stay a bit afar in front of her.
Multiple inproper uses of commas, non-chronological sentence structure, and some odd or misused words. Let's fix it.
Alternative said:
Rose checks the hall to make sure nobody is watching before following you into your room. She takes her place at the edge of the bed as you shut the door, and then you take yours before her. You take care not to stand too close; you promised her you'd behave, after all.
Take note that this rewrite is still pretty dry. That's not a bad thing necessarily; even with erotica you need to get from point A to point B and some prose without any fuss can service that. But some adverbs or extra descriptions could help spice it up. Maybe Rose is clearly nervous and inexperienced with sneaking into dorm rooms. Maybe she isn't nervous at all and the PC notes that she seems suspiciously nonchalant about the affair! Maybe she gets startled when the PC shuts the door a little too hard. Maybe he fumbles with his keys trying to get it open, leaving them standing exposed in the hall. You don't need to be wordy to inject some emotions that define a scene.

I think it's time that you choose your own motivation, you've done hard work and I want to be as helpful as I can
Improper use of a comma. Let's add a bit of character flavor in this rewrite. She started this process of getting the PC to eat healthy out of an almost maternal concern that later turned into sexual interest as the PC worked on improving himself. I assume her attraction is at least partially based on the PC's stamina/strength.
Alternative said:
You know, <PC_Name>, I'm proud of you for how much better you've been taking care of yourself. I always thought you were handsome, but you've become a real charmer. I thought... maybe you'd like to choose your reward? Something I could do to motivate you even more?
Note that this is still a pretty long block of dialogue with no visual description. The visual style of the game makes it a little obtuse to have lots of descriptive text breaking up dialogue, but some text (or even better, an image) describing Rose's nervousness, her ill-disguised arousal, or the subtle shift in her tone as she dares the PC to break out of his shell and ask for more would all go a long way to characterize both this scene and Rose as a Love Interest.

Please show me your ass
This one is an amusing example of what I mean by the dialogue feeling like a placeholder. Real "show bob and vegene" energy. Even a very blunt "Could I see your ass?" would be preferable.

Another issue is a frequent lack of dialogue altogether. The scene with Rose cuts out pretty abruptly, but an even worse offender is the first kiss with Susan. The kiss is briefly described, but there's no dialogue before or after the kiss. The scene immediately ends with no emotional exploration. I barely have an impression of who Susan is; the passage briefly mentions that she's kissing the PC because she's frustrated he won't make the first move (great!) but there's zero description of how she feels after the kiss (not great!). Is she naive enough to think she has a boyfriend now? Is she still clearly frustrated she had to make that move? Is she mortified at what she did because she's scared her feelings are unrequited? Who knows?

I remember from when I first played through the game that certain characters like the popular girl, Jane, and the nurse had better written scenes. I'm guessing part of the problem is just that the earlier content didn't have as much polish or practice, though I do remember skimming scenes and mostly gathering what was going on through the videos past a certain point.

I'll reiterate something I've shared with other devs before to cap this off. There are millions of hours of videos of dudes banging hot chicks on the internet. If I just wanted to watch some curated porn, there are lots of places to find it, but at the end of the day most porn is interchangable slop. The thing that will elevate your characters and story to something genuinely titillating is a real emotional backbone. You already have the groundwork for the easiest way to pull it off: you have easily identifiable characters and a lot of them have "good" and "bad" paths. Most erotic thrill comes from either doing something "right" or doing something "wrong." More precisely, it stems from positive emotional connections AKA love, or else breaking taboos. Sharing your virginity with Susan and exploring a shy girl's blossoming sexuality together is doing something "right." Her scenes should be wholesome and lovely to read. Alternatively, seducing Ms. Pearl is doing something "wrong." Her scenes should be suspenseful and shocking to read. Stirring these emotions and immersing the reader into these imaginary relations will be far more effective at generating actual sexual excitement than any video clip ever will.
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Jul 24, 2017
Technically, a porn game can be considered erotica as much as playing Tetris can be considered as being an architect.
Sure! There are plenty of games here that are basically just interactive porn, but "just" is the keyword there. They're missing anything more than the most basic literary elements - like the first 30 seconds of a porn video where you see the MILF prancing around in her towel in front of the handyman before they get to it. However, when the game provides a proper cast of characters and invites you to find ways to interact with them and explore their stories it establishes an expectation, even a need, for proper literary development. Anything else feels like going to an art museum and being expected to admire the wallpaper.

In short: if you make a SugarCube game with a cast of LIs, you're delivering erotica.

EDIT: Bug after paying Jane for sex.
cum u42 You fucked Jane for the first time! She isn't a popular girl yet, but she'd be just a dream for most other students, well done!
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New Member
Jul 18, 2022
Why were you waiting for run 2 ? you could get all but Pearl on run 1 :) The change is to compensate the addition of girls/achievements.
replying to myself : still possible to fuck all girls on second run :

You fucked a total of 13 different pussies. This awards you 130 experience
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Game Developer
Nov 11, 2023
Thanks for all the feedback and grammar/bug reports, I'll be sure to look into them.

Even though the "writing advice" could pretty much be submarized in "write better"

Which while I 100% agree with, it's not easy and it's definitively not my strongest suit.

From polls result, people always prefer more and new content compared to anything else.

So everytime i spend time polishing old content and dialogues the ever-present question is:

"Ok, but should I spend this time doing this, or doing even more content?"

In the end, it's always an hard choice, but I will do what I can (and what I'm capable of) to improve them.

replying to myself : still possible to fuck all girls on second run :

You fucked a total of 13 different pussies. This awards you 130 experience
Thanks, If this proved to be difficult, this is exactly where I want the game balance to be.

Being able to fuck all of them on the end of 2nd run, with near perfect optimization seems perfect to me.

This means most people will require 3 runs, 4-5 if they play poorly and 2-3 more if they want to see all content.

And this is for normal mode, there are always the 2 lower difficulties.

So yeah, I can consider myself happy with the rebalance outcome.


New Member
Jul 18, 2022
Thanks for all the feedback and grammar/bug reports, I'll be sure to look into them.

Even though the "writing advice" could pretty much be submarized in "write better"

Which while I 100% agree with, it's not easy and it's definitively not my strongest suit.

From polls result, people always prefer more and new content compared to anything else.

So everytime i spend time polishing old content and dialogues the ever-present question is:

"Ok, but should I spend this time doing this, or doing even more content?"

In the end, it's always an hard choice, but I will do what I can (and what I'm capable of) to improve them.

Thanks, If this proved to be difficult, this is exactly where I want the game balance to be.

Being able to fuck all of them on the end of 2nd run, with near perfect optimization seems perfect to me.

This means most people will require 3 runs, 4-5 if they play poorly and 2-3 more if they want to see all content.

And this is for normal mode, there are always the 2 lower difficulties.

So yeah, I can consider myself happy with the rebalance outcome.
Frst run was very interesting on how to optimize it to get olivia on day 18, also gave melanie. second run blackmail pearl for sex . need a 3rd run to cover most of the "other content" like jane corruption and amber variant
I think this is goid for now indeed, thanks again for a great game.


Jun 28, 2023
Hey Dev, man this game really is something. I actually am more motivated by the game mechanics than the porn a lot of the time for once. I also really appreciate that there's a lot of less 'endowed' actresses used more commonly in real porn games.

You've probably been asked this question before but would you ever consider doing a game like this in a different engine and maybe with 3d/2dcg instead of real porn clips?
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New Member
Nov 15, 2023
Many games show the dev learning curve, initial characters might be bland and not so well written and you can see much better interactions as you progress. With the game loop this is a bit more noticeable as you start over and interact with early characters once more.
Just improving a few lines here and there every patch will come a long way down the line. So every patch can be 90% oriented to new content.

I myself love the game, the roguelite achivement system works great and the clips selection feels well thought. I recently started a new game after a bunch of patches and I am enjoying all the new content and revisitng the old.
I have not fucked every girl by the end of run 2, but I was not trying to. I like to focus on a few girls per run and go for specific stats to make each run a bit more thematic.

Difficulty seems for me more on the easy side, specially as by run 3-4 you are a god loved and desired by all. Restarting the game and having to struggle felt really good. If I had explored the new content with my old build, it would have been much less enjoyable. I would enjoy it more increasing difficulty, but many people will call grinding anything else than a skip fap game, so I understand it is not easy to balance that.

An idea: After you reach some stats or after some runs the scientist offer you to upgrade the software in echange of some XP, this would revert most of your progress keeping only the "lost virginity to" achievements.. but providing a boost in obtaining stats and increase the limit cap on those stats. There could be some girls with special content only achiavable with the new stat cap.
Or something in that fashion that makes you restart with a new goal to keep it "fresh".

Keep up the great work!
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4.50 star(s) 52 Votes