
Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
I liked the game a lot, though the combat to me is the weakest point so far, I appreciate that it has a hit detection box rather than TES3: Morrowing with its stupidass dice roll BS !! That game ticked me off that standing in front of a cliff racer you still fucking missed an attack !! Thank god for Skyrim and its improved combat mechs...

This game tries to copy Skyrim's combat, but its too clunky right now, misses send you swinging past the enemy and if there is more than one you get dog-piled like a bitch in heat...

The first time I played taking too many attacks at once and trying to fight back crashed the game... the 2nd time I made it all the way through the demo, killed the dog boss despite the demon girl just watching me get my ass kicked for a while, and made it out of the temple/castle to see the outside world with a "to be continued".

my thoughts pros/cons

- Story seems quite interesting (most vampire tales are)
- VA for the characters seem pretty good, at least Kalyskah (if the demon girl is using a different one she did ok too)
- Setting was decent (both the castle/temple and what little glimpse we got of the outside
- graphics are decent to good (armor, characters, weapons)
- Character creation is solid (not amazing, but solid at least)

- VA for the male (Michael) wasnt that good, he wasnt awful, just seemed like he tried to hard at the end of his scene
- Combat is clunky... needs a bit of refinement, especially with heavy attacks and special attacks, but sometimes even normal ones
- Lighting... I know its a vampire tale, but even Vampire:Masquerade let us brighten the screen to let us see better even if it ruined the ambiance of the game...
- Saving, definitely needs a save system going forward, either based on checkpoints, or flat out saving to a file for anywhere anytime.
- Armor variation, Im sure this will get better as game progresses, I found the Legionnaire armor near the end of the demo, and loved it, just wished that one didnt have a cape so I can stare at Kalyskah's ass in that thong (main reason to play a female MC in open world games.


Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
I liked the game a lot, though the combat to me is the weakest point so far, I appreciate that it has a hit detection box rather than TES3: Morrowing with its stupidass dice roll BS !! That game ticked me off that standing in front of a cliff racer you still fucking missed an attack !! Thank god for Skyrim and its improved combat mechs...

This game tries to copy Skyrim's combat, but its too clunky right now, misses send you swinging past the enemy and if there is more than one you get dog-piled like a bitch in heat...

The first time I played taking too many attacks at once and trying to fight back crashed the game... the 2nd time I made it all the way through the demo, killed the dog boss despite the demon girl just watching me get my ass kicked for a while, and made it out of the temple/castle to see the outside world with a "to be continued".

my thoughts pros/cons

- Story seems quite interesting (most vampire tales are)
- VA for the characters seem pretty good, at least Kalyskah (if the demon girl is using a different one she did ok too)
- Setting was decent (both the castle/temple and what little glimpse we got of the outside
- graphics are decent to good (armor, characters, weapons)
- Character creation is solid (not amazing, but solid at least)

- VA for the male (Michael) wasnt that good, he wasnt awful, just seemed like he tried to hard at the end of his scene
- Combat is clunky... needs a bit of refinement, especially with heavy attacks and special attacks, but sometimes even normal ones
- Lighting... I know its a vampire tale, but even Vampire:Masquerade let us brighten the screen to let us see better even if it ruined the ambiance of the game...
- Saving, definitely needs a save system going forward, either based on checkpoints, or flat out saving to a file for anywhere anytime.
- Armor variation, Im sure this will get better as game progresses, I found the Legionnaire armor near the end of the demo, and loved it, just wished that one didnt have a cape so I can stare at Kalyskah's ass in that thong (main reason to play a female MC in open world games.
I don't know what difficulty you play on but I managed to dodge and fight both enemy at the same time just fine. didn't even take a single hit. You can't dodge while attack animation is playing so you have to timed it accordingly.
While I agreed what you said about the combat. Keep in mind the game is still in very early stage.
Beside I think it not fair to compare this to AAA games like skyrim or the witcher 3. The combat in this game is still better than all other 3D adult games out there if there is any. I'm talking about 0.5 version btw.


Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 6, 2019
I liked the game a lot, though the combat to me is the weakest point so far, I appreciate that it has a hit detection box rather than TES3: Morrowing with its stupidass dice roll BS !! That game ticked me off that standing in front of a cliff racer you still fucking missed an attack !! Thank god for Skyrim and its improved combat mechs...

This game tries to copy Skyrim's combat, but its too clunky right now, misses send you swinging past the enemy and if there is more than one you get dog-piled like a bitch in heat...

The first time I played taking too many attacks at once and trying to fight back crashed the game... the 2nd time I made it all the way through the demo, killed the dog boss despite the demon girl just watching me get my ass kicked for a while, and made it out of the temple/castle to see the outside world with a "to be continued".

my thoughts pros/cons

- Story seems quite interesting (most vampire tales are)
- VA for the characters seem pretty good, at least Kalyskah (if the demon girl is using a different one she did ok too)
- Setting was decent (both the castle/temple and what little glimpse we got of the outside
- graphics are decent to good (armor, characters, weapons)
- Character creation is solid (not amazing, but solid at least)

- VA for the male (Michael) wasnt that good, he wasnt awful, just seemed like he tried to hard at the end of his scene
- Combat is clunky... needs a bit of refinement, especially with heavy attacks and special attacks, but sometimes even normal ones
- Lighting... I know its a vampire tale, but even Vampire:Masquerade let us brighten the screen to let us see better even if it ruined the ambiance of the game...
- Saving, definitely needs a save system going forward, either based on checkpoints, or flat out saving to a file for anywhere anytime.
- Armor variation, Im sure this will get better as game progresses, I found the Legionnaire armor near the end of the demo, and loved it, just wished that one didnt have a cape so I can stare at Kalyskah's ass in that thong (main reason to play a female MC in open world games.
Thank you very much for your feedback!

We have redone the whole combat mechanics for version 0.6, it now goes more towards the direction of mount and blade, where you need to defend from the directions that attacks are coming from. On this version, we also started to make a save system. On the update that we will release today, 0.6.2, the save system is also saving the items that you carry. The only thing missing now is a button to start a fresh game instead of continuing an old save o_O

About the light, we also changed it on the latest version but.... err... although the atmosphere improved a lot, the game got even darker! =P
We plan to expand the graphics options for version 0.7 though.

About the armour haha well.... we have added a new set with 4 variations on the latest patch as well, although the Karnstein Legion still have the cape =P But I'll add removing the cape on the to-do list.
The idea of those armours with a vampiric color pallete is to have a lot of contrast between what you will find on the ( ) and what Kalyskah's acolytes used to wear before she fell into the slumber.

We are working as fast as possible to make enough content to release version 0.7, which will allow version 0.6 to become public, then you will be able to get a more up to date preview of what our game is =)



Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
I noticed the lighting become much darker if you change shadow and effect setting to medium or below. So try to set it to high or above. I don't know if that will change in new version.


Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 6, 2019
I noticed the lighting became much darker if you change shadow and effect setting to medium or below. So try to set it to high or above. I don't know if that will change in new version.
I think it's because the post processing effects get simplier


Active Member
Aug 6, 2016
Just subbed. Been following for a while but I'm seeing consistent enough effort being put in so I decided it was finally time. Really looking forward to seeing your game's development progress


Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 6, 2019
Just subbed. Been following for a while but I'm seeing consistent enough effort being put in so I decided it was finally time. Really looking forward to seeing your game's development progress
Thank you very much for your support! =D
We are trying to push things forward on the best way we can


Active Member
Aug 6, 2016
Thank you very much for your support! =D
We are trying to push things forward on the best way we can
NP you guys deserve the support. And I'm not looking for fast updates really but just good development. I read the past few posts you guys have made on patreon and the ideas seem fantastic
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Reactions: Kalyskah


New Member
Mar 20, 2019
Where exactly is the problem happening? Try describing into further detail so we can help you :)
It kept saying that it was some type of error and that if I clicked continue, it would try and bypass it. Then when i clicked "continue" it took me to the main screen and when i hit play, some type of error had came up and then I hit the repair option to see if that could fix the problem.


hi guys

First, Congrats,it's a realy great game

i wanna report you some bugs, after use the special atack alt + lmb kaly can't move and can't atack
i've too some problems with the optimization, i think you need doing some worrk for do that better, when i enter in the first cave in game my prossesor high 90 - 100% (i play witcher 3 on steam all ultra) the game it's on the same disk (SSD)

i think you should ofer this game on steam, between 5 - 10$ it's perfect on early access
this game deserves to be on steam it's very good and i would be very happy to add it to my collection, with steam achievmets it would be just fabulous


Sep 24, 2017
So... is there any particular reason this triggers UAC just to run the launcher? That's a pretty serious warning flag for something downloaded from a forum devoted to adult content. Especially when a legitimate game shouldn't (and, in fact, it doesn't... I checked) need to modify any system files or settings to work.

It's a bit alarming, though sadly not surprising, that no one else has brought this up.

Very nice otherwise. A bit of a Skyrim vibe. Will definitely keep an eye on this.


Game Developer
Apr 6, 2019
hi guys

First, Congrats,it's a realy great game

i wanna report you some bugs, after use the special atack alt + lmb kaly can't move and can't atack
i've too some problems with the optimization, i think you need doing some worrk for do that better, when i enter in the first cave in game my prossesor high 90 - 100% (i play witcher 3 on steam all ultra) the game it's on the same disk (SSD)

i think you should ofer this game on steam, between 5 - 10$ it's perfect on early access
this game deserves to be on steam it's very good and i would be very happy to add it to my collection, with steam achievmets it would be just fabulous
Thanks very much for the compliments and the review ;)
The Steam release is one very debated topic on our team, the biggest problem is that we have a lot of consideration for our patrons, and releasing to Steam would be basically a betrayal. We'll consider it in the long run though.

Thanks very much for the bug report, we never thought about that indeed, I didn't even remember the special attack. The CPU usage was reduced considerably on version 0.6, we're working hard to optimize the game CPU usage :)
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Game Developer
Apr 6, 2019
So... is there any particular reason this triggers UAC just to run the launcher? That's a pretty serious warning flag for something downloaded from a forum devoted to adult content. Especially when a legitimate game shouldn't (and, in fact, it doesn't... I checked) need to modify any system files or settings to work.

It's a bit alarming, though sadly not surprising, that no one else has brought this up.

Very nice otherwise. A bit of a Skyrim vibe. Will definitely keep an eye on this.
That's a very pertinent concern indeed, I'm a security engineer so I understand your concern. The problem is that if you unzip the launcher into the program files folder, it requires admin privileges to write files. I'm not remembering really well but if I'm not wrong that's the only reason that I added required admin privileges on the executable.
I'm a cool guy though, never would do anything to harm anyone in any way :)
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Thanks very much for the compliments and the review ;)
The Steam release is one very debated topic on our team, the biggest problem is that we have a lot of consideration for our patrons, and releasing to Steam would be basically a betrayal. We'll consider it in the long run though.

Thanks very much for the bug report, we never thought about that indeed, I didn't even remember the special attack. The CPU usage was reduced considerably on version 0.6, we're working hard to optimize the game CPU usage :)

i too was disapointed on patreons and i understand the patreons feel betrayed by an sale of the game

i think then it would certainly be better to wait until the game is complete which would then be a great way to make your work made possible thanks to the parteons

i'm glad to hear that you are working on optimization and i still hope a lot
i'll continue to follow the evolution of your great game and hope to buy it one day on steam

thank you
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Reactions: he_found_you


Sep 24, 2017
That's a very pertinent concern indeed, I'm a security engineer so I understand your concern. The problem is that if you unzip the launcher into the program files folder, it requires admin privileges to write files. I'm not remembering really well but if I'm not wrong that's the only reason that I added required admin privileges on the executable.
I'm a cool guy though, never would do anything to harm anyone in any way :)
That's good to hear. :)

Could anything be done to change the need for account elevation? I typically install games in `D:\Apps\Games\`. Which is obviously not a protected folder. I assume then the launcher needs to write to `C:\ProgramData\`. Could the launcher be changed to use the user appdata folder? IE `C:\Users\<username>\AppData\`.


Jun 11, 2017
Excellent game!
I played it for a couple of hours, but I can't "fly" around the gates where I need a key (after jumping over the columns)

What I liked:
- excellent textures
- gorgeous models
- perfect atmosphere (though a bit dark, a "gamma" slider in settings is all the audience needs)

What you may want to improve:
- even playing on "story mode" (which is excellently balanced in terms of combat difficulty) I am having hard time following the level design and the actual quests. I know I might be dumb, but a help here or there can do miracles. For example I nearly gave up on the first struggle - the barrels that need tumbling. In fact if I have not came purposely closer to the wall, the help voice over would not come (I was there 3-4 times already without the help prompt).
- jump/move mechanics: for a game where you expect the player to be precise, the huge jumpsteps when moving slightly are annoying at best. I am using a keyboard, and perhaps a joypad would help, but anyway - its a bit challenging and even after quite a while, I am still not very good at it.

I am going to closely monitor your progress, as this is one of the best examples of a thought-trough idea, where adult content is not a main point, yet its implemented well. I am yet to encounter an actual sex scene in the game, but after seeing the adult gallery, I see you are going strong for such an early demo.

Thanks to the devs, uploaders and all involved in making this available to us.


Game Developer
Apr 6, 2019
Excellent game!
I played it for a couple of hours, but I can't "fly" around the gates where I need a key (after jumping over the columns)

What I liked:
- excellent textures
- gorgeous models
- perfect atmosphere (though a bit dark, a "gamma" slider in settings is all the audience needs)

What you may want to improve:
- even playing on "story mode" (which is excellently balanced in terms of combat difficulty) I am having hard time following the level design and the actual quests. I know I might be dumb, but a help here or there can do miracles. For example I nearly gave up on the first struggle - the barrels that need tumbling. In fact if I have not came purposely closer to the wall, the help voice over would not come (I was there 3-4 times already without the help prompt).
- jump/move mechanics: for a game where you expect the player to be precise, the huge jumpsteps when moving slightly are annoying at best. I am using a keyboard, and perhaps a joypad would help, but anyway - its a bit challenging and even after quite a while, I am still not very good at it.

I am going to closely monitor your progress, as this is one of the best examples of a thought-trough idea, where adult content is not a main point, yet its implemented well. I am yet to encounter an actual sex scene in the game, but after seeing the adult gallery, I see you are going strong for such an early demo.

Thanks to the devs, uploaders and all involved in making this available to us.
Thank you very much for your time and appreciation ;)

We have a new combat system that should help a little bit with the fluidness of combat and overall balance, it's a work in progress though, our programming is keeping pace with the rest of the game development so we should have a complete, bugless balanced system when our whole development finishes.
3.20 star(s) 46 Votes