Yeah, the camera and combat controls are not 100% done yet. We were working on that when someone told us that the public version wasn't saving the progress properly, so we had to patch it asap. My idea is to keep the player able to jump even with weapons up, and then alt would be the dodge. Activating the blood buff could with "middle mouse button". But right now it's just an idea, I need to test it first.
About the inventory management, currently, the HUD is a bit of a mess, we are trying to gather some money to see if we can hire someone to make a proper RPG hud for us. So it might take a while until we can improve it. Right now we are trying to fix the most critical issues (like granny breasts) and add a few more features to the general gameplay and story. So unfortunately, the quality of life polishments can not be on the top priority because our team is small.