I'll admit to being dreadfully curious how a K8 dom Kane will be affected in the future if Olivia picked him. I'm sure sub Kane will be fun too, but I think I can predict how that will go with some confidence...
well I was 50/50 but with Seth, he doesn't complexly whine I think Kane and Seth got the same dad different moms and the dad is the other board member who may be locked up for helping Kanes mom forget her name escape from the Karlsson
well I was 50/50 but with Seth, he doesn't complexly whine I think Kane and Seth got the same dad different moms and the dad is the other board member who may be locked up for helping Kanes mom forget her name escape from the Karlsson
he in the same pod as Kane and he can fuck the whole pod cause he is only going down ranks we know their rewards for the best pod so I wonder if there is a punishment for the worst pod
he in the same pod as Kane and he can fuck the whole pod cause he is only going down ranks we know their rewards for the best pod so I wonder if there is a punishment for the worst pod
True, didn't think about that. I'm more focused on the end. Who will run the company whether it's Kane or one of the sisters with Kane. The best way to do that is to take out the competition and Zach is definitely not worthy to be competition. Seth on the other hand may not be strong physically (right now) he is definitely mentally strong.
That moment when you gave all your characters European (in my case for this game French) names, as you roleplayed the setting not being in the English-speaking world, and you always have to stop and wonder who the hell is Seth, Kane, Olivia and every character you got to name in-game only based on context...
And ofc I get Seth is your best friend, Olivia your sister etc but I always have to stop for a second and think who the hell is everyone talking about - sometimes it makes me feel like I was the only one that bothered with custom names!
As for Dmk 's question, I'd also say kill Zach, both out of mercy and for the utilitarian purpose of likely improving your pod's average performance, so you could have both a good and an evil motivation for it. But ultimately I don't think I'll ever get to make such a hypothetical choice myself as I'm only interested in the sub path and lots and lots of femdom lol
And speaking of the sub path TessSadist , I think I loved this update the most, not only because
True, didn't think about that. I'm more focused on the end. Who will run the company whether it's Kane or one of the sisters with Kane. The best way to do that is to take out the competition and Zach is definitely not worthy to be competition. Seth on the other hand may not be strong physically (right now) he is definitely mentally strong.
I think Seth is too intellectually-challenged to be a serious threat to either Kane or any of the sisters. (given how good at plotting/intrigue one has to be to survive at the top in this family - even Juliette, who does not seem as smart, composed and long-term thinking as Dominique, Alessandra, Olivia or Veronica, is definitely better at it than Seth, who by his own admission had trouble with a lot of the basic tests in chapter 1) Yes he is physically strong and has good endurance but that's not enough to make him a threat, so I'd still say even as a dom endgame-focused character you'll probably be better off axing Zach, as that will drag up pod 4's overall performance with no significant downsides to Kane personally or any sister he's allied with.
I think Seth is too intellectually-challenged to be a serious threat to either Kane or any of the sisters. (given how good at plotting/intrigue one has to be to survive at the top in this family - even Juliette, who does not seem as smart, composed and long-term thinking as Dominique, Alessandra, Olivia or Veronica, is definitely better at it than Seth, who by his own admission had trouble with a lot of the basic tests in chapter 1) Yes he is physically strong and has good endurance but that's not enough to make him a threat, so I'd still say even as a dom endgame-focused character you'll probably be better off axing Zach, as that will drag up pod 4's overall performance with no significant downsides to Kane personally or any sister he's allied with.
First of all, Seth is Kane brother just to get that out of the way when is misogynistic for wanting a son as an heir and it will be a grandson, not a son he wanted a boy with Kane mom forgot her name but knew he couldn't in the end so he using Kane and one of his daughters to get his wish. Here the thing Kane could be a slave to the mother or a fuck toy or 50/50 of the company if he was worthy is the only way he gets control of the company
well I was 50/50 but with Seth, he doesn't complexly whine I think Kane and Seth got the same dad different moms and the dad is the other board member who may be locked up for helping Kanes mom forget her name escape from the Karlsson
I thought that it was implied that kanes father died due to whatever they did to him when the mom was recovering from whatever it was she was suffering from in the hospital
First of all, Seth is Kane brother just to get that out of the way when is misogynistic for wanting a son as an heir and it will be a grandson, not a son he wanted a boy with Kane mom forgot her name but knew he couldn't in the end so he using Kane and one of his daughters to get his wish. Here the thing Kane could be a slave to the mother or a fuck toy or 50/50 of the company if he was worthy is the only way he gets control of the company
Sorry for getting the names mixed up -that happens cause I used custom names myself as I explained above. (I confused Seth for the black friend you have within the program - eliminating your brother could definitely have its benefits for an evil dom run) I still hold the position that the father is mysoginistic, as several characters talk about how he looked down on all women he had children with after the death of Olivia's mother, and sorry but in general having agnatic-only inheritance in the 21st/22nd century is at least somewhat misogynistic, as it is no longer the culturally acceptable status quo anywhere in the western world, which is clearly where this company was founded (either Europe or America)... I know it's about the grandson, not son, but the point stands that if he wanted only a male to inherit he thought of women as being lower/less capable in some regard. (or he had some more convoluted reason, but the act itself is still misogynistic, just like enatic-only inheritance would be misandristic)
I've wondered about the extent of punishment we'll be able to dish out myself.
It seems a severance with a nice bonus would be the way to go in most real life scenarios and would go along with the more female superiority projected from this setting.
Though as long as we don't know the details about Callista and her method and price of cutting loose these things are just speculation.
Tess' comments about romance options concerning couple domming lead me to believe there will be one or two options with one of these tormentors at the bottom - something that has already happenend with Katsumi and Junko.
Well; if there's one thing I'm certain of: If Juliette wins the Gambit heads are going to roll.
I'll just highlight this bit from the doctor choice (which prisoner to modify into a sex toy) in case it's of interest to others (it's vague enough not to be a spoiler, I think):
Note 2: Although it is not apparent here, a good and moral Olivia will later be able to try and diminish her choice here in some manner.