
Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Knowing what we know world state a is evil dom
Just a guess, but world state b is probably the revolution
not sure what world state c is yet
I think you're probably on the money there, which makes it interesting if romancing a 'good' Dominique...which world state would that fit into then?
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Mar 11, 2023
I would assume that WS A is a consolidation of Karlsson Group and perhaps De Kock Syndicate under MC and his LI, but no meaningful change in policy. WS C is a full disintegration of the companies, with few execs surviving and grabbing what power/property they can. WS B would probably be the healing of the world scenario, and WS D - full blown slave revolt with the Great Terror ala the French/Russian revolutions, where the ruling class gets exterminated and then the world probably ends since no more scientists/equipment.

I just hope on my experimental "K1 Kane, evil Olivia" save he gets a chance to kill her before the end. After that - let the world burn.


Engaged Member
Oct 18, 2019
Knowing what we know world state a is evil dom
Just a guess, but world state b is probably the revolution
not sure what world state c is yet
I assume that the revolution is exactly C. (wrote about it above). It's enough just to look at the "beneficiaries".

Junko - she is one of the participants in the future revolution (along with Otto and hence the DeKocks). Delilah DeKock is a likely relative of Kane and a direct stakeholder in this revolution that will sweep away the current owners of the Karlsson Group.

Yes, some may say that since Kiyomi welcomes the state of the B world, it means revolution, but who ever said that Kiyomi is willing to betray the interests of the company? Veronica is also "B" - does that mean that our brilliant scientist, head of R&D, Intelligence and Vipers will be happy for the unwashed miners (along with the DeKocks) to sweep her and her sisters out of power and bury her research? Plus, Veronica has a vested interest in making sure Gambit's conditions are met, and a revolution is something out of the ordinary that automatically breaks all plans.

Of course, I could be wrong, but that's how I see it.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
I think you're probably on the money there, which makes it interesting if romancing a 'good' Dominique...which world state would that fit into then?
Id guess c but since its not listed, it has to be A which means A has to mean something other than evil dom.

Perhaps it goes something like this
a- Karlsson in charge/ status quo
b- revolution
c- decocks take over?
I imagine d is something very bad for kane like death or something similar


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Id guess c but since its not listed, it has to be A which means A has to mean something other than evil dom.

Perhaps it goes something like this
a- Karlsson in charge/ status quo
b- revolution
c- decocks take over?
I imagine d is something very bad for kane like death or something similar
Exactly my thinking...WS: A cannot be the status quo (Evil corp) as otherwise, why would their be a 'deep romance' for evil Dominique but not for the good Dominique? I mean I guess Tess could differentiate the two but given how she operates with trying to make routes even...I would be surprised if that was the case.

It's funny in a way but (unless that was Tess' intention), it just throws us more questions rather than answering anything hahaha. Still, if nothing else, it gives us something more to discuss and try and figure out for the next month, though I think I agree with Stan5851 that the Junko world state has to be the revolution/slave uprising end.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
I assume that the revolution is exactly C. (wrote about it above). It's enough just to look at the "beneficiaries".

Junko - she is one of the participants in the future revolution (along with Otto and hence the DeKocks). Delilah Kock is a likely relative of Kane and a direct stakeholder in this revolution that will sweep away the current owners of the Karlsson Group.

Yes, some may say that since Kiyomi welcomes the state of the B world, it means revolution, but who ever said that Kiyomi is willing to betray the interests of the company? Veronica is also "B" - does that mean that our brilliant scientist, head of R&D, Intelligence and Vipers will be happy for the unwashed miners (along with the DeKocks) to sweep her and her sisters out of power and bury her research? Plus, Veronica has a vested interest in making sure Gambit's conditions are met, and a revolution is something out of the ordinary that automatically breaks all plans.

Of course, I could be wrong, but that's how I see it.
Whats throwing me off with C is delilah. Veronica and Kiyomi go hand in hand and while we know that kiyomi wont betray the interests of her employers, what if Veronica is fine not being in power? We know that she's the only sister that doesn't want the power in any form. If Veronica gives the ok, I could see Kiyomi going along with things. I could see Veronica being fine and possibly flourishing in a world where shes not in power as long as she can do her science stuff. Not to mention I believe she'd probably support damn there anything that Kane does since he's her only friend.
What you said also makes sense. I gotta replay it this weekend cuz there are so many options.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
What you said also makes sense. I gotta replay it this weekend cuz there are so many options.
Other than for the timeline I'm making, one of the main reasons I'm doing more paths/saves currently, so many damn variables and endings etc...even if I have my favourite paths...I still want to see all the permutations come to fruition...too much work gone into it to not at least see all the content possible once.

As for Delilah...I agree, that is a spanner in the works...maybe something happens to force her to have a change of heart (somewhat) and mellow a little? *shrugs*


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
Other than for the timeline I'm making, one of the main reasons I'm doing more paths/saves currently, so many damn variables and endings etc...even if I have my favourite paths...I still want to see all the permutations come to fruition...too much work gone into it to not at least see all the content possible once.
Yea I believe I might have to play the sub route and spam the ff button to get the full story. Cuz at the moment I only have half the story minus whatever Im told in this thread. Im betting there's clues in subs that would help with this newest puzzle
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Engaged Member
Oct 18, 2019
I think you're probably on the money there, which makes it interesting if romancing a 'good' Dominique...which world state would that fit into then?
Perhaps the answer to your question has to do with the character's flexibility rating. As you recall, Dominique is not a particularly flexible character, which could theoretically mean that even a "good" Dominique would not be willing to accept a different state of the world than "A" (if we assume that "A" means that globally and politically the world hasn't changed and Karlsson Group is still the same evil and vicious company oppressing people). That is, we can change Dominique's personality to make her more human and kinder, but this need not necessarily mean that even such a Dominique would be happy with a different world state(s) in which she means nothing (whether B or C).
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Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Yea I believe I might have to play the sub route and spam the ff button to get the full story. Cuz at the moment I only have half the story minus whatever Im told in this thread. Im betting there's clues in subs that would help with this newest puzzle
Exactly. As beautiful as some of the ladies are, I'm no submissive haha but yeah..content and more clues. Also, as you say, onloy one side of the equation so far so difficult to join some conversations or advise people when literally not played half of the game/seen half the content.

Perhaps the answer to your question has to do with the character's flexibility rating. As you recall, Dominique is not a particularly flexible character, which could theoretically mean that even a "good" Dominique would not be willing to accept a different state of the world than A (if we assume that "A" means that globally and politically the world hasn't changed and Karlsson Group is still the same evil and vicious company oppressing people). That is, we can change Dominique's personality to make her more human and kinder, but this need not necessarily mean that even such a Dominique would be happy with a different world state(s) in which she means nothing (whether B or C).
You're right, I had forgot that and yes that would make a lot of sense for her...more mellow and making more good decisions...but still wants things to pretty much stay as is.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2021
Yea I believe I might have to play the sub route and spam the ff button to get the full story. Cuz at the moment I only have half the story minus whatever Im told in this thread. Im betting there's clues in subs that would help with this newest puzzle
spam the FF Button!!! How can you experience true greatness then!! LOL but seriously looking at it from the sub player POV, it’s difficult to say because we don’t know which characters are slave only and Servant/other type of submissive route…

what we do know, is that Olivia (The Good Version) is a romance,

Veronica is a Romance…(and Tess has said about that, “
so for example Veronica might not want a K1
err K2
But Juliette would stuff like that” and also “Veronica is one of the few characters that can romance a sub or dom.”… She also said this about Kyomi as well… and finally about Veronica she said, “Ah, have to run now but not really too much, impressing her is not about being loyal/waiting for her but rather how you think (this will come into play later more, have to get past show)”.

Junko is a romance path (for obvious reasons),
And surprisingly Claudia Getting a romance path! Truthfully I’m surprised but I’m not at the same time because there’s a section in the k4 sub path where ur servicing both Dominique and Claudia (but Claudia is more focused…) and in those scene you can have her be more harsh or nice… and overall Claudia is more respectful to sub Kane at that point… so I can actually see a romancing blossoming (but of course she might have a slave path as well..)

Furthermore, we gotta Remeber this is just the romancable characters so not every characters are listed… anyways on the note of Delilah, She will be Romancable to the point of Dom Kane, but also there is Sub route to her as well… to what extent (slave or servant(other) who knows but she said this when I asked her about Phoebes route, “Phoebe is not what I call a primary route so it will not be difficult but also probably not as in depth as with Delilah and certainly some others.” So my guess is that either you can rise with the Decocks and Shake the KG to the core… or it comes to the point where the Decocks take you in as Delilah’s Sub…

Remeber Miss Tess said that

“World State B is a separate thing that may or may not happen regardless of A or C. (it can happen with both results)” and “World State D is different than A or C, B can still happen with this too.”

“Err, logically no romances with World State D might imply something with Kane.”

its seems to me that WS B is a Romantic pathway for Subs because WS D is where the slave/Servant- KG is Still Connected as an organization (I could be wrong about this) because WS B can still happen regardless of the outcomes of WS A and WS C… Kyomi is B as well with Elena being B and C… which means I think It’s not pure submissive/slave romance but it still Sub Romance in a way…


Engaged Member
Oct 18, 2019
Maviarab, I was particularly interested in these combinations.
Tier 2:
Kiyomi, only in the B world
Angelica, world A only

I've long wished that in one of the Dom playthroughs, Kane had the opportunity to have a romance with Kiyomi. I wonder if that's the case, or if it means a sub-romance between Seth and Kiyomi? I hope this is still specifically about KaneDom + Kiyomi. Well Angelica is my favourite of all the girls in Wpod2, and she deserves something more than just being a submissive slave.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Maviarab, I was particularly interested in these combinations.
Tier 2:
Kiyomi, only in the B world
Angelica, world A only

I've long wished that in one of the Dom playthroughs, Kane had the opportunity to have a romance with Kiyomi. I wonder if that's the case, or if it means a sub-romance between Seth and Kiyomi? I hope this is still specifically about KaneDom + Kiyomi. Well Angelica is my favourite of all the girls in Wpod2, and she deserves something more than just being a submissive slave.
Hahaha yes! I didn't mention it before but was tempted to, I knew you'd be happy about Angelica (I am also for the record...there's just something about her).

Kiyomi is a bit of a wild card I think from what we actually factually know. Previously we were told she was a side no full blown this kind of makes sense with this new info, that she is a T2 Romance. However, as you mention, WS: B...hmmm...again, just gives is more questions. I will be having a Kiyomi save though even if she is just a side LI...I like her character a lot. Sure, she a badass and will do what needs to be done but you can tell there is a lot more to her and she has a caring/moral side.

Hopefully update 8 (full...both or all parts...however many there is, let's no go there agaian haha..we already got off on the wrong foot with my old comment about that) will make this a little clearer given we are approximately half way(?) one would assume that from 9 onwards (hopefully 8 though) that the story starts going in directions where we can get more clues about the world states and for it to reach its ultimate conclusion.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2021

spam the FF Button!!! How can you experience true greatness then!! LOL but seriously looking at it from the sub player POV, it’s difficult to say because we don’t know which characters are slave only and Servant/other type of submissive route…

what we do know, is that Olivia (The Good Version) is a romance,

Veronica is a Romance…(and Tess has said about that, “
so for example Veronica might not want a K1
err K2
But Juliette would stuff like that” and also “Veronica is one of the few characters that can romance a sub or dom.”… She also said this about Kyomi as well… and finally about Veronica she said, “Ah, have to run now but not really too much, impressing her is not about being loyal/waiting for her but rather how you think (this will come into play later more, have to get past show)”.

Junko is a romance path (for obvious reasons),
And surprisingly Claudia Getting a romance path! Truthfully I’m surprised but I’m not at the same time because there’s a section in the k4 sub path where ur servicing both Dominique and Claudia (but Claudia is more focused…) and in those scene you can have her be more harsh or nice… and overall Claudia is more respectful to sub Kane at that point… so I can actually see a romancing blossoming (but of course she might have a slave path as well..)

Furthermore, we gotta Remeber this is just the romancable characters so not every characters are listed… anyways on the note of Delilah, She will be Romancable to the point of Dom Kane, but also there is Sub route to her as well… to what extent (slave or servant(other) who knows but she said this when I asked her about Phoebes route, “Phoebe is not what I call a primary route so it will not be difficult but also probably not as in depth as with Delilah and certainly some others.” So my guess is that either you can rise with the Decocks and Shake the KG to the core… or it comes to the point where the Decocks take you in as Delilah’s Sub…

Remeber Miss Tess said that

“World State B is a separate thing that may or may not happen regardless of A or C. (it can happen with both results)” and “World State D is different than A or C, B can still happen with this too.”

“Err, logically no romances with World State D might imply something with Kane.”

its seems to me that WS B is a Romantic pathway for Subs because WS D is where the slave/Servant- KG is Still Connected as an organization (I could be wrong about this) because WS B can still happen regardless of the outcomes of WS A and WS C… Kyomi is B as well with Elena being B and C… which means I think It’s not pure submissive/slave romance but it still Sub Romance in a way…
Also going off of this, Miss Tess said, “Err, logically no romances with World State D might imply something with Kane.” Obviously she’s hinting at the slave/servant(other) paths…


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2021
Maviarab, I was particularly interested in these combinations.
Tier 2:
Kiyomi, only in the B world
Angelica, world A only

I've long wished that in one of the Dom playthroughs, Kane had the opportunity to have a romance with Kiyomi. I wonder if that's the case, or if it means a sub-romance between Seth and Kiyomi? I hope this is still specifically about KaneDom + Kiyomi. Well Angelica is my favourite of all the girls in Wpod2, and she deserves something more than just being a submissive slave.
It’s definitely a sub path with Kane and probably Seth…
It's when Kane and Seth can agree to serve Kiyomi just before the scene with Olivia at the gym. The choice sets these variables
$ kiyomislutseth = True
$ kiyomislutkane = True


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Also going off of this, Miss Tess said, “Err, logically no romances with World State D might imply something with Kane.” Obviously she’s hinting at the slave/servant(other) paths…
It’s definitely a sub path with Kane and probably Seth…
It's when Kane and Seth can agree to serve Kiyomi just before the scene with Olivia at the gym. The choice sets these variables
$ kiyomislutseth = True
$ kiyomislutkane = True
Or a...Kane gets completely fubared by one of the sisters and thrown into the sea path....

As for Kiyomi...hasn't Miss Tess already stated that Good/Dom Kane can have a side LI romance with her.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2021
Or a...Kane gets completely fubared by one of the sisters and thrown into the sea path....

As for Kiyomi...hasn't Miss Tess already stated that Good/Dom Kane can have a side LI romance with her.....
Hence what I was saying WS D is Slave/Servant..(OTHER) literally death can happen and or not… and For Kyomi she said this, “I have to run but can minor spoiler this real quick -- it is likely that Kiyomi could not "love" a sub Kane easily given what she values. But something else may be possible. For the dom side, it's probably unwise to be too evil but honor and pragmatism is a better strategy.” So it seems like it’s both dom and sub… which a lot of characters can be both sub and dom path… thank u
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Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Hence what I was saying WS D is Slave/Servant..(OTHER) literally death can happen and or not… and For Kyomi she said this, “I have to run but can minor spoiler this real quick -- it is likely that Kiyomi could not "love" a sub Kane easily given what she values. But something else may be possible. For the dom side, it's probably unwise to be too evil but honor and pragmatism is a better strategy.” So it seems like it’s both dom and sub… which a lot of characters can be both sub and dom path… thank u
I personally think a Kane getting fucked up and snuffed by a sister end could be quite know...for completionist sake lol.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2021
I personally think a Kane getting fucked up and snuffed by a sister end could be quite know...for completionist sake lol.
One of the paths is def kane getting fucked up. Tess said all but one character in the story can die. She also confirmed all 3 protagonists can die. Which stands to question which person cant die.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2021
I personally think a Kane getting fucked up and snuffed by a sister end could be quite know...for completionist sake lol.
Yeah K1 is pretty much a death sentence but that won’t happen till after the gameshow… so you can still have those k1 Activities during the show with you still be alive lol… tho Tess was trying to fit in another Death scene for part 1 but she couldn’t fit it in time… tho even tho ima sub, that’s gonna be rough to see… hence I like k2-kSub5 ALOT MORE but enjoy k1… most likely the one doing to will be Juliette…
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