Err just for those bored as I sit and sit myself (I am actually flying home soon) some key locations: (I was choosing between this region of the world and Asia and picked the former - I have been to most of these locations personally so very easy for me to imagine it better for whatever reason) Not important at all for most people I think but for me very relevant how I imagine everything especially as I was considering a different game in this universe at first: (taking place about 22 years after this story with Kane's child and canon ending/partner from KG background story which was not intended as game at first at all)
St Helena (Jonathan the tortoise/Napoleon) - The Joy Facility (majority of game here)
Tristan da Cunha (a very isolated island) - Another area of interest (relevant later), owned by The Karlsson Group
Inaccessible Island - secret research facility - possibly relevant with certain choices most will not see it naturally it is incredibly difficult to find by design in game with choices very early on and still ongoing (I have not even included hints with prior choices in WTs at all, only someone looking at code might figure out a little at the very end when it's out) (one of "secret" endings I have planned so not desired for everyone actually as it's not a normal ending at all)
Gough Island - DeKock Syndicate owned island - negotiated with Karlsson Group in dispute with Tristan da Cunha/St Helena (Karlsson negotiated to own) and Gough/Ascension Island (DeKock owned)
City of Windhoek, former country of Namibia - Corporate HQ of The Karlsson Group - territory stretches mostly south to Cape Town along the western coast of Africa. Cape Town has a special luxury suburb area within Cape Town called Callista's Hill (yes, named after Alexander's desire incorporating Table Mountain and part of coast below) home to most elite of the company, etc.
City of Johannesburg, former country of South Africa - Corporate HQ of The DeKock Syndicate - region is south/east (to East London, South Africa and east to small area called Tofo Beach, formerly Mozambique so territory most of east coast of South Africa and coast of Mozambique)
Former country of Botswana - collection of independent trade groups/survivors and more isolated pockets - home of Claudia/Celeste/Phoebe and some civilization but much less organized and more rural/farming/etc. One new city built in area after collapse called New Paris (a group of French survivors/politicians/military types early fleeing south founded the city and it grew over time) which is only major city in area (Doctor Chastain is also from there originally)
Most land north of this in Africa is mostly uninhabited due to global conditions but very tough survivors here and there likely survive through it all although not explored by game entities/players
Tension area - valuable land along south coast of South Africa - Karlsson Group and DeKock Syndicate both desire it.
I might try and explain Great Collapse in more detail but if I do it would be very specifically in a "book" or something in game like a database accessible with a menu/UI or something not in main dialogue that someone could read at their leisure or ignore entirely as it's not central for the sex scenes, haha!
Just random crap that goes in my head to flesh out lore/background as it helps me write better fleshed out ideas, etc. Probably not necessary at all, but just do it anyway!
(random typing so this might be a disorganized or wrong from my head -- not the best screen to see actually)