Its nice to see others taking the sub route, although, unless someone rescues you your stuck there. I played the Dom route as well as the sub route. and seem to remember someone saying I could be sub in private. I cant remember who or were. I just thought it best to keep to the Dom path, but I was jealous of the subs and would love to go back and change it to yes.
I chose to get close to Veronica, as there are several hints shes trying to help. No Veronica No Karlson group,as she does all the work while the rest , just enjoy the benefits. One other thing you all seem to presume. You need to have sex to make a Male heir. Im sure Veronica, would only need your sperm to create a Male heir and with her thing for modifying everything, Im sure she could select only Male sperm or even make improvements. So I hope Im there for more than just to make a heir.