I'm sending files to a trusted uploader that I know can put together nice links etc. In progress, but hopefully some good news later today/tonight.
Why the hostility? I've only made two posts on this thread.He has a different strategic intent than being helpful, just FYI. I was expecting this from a "new" poster right about now. Maybe I'm the only one that sees it.
I didn't know you did a review but I completely stand by what I said about intent from the prior post. Good luck out there.Why the hostility? I've only made two posts on this thread.
I replied to another player asking a question. I answered all of his questions to the best of my ability after two playthroughs of the game.
I don't post much of these forums for this exact reason and try and just write honest and detailed reviews instead. I guess it is shame on me for expecting something different.
I think you did an amazing job on this game but I would caution you from misjudging players unjustly.
I'm sure I'll get facepalmed to no end. These forums are a popularity contest with lots of players trying to stroke their egos by trying to find the smallest thing to disagree with so they can feel superior. I used to be active on lots of forums and hardly ever post anything anymore. It just isn't worth it unless I want to join all the fanboys and lurk on the forums all day long. I have better things to do with my time honestly.
I'm sorry if you didn't like my review. That is the only reason I can see for the hostile judgement. I was very detailed and honest with it. If you don't like it I'm sorry. I did give you a 5 star review but did list some of the game's weaknesses. I try to be honest, objective, and fair with all of my reviews.
Best of you to you on this project! Thank you for a great game!
Thanks for the kind words, maybe Junko's dancing image helped! (shh, it's actually my favorite scene from 0.6 except one other one)I replayed the game on the male domination path, it was awesome
Against better judgement I feel compelled to point out a different perspective if I may. This is not meant to be read in a derogatory nor inflammatory way at all, but I truly think almost everybody else sees this the exact opposite way as you. It's not folks "stroking their egos" or being "fanboys" it's simply you being overly hyper-sensitive. You're automatically assuming hostility and/or rage when it's not to be frankly honest. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course and I sincerely doubt most folks give a single hoot about yours or mine at the end of the day. I honestly believe you're simply taking these things out of proportion due to sensitivity issues.I'm sure I'll get facepalmed to no end. These forums are a popularity contest with lots of players trying to stroke their egos by trying to find the smallest thing to disagree with so they can feel superior. I used to be active on lots of forums and hardly ever post anything anymore. It just isn't worth it unless I want to join all the fanboys and lurk on the forums all day long. I have better things to do with my time honestly.
The site hasn't updated on the updates page (I think it will because of the changes in scenes) but it has updated.
I believe the included files are: (checking on this soon)
0.6.2 Final PC Version (full)
0.6.2 Final Mac Version (full)
0.6.2 Final Compressed PC Version (I will ask around for Mac) (special thank you to Jeevant!)
0.6 Walkthrough (very open to suggestions on it, I am not skilled at writing this kind of thing)
0.6 Relationship Chart (a chart that helps you look at the characters from a visual standpoint)
As a thank you, just one last 0.7 image messing with (sub path)
View attachment 1878308
hello first thanks for the update but could you put some other mirror to download the compressed version pleaseThe site hasn't updated on the updates page (I think it will because of the changes in scenes) but it has updated.
I believe the included files are: (checking on this soon)
0.6.2 Final PC Version (full)
0.6.2 Final Mac Version (full)
0.6.2 Final Compressed PC Version (I will ask around for Mac) (special thank you to Jeevant!)
0.6 Walkthrough (very open to suggestions on it, I am not skilled at writing this kind of thing)
0.6 Relationship Chart (a chart that helps you look at the characters from a visual standpoint)
As a thank you, just one last 0.7 image messing with (sub path)
View attachment 1878308
I'm gonna need a compressed of the compressed! I'll put in a request...Compressed version alone is 3,22 GB, dayumn
Ok, but only if you don't call me bro haha just funny to me! Err, I only know pixeldrain and gofile decently...hello first thanks for the update but bro could you put some other mirror to download the compressed version please
0.8 will winnow some down and not much more I want to say about that, but I have thought of that...Tess your game is just amazing! But arent you afraid you are making to many branches? Dom/Sub all the K ranks, good and evil ... Im just fearing that 0.9 to 1.0 will take years of development time xD
Shes def a li for kane. Not sure on her availability for others since the whole purpose of the game is to win the gambit which is getting with kaneis female protag a LI for the male mc if so can she only be with him and no one else?
thank you very much and sorry for the broOk, but only if you don't call me bro haha just funny to me! Err, I only know pixeldrain and gofile decently...
I am only around a bit but checking if links work ok and all. I sincerely hope everyone has a lot of fun!
No worries it will take some time to upload but will try and help out.thank you very much and sorry for the bro