Even though nobody asked, here are my thoughts: she's a bitch of the highest caliber, much worse than any of her sisters. It was her who designed and implemented control chips, thus dooming millions of people (born and yet to be born) into slavery. The type of ancap slavery that we have rarely seen in our world (even in some of the most brutal slave-owning nations there were at least some laws that regulated it).
The world could be better or worse without it, we won't know. What we DO know is this - she's GUILTY. As a bonus, she conducts and allows her direct subordinates to conduct unethical experiments on human beings, which often result in death or severe health issues (paralysis, speech/hear loss, body alteration, probably amputations, etc).
If all it takes for you guys to simp for such a monster are some freckles, I cannot help but question your morals. Flesh is weak, resist the temptations of that witch! Rebel against the current order with your comrades Kwame and Kane leading you into the glorious paradise. The opression of the bourgeoisie will end and the coming of the proletarian revolution is inevitable. Workers, peasants, brothers, comrades unite! Follow Kwame into the land of plenty, where "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" is a normal way to live a life! Our children will live under communism, comrade Lenin said so himself!
Resist! Rebel! Glory to the Soviets!