I have learned some things in this thread... And it's that the majority of people complaining and bashing can't read nor can they be bothered to just... I dunno... see that the dev wasn't even the one to post this and that the dev doesn't plan on putting this behind a paywall...? In other words... IT'S GOING TO BE FREE!!!! Apparently, this was clearly stated IN THE KP DISCORD... you know... WHERE THE DEV POSTS HIS PROGRESS?!?!?!
"Not behind a paywall doesn't entirely mean free; sure, John Q. Public can get the game without paying any money, but money will still change hands in order to "keep the game in development" through his Patreon, which the developer (which again, yes, isn't on this site) included with an extremely barebones demo which is, to anyone who's been on this site long enough, a MASSIVE red flag. The money is achieved through donation, and it's all voluntary. But the difference between a theft and a scam is voluntarily relinquishing the money, but they're both crimes. And yes, I realise that Remtairy approves of this, and he posts in Remtairy's Discord, but Remtairy's consent doesn't make a scam less a scam.
Even if the Dev is sincere (Which judging by the fact that he's publicly posting on Remtairy's Discord, he probably is), this is a massive undertaking and given, again, the massive red flag, will still disappear before completion. Which still makes it a scam, unless he returns every donation he ever got (which does happen, but...).
If you want a good community Discord where games are spawned, check out Out of Touch, and Dungeon Days. The author of DD is one of the main patrons for OoT, and eventually spawned his own game which I'm also quite enjoying. Did it with a lot of homage, reference and reverence to OoT, used every ounce and scrap of knowledge he could glean from StoryAnon, but it's still *his* game.