V.1.0.5j and Future Plans
Hello Wardens! It might be spring now, but don't let on subjugating those rowdy inmates!
Today's post is bring everyone up to speed by talking about the last two months' updates, as well as future plans.
The v.1.0.5j update adds the following new cut-in variations for:
- Finger Sucking - Goblin, Lizardman, Orc, Yeti;
- Kissing - Yeti;
- Boobs Petting - Slime;
- Nipple Petting - Slime;
- Butt Petting - Slime;
- Anal Petting - Slime.
If you haven't been following the smaller patch notes posted here, the last two months have mostly been spent on adding such cut-in variations to the game to enhance the experience. And with the v.1.0.5j update, this will be the final cut-in variation related update.
If you haven't been following us on Discord/Twitter/SubscribeStar, I've actually been dealing with an injury on both my wrists for all of April and most of March. It's gotten a lot better recently, but it's still healing up. Because of this injury, plans on designing and implementing the Gym side job that I mentioned in the 2022 Roadmap earlier this year has been delayed. However, as you have noticed, instead we decided to focus on adding cut-in variations during this time period. Originally, the plan was to do some cut-in variations, then the Gym, and then finish the rest of the cut-ins.
Another thing that was mentioned in the 2022 Roadmap was the localizations. Luckily, before my wrist injuries, I finished laying the groundwork needed for the localization teams so they have been able to continue their hard work localizing the game even after I injured my wrist.
The current status is that the Russian localization might be ready within one or two months. The Chinese localization will most likely require at least two or more months.
I know there are people impatient to play Karryn's Prison in their native language, but I want to remind everyone that it took over a year for Meltys Quest to be localized into Chinese, and it hasn't even been half a year since Karryn's Prison was released. I've been in contact with the localization teams and I see their progress and know that everyone is working hard every day so please be patient! Good things take time.