So a small guide here for anyone in need.
Just played through warden mode a0.7. I've been through a couple times in prisoner mode in a0.6.
The alpha lizard is pretty weak in the 0.7 version.
Level 1:
In the beginning follow these rules:
1/ Throw away Yasu's note. He is probably the final boss here to misguide you.(just kidding)
1. There are 2 edicts to save you 200 per day. Enact them on day 1.
2. Change your title into newbie it will save you about 150(?) a day
3. Keep your order low so that subsides are high
4. Publish information will also give you about 200 or more per day
5. Get some money from guard if you want
1. Endurance
Endurance is of the utmost importance. It reduces pleasure damage and along with stamina and energy stats level they give you extra stamina and energy so it would be harder to get orgasm and when having one, it doesn't matter. You can get this by spamming cautious stance and try to do nothing in battle.
2. Mind
Unless you have pallidium, this is the only way in early game to restore energy. High mind will definitely help but with pallidium this won't be necessary.
3. Str/Dex/Agi
It doesn't matter.
The pallidium in the accessories is very OP. It actually restores your energy.
When playing with a slut build, this makes your Karryn practically invincible
Level 2 and 3:
If you follow those stuff above and get the pallidium it shouldn't be hard.
Always keep an eye on your order.