Is there a cheat that either shortens the amount of time the sidejobs require you to work at them or to slow down the reputation decay? I do enjoy their existence and the added pressure of feeling like you have to do it but the sessions take so long and are required to do so frequently it's a bit overkill. Is it possible to tweak it?
You'll need to edit the corresponding .json files of each job and it's rather easy, but time consuming, since the files are in .json format, it's easy to understand what everything does, i mean my understanding of coding is the level of potato and even i can understand it.
The files you're looking for are "RemtairyKarrynReceptionist.json", "RemtairyKarrynStripper.json", "RemtairyKarrynTrainer.json" and "RemtairyKarrynWaitress.json".
I already made a guide here
#38,979, even though it's about the fatigue, there's a mention of adding more time to the jobs in there.
:EDIT: It's just easier to add tons of time to the jobs, since you'll have to do tons of edits to variables, while adding time you'll just have to add a zero or two to each line and it's only about 5-6 lines you need to change per file.