Thanks, I think yesterday I managed to make it a bit faster (half of it is at best useless). I noticed that nwjs lags way more than debugmv162 (for nwjs you edit www/package.json, and some behavior is different).
"name": "karrynsprison39",
"main": "www/index.html",
"js-flags": "--expose-gc --gc-global true",
"window": {
"title": "karrynsprison39",
"toolbar": false,
"width": 816,
"height": 624,
"icon": "icon/icon.png"
"chromium-args": "--disable-sync --disable-raf-throttling -disable-crash-handler=true --single-process --limit-fps=60 --enable-gpu-vsync --enable-gpu-rasterization --force-gpu-rasterization --enable-zero-copy --enable-webgl -gl --enable-native-gpu-memory-buffers --log-gpu-control-list-decisions --use-gl=desktop --enable-features=\"CheckerImaging\" --enable-accelerated-2d-canvas --enable-gpu-memory-buffer-compositor-resources --enable-gpu-memory-buffer-video-frames --ignore-gpu-blacklist --enable-gpu-driver-debug-logging --force-gpu-mem-available-mb=512 --force-gpu-mem-discardable-limit-mb=512 --in-process-gpu --use-gpu-high-thread-priority-for-perf-tests --disable-renderer-accessibility --disable-renderer-backgrounding --disable-gpu-sandbox --disable-pinch","webkit": {"plugin":true}
According to nwjs most of it is
actually. Affected low bar minigame performance as well. Though it will randomly crash process and visually I don't see much difference? I'll probably stick with it for now.
Too bad some plugins don't work with Electron (or so it seems), I know for sure Electron has good gains with default config. But unless game dev decides to fix compatibility, there is nothing I can do.
View attachment 805569