Anyone could give me some tips on sex combat?
I was breezing through the game while doing a pure run, but after I turned her into a slut it got a lot harder.
I'm at warden lvl 40/slut lvl 152 on lvl 4, haven't tried the boss yet.
Why do some enemies run away after cumming once but some takes 2 or more times?
I only unlocked petting and handjob as sex skills so far but if I don't use secretary stance she orgasms waaay too fast.
Your resistance to pleasure damage is mostly based on Endurance, which is a stat that you probably haven't levelled much if you got to high levels while still pure, but if it isn't capped yet you can probably increase it pretty quickly.
If your Mind is good enough, spamming resist orgasm will get you a long way. Other than that, having enough sex will reduce the energy damage you take from each orgasm, and the probability of getting the Bliss debuff, so you can keep going through it.
Damage you deal is mostly dex-based, so if you did a lot of slashing when you were a fighter you'll be well off there, but all the experience you put into strength is pretty much useless, and agility is only good for going first so you can choose which pose you get instead of leaving it up to the prisoners.
The sexual stamina of enemies is based on their own stats and levels. It's hard to predict, other than knowing that rare enemies will be much more likely to cum multiple times than baselines. They
will be debuffed after orgasm, but really you don't have any choice except to blow through as many pleasure bars as they end up having. (later on if you're unsatisfied with their performance you can issue an edict to put aphrodisiacs in all their food)
So how do you unlock the extra actions or scenes when Karry is knocked down by a rogue? I have her slut level in like ~200 but the only option still seems to be to just stand up.
After you've been knocked down a few times, you get the ability to sit and breathe for a round which restores stamina and leaves you in the knocked down state for long enough for prisoners to do something. I don't think the result is any different from what they do if you run out of stamina though.
Lmao wait, ppl actually hated the blowjob lips/face? Why? I’m genuinely curious lol
The low slut level faces look like a lady sucking cock. The high slut level blowjob faces look like some sort of weird art project assembled out of vacuum cleaner hoses.
I understand that some people have a fetish for really bad anatomy, but not everybody shares it.
did anyone know why this game keep getting freezing after few minutes.
It actually has
really high system resource requirements for an rpgmaker game. If you've been playing with a web browser open in another window, try closing the browser and starting again. If that doesn't work, well, you might just not have the hardware to run it properly.
Either that or you found a weird glitch somewhere, or messed up a mod.
Just a clarification about the light kick skill:
I heard that to aquire it you're just suppoed to kick fighting while unnarmed and eventually your kicks will be countered.
But I fought my fair share of unnarmed battles and I don't remember any enemy every countering my kicks.
So, is Karryn the one suppoed to counter (as if using focus) or the enemy supposed to counter Karryn's attacks?
Is there a way to increase the chance of enemy countering? Or maybe it's a specific enemies that counter her kicks?
Only specific enemies counter. Thugs have a very high chance, orcs and guards are also capable of it, I'm not sure about wolves and yeti. Prisoners, nerds, goblins, rogues, and slimes definitely cannot.
First, Karryn needs to be able to be penetrated. That means cock and pussy desire both pretty high (100+ iirc if you don't have accessories changing that), and the Wet status condition. Then your target needs to be erect (blushing portrait). Then you need to make any kick attack (if you had light kick you wouldn't be asking, and Cock Kick is much more difficult because of massive damage and the rage effect, so in practice this means an unarmed attack), and if your target survives the damage you do they will most likely transition directly into a standing vaginal sex scene. (Since your desires and wetness will be high enough for a thug or guard to start a normal vaginal sex scene if they win initiative, you probably also want pretty high Agility so you don't get interrupted before you kick)
Do this ten times and you unlock the Light Kick skill, an "attack" which does minimal damage and can be attempted even when holding your halberd.
Anyone knows if there's a way to keep them jerking off instead of trying to molest/strip?
I'm trying to make them cum on the floor to get the cum inside/outside skill but ugh, it's been pretty hard so far.
There are several ways to increase the probability of enemies jerking off, but none are foolproof. The higher your charm is, the more likely (and you get charm exp every time somebody jerks off to you, so that part is self-reinforcing). If the enemy is horny, it's more likely, so Flaunting is a good idea. If Karryn is wearing less clothes, it's more likely. If you pass edicts that reduce enemy attack chance, they're more likely to do nonviolent things which indirectly increases the chance of masturbating.
On the other side, you can completely prevent enemies from touching you if you keep all your desires low, usually below 50 (below 30 for cock if you want them to come on the floor instead of on your skin). To prevent stripping you have two options: either have way higher agility and maybe use Eye of the Mind to dodge everything (which costs stamina every time you dodge, and gives them something to do that isn't masturbating), or, just let it happen until Karryn is completely nude and the option to strip you disappears.
Eventually you get to the point where enemies can't attack, can't touch you, and don't have anything to take off, so there's nothing left to do but stare, talk, or jerk off.
Oh, and if your Agility is
low then enemies will be more likely to act every turn, which means you don't need to come up with as many ways to stand there trying not to kill them while you wait for them to jerk off.