This "rant" here has nothing to do with your comment exactly but more as an excuse for me to talk about the orgasm-lock mechanic
As much as I love this game, I have a hate relationship with the stunlock mechanic (aka Bliss) because it's really annoying, if you gonna do a Karryn full slut run (and let's be honest probably 90% of the people will do that intentionally or accidentally at some point) you will have to deal with it and Bliss is what makes me try my best to avoid combat, especially if the combat has more than 1 wave because that's a guaranteed you are fucked moment, literally.
I might not be the smartest guy to put together a build in this game, but holy shit Bliss just drives me crazy, to counter this normally I focus on more stamina, more energy, more stamina regen and more energy regen when it comes to Bliss because that's what makes Karryn not lose in the first rounds, then just watch the enemies lose by themselves, and that's when the combat starts to bother, you just sit and watch while your Karryn can't do nothing because she is stunned by Bliss.
Yeah I know you can use others skill to prevent that, for example by making Karryn hold her orgasm for the round BUT she will came if pleasure hits +150% and there's enemies that makes the pleasure bar jump +50% (or even more) in one skill, hell, I literally have encountered enemies that makes Karryn came with 1 skill and if you run out of willpower, what do you do?
Look, if I'm doing something wrong then I take the L but Bliss really gets on my nerves, if you guys have a exactly build to prevent this type of annoyance then I'm all ears for it.