Going to be honest here I hope they move on from this and deliver a complete game with whatever their next entire is after this. Also hoping they learned from their mistakes and that new game doesn't have feature creep or turn out like this one.
I need help. I can set the value to a minimum at the start of each battle but I can't set a limit without breaking the game. I tried, for example to leave the value of Mouth with a limit of 49 but it either skips the battles or the desire remains in 0
Edit: Well , is it different for places like the bathroom? I was able to manage to get a cap on desire in battles but not in places like the bathroom and the desires bar remains unchanged... this makes me think if karryn masturbates in the middle of battle, I'll break the game again.
I found that setting the max to 50 won't break the game and will avoid most of the progress on the limited parts. the toilet mini game allows to use skills out of order with a big stamina penalty.
How do I uninstall a mod? Is there a way to unistall a mod without having to start a new save? I wish there was a way to cheat my way to max lvl and already be at max lewd level with all sex skills without having to spend multiple hours reaching that point.
It's from the collection of a member on Luscious.net. As it's a very long time since I last logged in there, I'm not sure who I got it from, sorry. But as for the artwork itself, no problem. Here you go!!
Hello! Is there a working cheats for this game? Anything i trying to install doesnt work (PERO_Cheat, KP cheat). Mby i doing something wrong? (I just move files to game folder)
Hello. I just completed the game to unlock the free mode. There is a way to unlock the edicts about sidejob that i havent unlock? There is no event with the doctor and yasu? Thanks
Basically there are two parts of how the enemies are chosen. The first is the "troop", those are basically the groups of enemies you will encounter in each wave. The troops you encounter in a battle depend on the room you're in and so on. They are numbered, so to change the enemies you encounter in each room, the easiest way is to just replace the 'troops' you'll encounter (with those from another room for example). I'll put that into part 1.
The second more extensive part is to change enemies in a troop and finding out which enemies are in which troop. You can basically change each enemy in each troop down to the weapons they have if you so wish, but that may take quite some time. I'll put some details into part 2.
NOTE: This is basically the way 'normal'/anarchy groups are determined. Riot groups are spawned differently (and more easily). They are basically spawned from a pool of enemies that can be found in the RemtairyEnemyTroop.js file (line 1148 in v0.4u):
sorry to bother you good sir, but i am trying to edit the valid enemies for defeated battles but nothing seems to work. i am guessing some code has changed and it has me confused. for example if i want to have only nerds for defeat in level 3 in enemytroops js. (starting at line 779) everything i try causes errors. i also tried to find where to edit in data troops (line 13) with no luck. any help/advice you could give me?