Yeah I've had no luck with WINE either. I've confirmed that it works with nwjs outside of WINE though, with a bit of a workaround.
1. Download nwjs, either from your distro's repository, or from the nwjs website.
2. Make a FAT32 partition and put your game there. This will either involve the simplest thing of using a flash drive, or if you prefer software only, use of a slightly more complicated solution with the "dd", "mkfs.fat32", and "mount" commands. (edit: if you go down the software route, be _very_ careful with use of those commands as they can cause data loss, you should only use "dd" to make a file and operate the commands on that specific file you've made with "dd")
3. Once you've extracted the game into a folder on the FAT32 partition, "cd" into that folder in a terminal and run "nw ." and the game should run and Just Work.
You can probably replace FAT32 with NTFS if you prefer. The reason you need FAT32 or NTFS is because they support case-insensitive paths out of the box, which is necessary because unfortunately the dev did a bit of a gamedev yikes and used case-insensitive paths throughout the game and patching that is definitely a more annoying workaround than just running the game off a FAT32/NTFS filesystem.