I play demo version of this game and ı just want to say "this game is masterpiece". Story looks so boring but when start a game ı was fascinated. The game is not just about sex or rape. It contains dozens of variables that will affect the future of the game. I want mention again, I just play Demo version. I play so many games but this is my favorite one. Demo version just includes 2 floors but ı played 2 times (ın this 2 time, first ı play for fighting focusen and second time ı focuse on just sexuality) in every diffuculty levels. I play kingdom of deception, noxian nights like games but this game is so diffrent than any other rpg game. Character, level design is looks so good and especially edict system and side jobs makes game much more better than any other game.
I don't have much money for support this guy (in my country 10 dollars = 70 t but ı finish university maybe ı can support him in 2-3 years) but ı suggest everyone to play this game and support this guys work. He deserves more support.