Thanks - that is a very kind offer! Here you are!
First off, you could really use bed upgrades. You got the -10% stats debuff from poor sleep, as well as another -10% from being tired. The -10% hits all stats, including endurance and energy.
Next thing is you have a really high slut level, but a lot of edicts invested in fighter stuff. The fighter stuff is spread too thin (you want to focus on either strength, dex, or agi, usually not all 3). High slut level needs a lot of endurance, energy and mind stuff, so I'd recommend going further in endurance training atm, then grabbing Energy training.
Same with bracelets, could use the endurance and energy ones. Energy bracelet also increases energy regen. A couple of other good ones for slutty Karryn would be [Ring] Scorpion (handjobs only handle 2 inmates), and [Misc] Eyeliner (titjobs can handle up to 5 inmates).
Also, having accessories from different categories gives you a sort of "set bonus." Decreases stamina and will used on mind skills and attacks. [Misc] items are wild cards and always provide the next tier in the bonus. This bonus is usually better for non-sluts though.
Oh, and Disciple of Endurance or Clumsy Wench might be a better title to equip. Dignified Beauty if you're trying to fight for as long as you can before your desires get too high.
Hope that helps a bit, and I wish you luck.