You contr4ol the scenes you want and the type of sex you want by managing Karryn's desires and engaging certain 'enemies'.
There are currently the following scenes available:
- general battle, including boss stages: all types of sex available, provided they're unlocked and enemies are able to preform them
- guard battle outside office, the same as above, only the participants are guards exclusively
- lv 1 defeat scene: blowbang, handjobs and oral only
- lv 2 defeat scene: urinal sex, only anal and vaginal
- lv 3 defeat scene: chained standing gangbang - vaginal, anal, titjob and oral
- bar mug gangbang: oral, handjob, vaginal and anal + cum drinking through straw
- reception job: goblin anal and pussy/clit petting and visitor handjob, kissing, boobsquezzing and oral
- couch masturbation: solo and no toys, but making too much noise may lead to office intrusion and either a guard or regular battle ensues
- toilet rest: masturbation, including toys, handjobs, cock pets, blowjobs, anal and vaginal. Soft cock worship can be enjoyed only there.
- guard defeat scene: anal, vaginal, titfuck and oral (the last two are mutually exclusive, maning Karryn cannot blow and tittyfick at the same time, which is possible in the lv 3 defeat scene)
This is all so far.
Also, you need to know inmates certain kinks, as these vary. So if you want a certain scene or position within the scene to be triggered, you need to bear in mind that:
- guards are into anything kinky, although not violent/rough in nature: anal, rimjobs, handjobs, titsex, oral, kissing, groping. They do not spank or pull nipples.
- regular prisoners are happy with handjobs only, though they may take advantage of Karryn in other ways when she's busy with another prisoner
- goblins are into butt-groping, kissing, cunnilingus and other impish, non-assertive actions. Like prisoners, they are opportunists and will fuck Karryn, just not as initiating leads in battles. At reception though, they're obsessed with Karryn's butt and will fuck her ass once her desire is high enough and all her lower clothing has been stripped.
- thughs like it rough, so they will be usually the first to teach Karryn how to enjoy spankings and nipple tugging. When it comes to penetration, their aim is da pussey.
- rogues are also rough and spanky, but their main kink is rimming
- nerds are into footjobs, toys and submission to Karryn, though they can be more vigorous sexually as they appear to be
- slimes are lewd blobs of wetness who will fuck any available and compliant orifice. One slime can sport up to three tentacles, so Karryn can have multiple penetrative sex with just one slime. They always cum twice and tend to cum inside. They will spank and grope boobs as well
- hobos are into anal
- orcs love boobs
- lizardmen... I don't know