isn't cock desire same? have the posibbility to have sex?
or no? penetration is only possible from pussy desire?
so u need, at least keep 2 desire low
Cock + Pussy Desire = Vagina sex. Scroll over to the hearts in combat or doing job and it will tell the stage of penetration or service.
Cock - Vagina Sex at 85
Pussy - Vagina Sex at 100 (These stats may be conflicted, I can't remember if I am wearing anything to raise vagina desire as I did a quick save load and then proceeded into job.)
But I believe it is under the concept to check before pussy penetration is first it checks Vagina heart meter stage and if it passes the checkpoint of allowance it then checks Cock meter stage and if it passes = vagina sex. Neither should happen if one is lower than the other/not meeting the requirement in meter.
Also, certain enemies target certain holes. Thugs, Wolfmen, Goblins, Certain Guards, Slimes, and Lizardfolk(?) will target vagina sex. HOWEVER other enemies will still target vagina sex if she is engaged with a high vagina meter in certain scenes. Like if she is rimming someone, another person can vagina or anal sex her. Not to mention any game over or JOB CG ends when anyone can target any hole if it is high enough.
To lower gain there are accessories that make the sex arousal gain much slower in a certain area and there are others that I think add to the percentage of when sex will happen in that area. Like +15 or +25, I can't remember.