You think grind is a good thing. What is "grinding"? It is doing same thing over and over until you reach a goal. Goal is usually getting your character stats high enough to beat a boss standing in your way. This process sometimes takes hours or even days. Explain to me, in a logical manner, how this is supposed to be a good game design?
Because many people find that fun. I don't know what else to tell you here man. People like shit that you don't, welcome to planet Earth. Enjoy your stay.
The games you are referring to use randomized loot drops. Their main feature is loot, not grinding. If you look you can easily find mods for diablo 2 that reduces grinding while increasing loot quality or quantity.
What do you think people do to get that loot? They do that thing you were complaining about earlier, they were doing the same thing over and over to reach their goal. That's literally grinding. Whether it's for levels, or loot, or coins to buy card packs for their ultimate team in FIFA or whatever that game's called these days, it's all grinding and many people fucking love it.
Also, that's an optional mod. Some people install that, many are perfectly fine with the game as it is and have been for decades. Someone made a mod that changed the dragons in Skyrim to look like Thomas the Tank Engine, that doesn't mean there's something wrong with the dragons in Skyrim.
And none of those games have a progress erasing feature because you did something wrong without realizing it or without game telling you about it. You can easily get out of a bad situation in those games, because they have clear descriptions so you can predict outcome of any action you do. Meanwhile in KP if you happened to get a lot of bad passives(which have unlocking conditions that you can't even see) your progress will be erased because game quickly spirals into an orgasm loop. Have fun unlocking those skills and edicts again, because according to you this is so fun!
Uhh no, sorry. I mentioned Diablo 2 that has hardcore mode, a mode that can literally erase tens or even hundreds of hours of progress if you make 1 simple mistake or lose concentration. I'm sure you've heard of it.
I also mentioned Cultist Simulator and that game straight up says it's not going to teach you anything and it's better for you to just play around with the mechanics until you get the hang of how it actually works. The game expects you to struggle and it expects you to die, over and over. It's also a great game. 7k+ reviews on steam and over 80% of them are positive.
Once again, yeah, to some people struggling like that is fun. If you don't like it, that's fine, you're free to spend your time playing 1 of the many games out there that suit your tastes but that doesn't mean the ones that don't are bad.
In Hades you get your skills/weapons at the start of of the game and new skills all the time so losing the game and starting from beginning isn't bad.
In Dead Cells you get your skills/weapons at the start of the game and new skills/weapons all the time so losing the game and starting from beginning isn't bad.
Same goes for Binding of Isaac.
In KP you start with NOTHING. You have to unlock all those skills/edicts AGAIN.
This is factually incorrect. In KP you can choose to keep your levels and skills if you want but even if you reset them, you keep all the titles you've unlocked and the passives that come with them. The benefits those provide can be substantial.
You have played this game that you've been complaining about all this time, right?
You can go on but your points are invalid, fact is you are just trying to defend a game you liked. Whether you realize this fact or not doesn't matter.
I can easily find 100's of same type reviews. Fact is, I don't care enough to provide them and I know even if I did you'd ignore them anyway.
I'm not ignoring a thing you've said. If you came up with any criticism that didn't boil down to, "I didn't like this thing the game did so it's a bad game wah! Stop liking things I like waaah!" then it'd be a different story but you haven't.