Seems like all of the reviewers have never played a Shoku game before... That said this one is quite low bar in comparison to his past works. Kind of regret buying it now.
I lost interest about an hour into it compared to lets say "Girl knight Milk" which I enjoyed so much all those years ago that i suffered through the old horrendous ways of trying to translate Japanese games. Only to end up with a translation that was useful for nothing more than what to do next quest wise. Still enjoyed every second of that game though!
Within the first 10 minutes of sex knight yuki something felt off with how the quests/story were progressing. As others have stated it feels like a string of random events and happenstances. The character detailing in the menu's is also a lot less involved than in prior games. What used to be several pages of character sprites of different angels allowing you to thoroughly inspect the girl and how her body changes alongside pages of information is now condensed down to a single character sprite and 1 page of basic info. Disappointing... It was always great seeing her body change over time and how new clothes look on her from various angles (especially those shots from below

This game for sure feels like filler content while he's possibly working on something better, but given the price tag I'm sceptical