So many complaints about the new mechanics of the game without any ideas of what patrons think, or even what the devs think or want to do. If the devs only make a game from what people say should be in it, the game won't get anywhere, and the devs will quickly lose interest. Of course if the devs only put in what they and only they wanted without input from supporters and people that try the game, then not as many people would care about the game.
More people seem to like the domcaid mechanics, the devs and supporters liked it when they released the domcaid build to test the waters with it, so they're adding it to the game. It's not a requirement that you have to fuck defeated enemies, it's there for people who do want to, and it can also serve as an alternative way of unlocking animations. Maybe it could eventually have some sort of benefit, like healing Kincaid a little instead of using energy, or giving a little more energy to her glove than just normally defeating an enemy, something to make it worthwhile at least. One thing it would benefit from alongside that would be pressing a button (maybe the attack button) to skip to the climax of the scene so you don't have to sit through the whole thing every time. And if it does get implemented, having different animations for dom vs sub/stunned/defeated would be beneficial too.
As for what it does to the game? It just adds something optional for those that do want it. It doesn't inherently take away from any pace the game has, and it doesn't make the sex feel like it's just something tacked onto the game for brownie points since sex was part of it from the start. It actually makes sense with the CG endings you get from different enemies where Kincaid basically submits to her desires to please whatever it is, or with how she's willing to have sex with the villagers, and how even when defeated or stunned into sex she's enjoying it, so having her and whatever she's having sex with taking part excitedly it's fair to add situations where Kincaid (aka the player) initiates the sex, as I don't recall the devs ever mentioning they wanted the sex to feel r*pey.
What does change the feel of the game is the new movement stuff. It makes the platforming and movement more complex than past players are used to, but it's not such a drastic change that it makes the game unplayable unless you're spending the whole time with one hand down your pants and one hand on the keyboard or controller which would make it a little hard to do some of the more complex movements.
Whichever side you think is more prevalent depends on whether you are watching this site or discord. Of course discord will be more accepting of the change, that's because it's full of supporters; they're still supporting the game because they like the direction the game is going. Criticizing a game in its own discord is like opening fire in enemy territory. Not to mention the 5 or 6 regulars that will quickly drown out any real discussion with half-related banter and prospects of future content. Ironically, this site, where people typically go to bash developers without filter, feels much more welcoming to genuine criticism.
The change certainly does take away from the pace of the game, if you have the same preference as I and others do. I realize, however, that my viewpoint is hard to understand without having this preference, so I'll try my best to explain it.
My particular sexual preference essentially boils down to "the element of surprise." The "surprise" part of surprise sex basically acts as a multiplier to my dopamine levels when viewing porn.
The advantage that porn games have over other forms of pornography is player-interaction. Defeat sex mechanics make it so that the activation for the porn is human error (getting hit/grappled by an enemy). Human error is extremely unpredictable, so it works pretty well as a surprise element to the porn.
The change being made to the game shifts all sex to being completely player-initiated. So, this effectively removes all surprise from the porn, unarguably a less interesting experience for someone like me.
Also, mentioning the effects on gameplay will only convince people who already agree. Ultimately, your view on how the change affects the flow of gameplay is dependent on your preference. I will disagree with anyone who argues that the flow is better because I have played the game, and I know how I feel about the gameplay. I cannot be convinced otherwise because the counterargument consists of a viewpoint that I simply do not feel.
I understand that the devs themselves favor the change, so it would take a vast majority pushback to sway their decision; a pushback which clearly isn't there. My goal isn't to convince the developers at this point, it's to defend the validity of my perspective. There's no real reason to argue at this point, I just want it to be known that there are people who won't enjoy the change, and that their perspective is justified. Personal opinion on this change is completely subjective based on preference. I'm tired of people trying to make it objective based on gameplay as if there is one true, nonnegotiable answer.