
Oct 3, 2019
Sorry such a question very soon is how much in the last post that was more than 40 days ago Nomo said very soon is it a month or 15 days ?
Nomo — Сегодня, в 18:55
As pointed in the most recent post, Nds had some health problems that delayed us a bit from what we originally imagined to be the release date. We are already working on the next patch while he is finishing the coding.
I love it when the update we are sick, we are working, I asked the date at least approximately of this shit, they do the update from 4 months surprisingly, but during this time someone is always sick, the answer is do it fucking faster, don't get sick


Jan 6, 2019
put an orc and sabia in the ring without weapons, even if he does not move, her blows are unlikely to cause serious harm and
Well, yes, in a battle of pure physical strength, the person who relies on speed and weaponry is at a disadvantage, that's kind of the whole point of strengths and weaknesses. And as for Sabia dominating orcs who are physically superior to her, it's more of an honor/fear sort of thing, orcs don't fight barehanded, they use weapons, and if this orc knows that Sabia can kill him with ease if they were both armed, then he respects/fears her and thus follows her demands if she is able to utilize his feelings properly. Again, Big = Good and Small = Bad is not how you should look at this, use a bit more thought to think about why things are happening instead of going "small woman dominate big man?! BAD!"

but she will not dominate over Kira over Neva over minotaur over tekrok over kia it's not even about strength, but the character of how the game positions the characters
If you played a Dom Sabia, you'd know she more or less performs better than the minotaur against Kira, enough that Kira sends the minotaur to set up the camp and prepare dinner, so in a normal fight, it's likely that Sabia and the Minotaur are AT LEAST evenly-matched, the minotaur even begins showing hints of respect towards her at the end of his quest if you're playing dom.
As for Kia/Neve/Kira/Levtruv(Or whatever his name is), they are stronger than Sabia, sure, but that's only because they're exceptionally powerful when compared to other characters, wouldn't be much of a game if Sabia was the strongest warrior to have ever lived.

You either only played a quick sub playthrough, or you played the game without reading anything, I don't know what else to tell you.


Oct 3, 2019
Well, yes, in a battle of pure physical strength, the person who relies on speed and weaponry is at a disadvantage, that's kind of the whole point of strengths and weaknesses. And as for Sabia dominating orcs who are physically superior to her, it's more of an honor/fear sort of thing, orcs don't fight barehanded, they use weapons, and if this orc knows that Sabia can kill him with ease if they were both armed, then he respects/fears her and thus follows her demands if she is able to utilize his feelings properly. Again, Big = Good and Small = Bad is not how you should look at this, use a bit more thought to think about why things are happening instead of going "small woman dominate big man?! BAD!"

If you played a Dom Sabia, you'd know she more or less performs better than the minotaur against Kira, enough that Kira sends the minotaur to set up the camp and prepare dinner, so in a normal fight, it's likely that Sabia and the Minotaur are AT LEAST evenly-matched, the minotaur even begins showing hints of respect towards her at the end of his quest if you're playing dom.
As for Kia/Neve/Kira/Levtruv(Or whatever his name is), they are stronger than Sabia, sure, but that's only because they're exceptionally powerful when compared to other characters, wouldn't be much of a game if Sabia was the strongest warrior to have ever lived.

You either only played a quick sub playthrough, or you played the game without reading anything, I don't know what else to tell you.
I understood your point of view and it has a place to be, but still the daughter of an overbearing politician who forces herself to be respected with combat skills, I don't know, I'm probably just not satisfied with the format of such a submission, the only case where sabia's dominance looks good is marley the cat girl and no, not because she is smaller because her character is like a child and it's easy for her manage


Active Member
May 18, 2017
  1. here letting you guys know where we are at


  2. [6:03]
    Hey guys - this is where we are at: The main quest for .14 is almost finished being compiled and should be out very soon - we'll be moving on to the bad end questline conclusion after this one. Compiling this one took a bit longer than anticipated due to some medical commitments from Nds restricting his available time. While he is working on it, Nomo and Monsinne are working on the next quest. The Bar scene we did in .13 was very large - and the scene we've done for this quest is even larger. It has a ton of potential permutations and we'll be making use of it in the future again. It has multiple backgrounds, differences & changes for dom/sub, and a ton of different poses and positions. The pics in this post are just a few samples for now. The quest itself is pretty big - the scenes themselves are almost twice as big as entire quests used to be. We hope you guys are excited to get to play it because we're excited to share it! Thanks everyone!
Kill it before it lays eggs!


Jan 6, 2019
I take extreme solace in the fact that they've now dropped to 692 patrons from ~746 before they released their last post. Honestly I hope they continue losing patrons so they get it through their thick skulls that people are sick of their garbage, and that lazy content after half a year of waiting in unacceptable.

I'd rather see this game die than continue being treated like dogshit by devs who don't give two shits about the product they're making tbh.

Edit: 691 :)
Last edited:


May 23, 2020
I understood your point of view and it has a place to be, but still the daughter of an overbearing politician who forces herself to be respected with combat skills, I don't know, I'm probably just not satisfied with the format of such a submission, the only case where sabia's dominance looks good is marley the cat girl and no, not because she is smaller because her character is like a child and it's easy for her manage
Her dad was a general and thought her how to hunt, she also served in the military for a lot of time. Despite difference in size if weapons are involved size and strenght matters less. Also unless your bone structure is different ( like Gorillas ) a punch in the face or the nuts still gonna hurt you unless the person is really weak. I guess they also play this thing on the agility difference but this a false stereotype people get from media, being larger size does not mean you are slower, mostly not that much slower. If smaller people had a chance in a barehanded fight we would not have different categories for boxers, but that is a sport, even if you are as big as Gregor Clegane, a kick in the nut, a punch in the throat, a finger in your eye, will still hurt.

Also yes i think them dropping at 691 is their lowest point for the moment. Yes let's hope they wake up and start doing a better job
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Oct 3, 2019
Thank you, I apparently missed that her father is a general, it's nice to know about gorillas, what in your opinion is the weight of an orc and height, it seems to me that the minimum weight starts from 140kg and then about the height from 210 centimeters, so yes, blows to the adam's apple, eyes and groin will have an effect, but here it seems to me one sweeping slap on the back of the head and there will be more concussions moreover, according to statistics, strength wins 70% out of a hundred, not speed, but in any case, this is still a fantasy world, and I probably look at things too realistically, so when Sabia defeats an orc three heads taller and weighing more than 2 times higher than her, well, it's strange, although again it's not Claire quest and here it is necessary to win And yes, I am also pleased with the decline of their patreon, maybe they will finally forget about the fast graphics and finally get Sabia out of the tent about the fact that she will leave the orc camp and I don't dream anymore


Jan 6, 2019
their Patreon count is going up again :FacePalm:
Can someone pls place a warning sign somewhere to prevent those poor souls from making a mistake
Back to 703 at the time of posting, actually crazy how clueless some people are, they see a new update and just sign up for the patreon cash grab without noticing patterns or reading up on the devs' history.

A fool and his gold...
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May 23, 2020
Thank you, I apparently missed that her father is a general, it's nice to know about gorillas, what in your opinion is the weight of an orc and height, it seems to me that the minimum weight starts from 140kg and then about the height from 210 centimeters, so yes, blows to the adam's apple, eyes and groin will have an effect, but here it seems to me one sweeping slap on the back of the head and there will be more concussions moreover, according to statistics, strength wins 70% out of a hundred, not speed, but in any case, this is still a fantasy world, and I probably look at things too realistically, so when Sabia defeats an orc three heads taller and weighing more than 2 times higher than her, well, it's strange, although again it's not Claire quest and here it is necessary to win And yes, I am also pleased with the decline of their patreon, maybe they will finally forget about the fast graphics and finally get Sabia out of the tent about the fact that she will leave the orc camp and I don't dream anymore
Regarding Orcs i like to take Warcraft movie Orcs are reference, despite the movie many flaws, the CGI for them is great. In Kingdom of Deception Orcs do not look that much bigger than humans, but i would bet their difference in weight/height to humans is similar to the one between human males and females.

Regarding the rise in Patreons fellas, they still took a hit and second they posted that tease and said they gonna release soon, people buy into that. We can hope it is new people coming in on their patreon cause they are not used to the wait game and might be pushing them for changes.


Jul 28, 2017
  1. here letting you guys know where we are at


  2. [6:03]
    Hey guys - this is where we are at: The main quest for .14 is almost finished being compiled and should be out very soon - we'll be moving on to the bad end questline conclusion after this one. Compiling this one took a bit longer than anticipated due to some medical commitments from Nds restricting his available time. While he is working on it, Nomo and Monsinne are working on the next quest. The Bar scene we did in .13 was very large - and the scene we've done for this quest is even larger. It has a ton of potential permutations and we'll be making use of it in the future again. It has multiple backgrounds, differences & changes for dom/sub, and a ton of different poses and positions. The pics in this post are just a few samples for now. The quest itself is pretty big - the scenes themselves are almost twice as big as entire quests used to be. We hope you guys are excited to get to play it because we're excited to share it! Thanks everyone!
I predict it'll be a medium-sized mistake.


Nov 21, 2017
I have to be honest, hearing that they tweaked the art-style to have more bimbo-esque proportions made me more interested in trying the game out. :LOL:

Looking at some of the on-going discourse in this thread, I feel really happy and vindicated to see people who share similar thoughts to me on enjoying an emphasis on storytelling, characterization, and world-building, and it's a shame to hear that the games development is apparently in a lull.

Hearing that the submissive route is basically just overt degradation and punching down with no nuance is a shame.
Obviously erotica sort of dilutes it, but the concept of a character being "weak", a pushover, powerless, or looked down upon because they enjoy being submissive in the bedroom is always a strange concept to me. Or that just because you enjoy taboo or humiliating sex, you can't be a capable warrior, or become stronger overtime. A women being considered "lesser" morally than a man, despite him participating in and initiating the same activities, doesn't ever sit right with me.

From what I see discussed, it sounds like the "dom" route isn't very traditionally femdom all of the time, but often a power-bottom situation, which is potentially something I would quite enjoy, but I would appreciate clarification on if you are missing out on a lot of content, as it sounds like you are, which is quite disappointing.
I greatly enjoy the more taboo kinks with monsters, gang-bangs or cum-play, but if all of that is locked behind the overtly mean-spirited sub route, then that is a shame.

It also sounds like there is that typical "dub-con" half-hearted denial of enjoyment trope, which definitely sounds it like it is contradictory and could cause the character progression to feel stagnant and unsatisfying beyond initial events. At a certain point you would imagine a character would be more transparent and honest with themselves and just go "yeah I like monster cock, so what?"

I would absolutely love a story or game that allows the female protag to become a strong badass warrior alongside enjoying taboo sluttery and promiscuity, sadly I can't think of any examples.


Dec 11, 2020
I have to be honest, hearing that they tweaked the art-style to have more bimbo-esque proportions made me more interested in trying the game out. :LOL:

Looking at some of the on-going discourse in this thread, I feel really happy and vindicated to see people who share similar thoughts to me on enjoying an emphasis on storytelling, characterization, and world-building, and it's a shame to hear that the games development is apparently in a lull.

Hearing that the submissive route is basically just overt degradation and punching down with no nuance is a shame.
Obviously erotica sort of dilutes it, but the concept of a character being "weak", a pushover, powerless, or looked down upon because they enjoy being submissive in the bedroom is always a strange concept to me. Or that just because you enjoy taboo or humiliating sex, you can't be a capable warrior, or become stronger overtime. A women being considered "lesser" morally than a man, despite him participating in and initiating the same activities, doesn't ever sit right with me.

From what I see discussed, it sounds like the "dom" route isn't very traditionally femdom all of the time, but often a power-bottom situation, which is potentially something I would quite enjoy, but I would appreciate clarification on if you are missing out on a lot of content, as it sounds like you are, which is quite disappointing.
I greatly enjoy the more taboo kinks with monsters, gang-bangs or cum-play, but if all of that is locked behind the overtly mean-spirited sub route, then that is a shame.

It also sounds like there is that typical "dub-con" half-hearted denial of enjoyment trope, which definitely sounds it like it is contradictory and could cause the character progression to feel stagnant and unsatisfying beyond initial events. At a certain point you would imagine a character would be more transparent and honest with themselves and just go "yeah I like monster cock, so what?"

I would absolutely love a story or game that allows the female protag to become a strong badass warrior alongside enjoying taboo sluttery and promiscuity, sadly I can't think of any examples.
Well the problem I think with most of it is that instead of making any ONE of these work well- (I mean I considered the Kia nonsense to be quite a drag despite the overall quality of the game at the time still being in a "high") the overall "base states" of the project have dropped low.

People would be okay with the Bimboness but it sounds like the major problem is SURPRISE WE MADE HER A BIMBO AND IT TOOK US TEN YEARS with none of the fun of bimbofication.

Half the fun of a game like this and most hentai games are the story contexts. I don't mind Sabia trying to maintain a veneer or a reputation at camp but the execution has become more and more lame and we literally have had stats regarding progression, freedom/slavery, dom/sub

But when you interact with characters this actually plays such a minor role as in just an ON/OFF trigger.

Instead of my time investment trigger different in camp dialogues and behaviors it just opens scenes and instead of the devs implementing any ONE system to a fun or high degree it's like 35 systems now.

If I show up to see Tekrok and don't have a quest Tekrok is busy, leave.
But if they used their brains a bit, why not have meaningful OR menial (context) tasks to do for your captains? Easy repeatable scenes that actually utilize your progress stats? Having to clean up after orc parties/missions or ways that assert dominance or submission in less explicit ways than outright sex.

If you're solo "dom" Sabia having your bitches do that for you/whatever.
Would be way less hard to write and add so much more than these off brand rescue the ho quests or find the wagon/mcguffin.

But as far as seeing Sabia become a character that could at least BE multifaceted and both love being a total whore and still capable enough to get her revenge....
That ship sailed long ago.


Jan 6, 2019
That ship sailed long ago.
It likely sailed as soon as the first writer got swapped for the second. I keep forgetting who the current writer is, but I don't really care to as their writing is objectively sub-par and lacking. Maybe they can write words correctly and in a manner that delivers the message properly, but:

A) There is absolutely no thought going into the words being delivered
B) The message is dogshit

He has no nuance and no understanding of sexuality, man's one step away from going full hentai logic on Sabia and it's pretty tragic to watch it happen as this game actually had a semblance of "Huh, this character is kinda interesting." at one point that has been brutally murdered by lazy writing that just exists to justify jumping into the next re-hashed CG so that the game's patrons can jack off and keep dishing out monthly payments for bi-annual updates. The way that Sub Sabia handles the Shaman is the definition of "You went full retard", it feels as if Sabia basically took half her brain out via magic and then pulled the plug on the other half, utterly braindead and unbelievable.

You cannot tell me that whoever wrote that shit has ever interacted with another human being let alone a woman, it's almost embarrassing to go through.

On the other hand, Sierra (The first writer) is still going strong with a game that has one of the strongest narratives I've seen in a porn game, hell, strip away the smut and it's a solid visual novel by itself. Strip away the smut from KoD and you have a pile of shit.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2019
It likely sailed as soon as the first writer got swapped for the second. I keep forgetting who the current writer is, but I don't really care to as their writing is objectively sub-par and lacking. Maybe they can write words correctly and in a manner that delivers the message properly, but:

A) There is absolutely no thought going into the words being delivered
B) The message is dogshit

He has no nuance and no understanding of sexuality, man's one step away from going full hentai logic on Sabia and it's pretty tragic to watch it happen as this game actually had a semblance of "Huh, this character is kinda interesting." at one point that has been brutally murdered by lazy writing that just exists to justify jumping into the next re-hashed CG so that the game's patrons can jack off and keep dishing out monthly payments for bi-annual updates. The way that Sub Sabia handles the Shaman is the definition of "You went full retard", it feels as if Sabia basically took half her brain out via magic and then pulled the plug on the other half, utterly braindead and unbelievable.

You cannot tell me that whoever wrote that shit has ever interacted with another human being let alone a woman, it's almost embarrassing to go through.

On the other hand, Sierra (The first writer) is still going strong with a game that has one of the strongest narratives I've seen in a porn game, hell, strip away the smut and it's a solid visual novel by itself. Strip away the smut from KoD and you have a pile of shit.
virtual hug.gif
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May 25, 2018
Hello guys, it's me, again, just finished a new edit, for this one I used the variant pack 11 to make a new scene in the bar, here a few samples of how could look a full scene, around 50-60 cgs
As always, if someone thinks that this could be upgraded, feel free to say it, I'm always looking to improve, or, if you want, edit it yourself, after all, this is for all of us Sabia bar table test 1.jpg Sabia bar table test 2.jpg Sabia bar table test 3.jpg Sabia bar table test 4.jpg Sabia bar table test 5.jpg Sabia bar table test 6.jpg Sabia bar table test 7.jpg Sabia bar table test 8.jpg
3.90 star(s) 76 Votes