There are other teams running on less than 5k a month and still capable of develop good content while not abusing anything. I'd like to remark that Summertime Saga has been releasing more and more quality content even when its salary was at 6k/month(release timing still hasn't changed since then and content is still the same(good), money flows as there is a product and delivery of it), let's not talk about streams and communication with the dev because it becomes even more sad as you consider it.
It's very funny to hear about complexity of coding in RenPy, since what we are talking about here is simple visual novel that contains nothing but very simplistic systems. For an instance Saga has a handful of minigames that I assure you, have more "complex" code than this adorable battle system in Kingdom of Deception you glorify so much.
Don't speak raids, crook, if you haven't even seen how they look like, but since we were already given samples of the extent of the abilities of their programming it is safe to say, it will be something meager.
Don't shield yourself with the framework difficulty. If guy says he will do the coding in RenPy then he certainly must have the ability to do so efficiently. If he doesn't so why put up the fake image of being capable while being distressed poser.
I can imagine for a high school bestiality-slave to not be aware of the fact that regardless what you code at, the basic principles stay the same. In other words if one is apt at python one can easily switch to RenPy with little differences.
In other words if a Hreinn Games suck Hreinn Games suck.
But hey what would you expect from a couch dev in the end of the day that Hreinn Games are.
There, your enlightement, did I perhaps inspire you now to graduate school instead of masturbating to gorilla porn all day?
Ok slaves, carry on living, I've always been sneering at you from the side and I will continue to do so.