But it's not really misogyny though is it?
I mean if you look at how the story is written... They make it clear she is very vulnerable, she is alone in a camp of orcs, and in this world, orcs force themselves on women all the time, it is how they wrote their world. Orcs are not bound to any code of honor that prevents them from raping women, and they are not disgusted by humans either... They are only rapists when it is convenient to the scenario.
I am all for having a fantasy setting where the player decides if the protagonist is a slut or fights away her way out of non consensual sexual situations. But that is not how they handle it in this game. In this game, Sabia is alone in a camp that has utter contempt for her, yet many of the orcs comment on how good she looks. When she first arrives she is a weak fighter, and the game is designed to make her lose early encounters until you grind her into a more formidable warrior.
But even before she works herself into a fighting machine (which itself is surprising because we are lead to believe she is some respected fighter among humans, yet incapable of winning fights when you start), she gets herself out of NC situations simply by having a defiant attitude and slapping hands away...
It was just bad writing. Not the player's misogyny.
If you are going to have a female protagonist that can rise above the scum in early game, show us why... Don't paint your other faction as brutal rapey thugs, throw your gorgeous scantily clad female hero into a camp with hundreds (thousands?) of them, and then have her simply weasel out of all sexual situations simply because she holds them all in contempt, even though she can't fight for shit. All while she struts around the camp like she owns the place and knows the orcs can't do shit about it... GIVE US A REASON why she can behave this way and not get treated like these orcs treat other women, lol... Have the chief declare no one is to touch her in the opening or something, and then make it clear that those who do are at high risk of being killed by the leader.
It's just some stupid sex game though so none of us should be getting worked up over this crap. All some of us are saying is, they made a game with humiliation and rape as major themes... And they have a protagonist who acts more like she is in a post suffrage society or even a modern world instead of what the authors present to us. It's just silly, especially considering it is a game catered towards the NSFW crowd.
The cognitive dissonance in this game is glaring, and it just drags down the experience. Even though it is a sex game, at least try to have some consistency in the world you create.
There are just so many ways they could have handled Sabia better, what they actually do just makes aspects of the game meh. Riven and the world she was in was written better, Noxian Nights knew what it was... We play these games for their pornographic nature, not for some soapboxing.. It's like they decided to shoehorn in half baked ideas for characters that do not at all fit into their surroundings. You want a strong woman, that is good - build it into the game in a more convincing manner, plus it isn't going to win you any awards with the twoX crowd, it's a fucking sex game full of rape and bestiality ffs...