Called it. You guys defending this don't seem to understand. All this is, is to lock current patreons in for the next pay cycle. How many people are gonna stop pledging as soon as the game is out? Quite a few, they tend to drop about $1000-$1500 after every release, because of the long development cycle, with very little said during that period from the Devs. It's cash grab, 0.9 will release in October.
Also these guys are lazy as fuck, there are so many different ways for them to do things easier and faster, even if not faster, frequent Status updates would keep most patreons engaged in the project. They just don't care, it's just easy money to them.
Nomo himself already said how long it takes him to make 1 CG scene, cause he adds 100's upon 100's of layers on one CG, for what?
When you go from an average of $7500 a month to $4000 a month, you are clearly doing something wrong. Only time they get an increase is around updates, and that's why they are delaying at the end of the month.
Stop dick riding. They do not deserve your money with this kind of work ethic.
Also these guys are lazy as fuck, there are so many different ways for them to do things easier and faster, even if not faster, frequent Status updates would keep most patreons engaged in the project. They just don't care, it's just easy money to them.
Nomo himself already said how long it takes him to make 1 CG scene, cause he adds 100's upon 100's of layers on one CG, for what?
When you go from an average of $7500 a month to $4000 a month, you are clearly doing something wrong. Only time they get an increase is around updates, and that's why they are delaying at the end of the month.
Stop dick riding. They do not deserve your money with this kind of work ethic.