This game is Dope btw. Not gonna lie, this is the first time i'm enjoying renpy game so much.
The storyline is good, epic even and not linear like most of renpy games i played. There's so much elements inside like political affairs, religious things, chivalry ritual like red gods arena, etc. Though combat system is kinda basic, but thats ok
The most interesting thing is affinity system of every character Sabia have met in game, you can increase and decrease their affinity by how Sabia acts toward them, you can perceive them as tools to gain sabia's interest or you can see them as allies to help you in upcoming trials. This game have so much potential.
And there is troops system that I can't understand yet because i got stuck within the groknak quest to Raid Rogues orc which i can't find anywhere on the map. I got prompt to Raid bandit, tekrok quest, and Shaman forces to the east but it says i can't Raid anything before i completed the groknak quest, which i can't find it anywhere. If somebody know anything please lemme know.
i completed the KIA entire storyline but can't progress because i can't Raid anything, please help