Wow..... This has got to be one of the dumbest decisions I've ever seen for a porn game:
Top down perspective porn art?
Did the devs do any research into top down porn perspective art before making this stupid decision? What successful porn game has effectively implemented top down porn perspective art?
If the devs did their research, they would've come to the following conclusions:
1. If you go to, and scour through 100,000's of porn art, almost no one makes porn from the top down perspective. For porn, you're supposed to clearly see the male and female models. Top down perspective for porn should only be done if you have the manpower to do it, it's not a primary form of porn perspective. If you have like a 3-4 man team, making $20,000.00 a month, sure you can get away with this 'extra' kind of art, because that's all that it is, just 'extra' art. Even then, top down perspective is just not good because you can barely see what's going on.
2. If you look at any porn scene shot from multi-million dollar studios, you can ALWAYS clearly see the female model and the male model. Nothing should obstruct the view of her being penetrated and fucked in various ways.
3. Listen to your patreons, but NOT the fan boys. Listen to your patreons who can objectively criticize your decisions.
4. Did they study porn game competition? What successful porn games introduced a top down porn art perspective effectively?
This game has made so many catastrophic mistakes, it deserves better.
Someone else needs to adopt Kingdom of Deception and make everything right. The developer has no idea what the f he's doing anymore. He's probably overwhelmed, burned out, or focused on something else other than this game.
As soon as the devs didn't allow Sabia to get gang fucked by the bar gropers, I knew this game was going to be completely fucked with bad decisions.