Random Lore Tidbits from the Arena Update, for people who like some narrative with their fapping:
The Arena - The rewards are as follows for the best of the best - A tree that Sabia inscribes her name into, which is then planted outside the camp. A stone from the Arena wall, as proof of Sabia's victories there. Finally, if you triumph over all four elite fighters, Sabia is allowed to mix her blood with the mortar for the new wall, adding her essence into the foundation.
Neve - Her armor is called the Armor of Seros. It's supposedly cursed and will kill whoever decides to wear it. Turns out it really just needs a blood sacrifice, and it isn't picky about whose blood it is. The armor drastically enhances her speed and striking capabilities. We also find out what her beef with Tekgrok is - He basically wants to take her as his bonded mate and use her as a rallying figurehead for his new horde. Obviously, she isn't down with this.
Lutvrog - He's a Kentark, which apparently means Raid Leader, a military position below Captain that allows one to field expeditions and command other warriors. He's also the winner of the elite Arena fights and the Arena as a whole, which makes him the strongest orc in the camp barring the Captains and the Warchief.
Ylva - She's also a Kentark, but has only led warriors in the field once. She's studied among the various races in order to better understand them. This is subjective on my part, but she seems rather soft-hearted for an orc.
Ornshakar - The shaman finally gets a name. He can be charitably described as "Rather unskilled in the magical arts" and uncharitably described as a jumped-up charlatan who relies on parlor tricks and cheating to maintain his position. Given that Sabia, who has negligible magical talent at best, can disrupt his spell with a simple coin, his magical power seems pretty pathetic, especially when compared to a true mage like Lynn or Tyra.
The Mahkor - It's the symbol of Lundar, evidently, like a griffon or a lion would be on a coat of arms. It can also transform between it's animal form and a humanoid one. It possesses significant wild magic and it's physical abilities are also quite impressive. It's hinted to be sentient.
The Hellhounds - They're basically furless dogs with bat wings. They posses intelligence on par with a smart dog. Orcs used to ride them into battle.
Tyra - She's an uber-powerful Archmage with a sadistic streak a mile wide who likes to play with her food. By far the strongest magic user we've seen so far in the story.
Sabia - It's revealed that she has some latent magical talent, though her magical power is next to nothing. However, she's pretty good at noticing when magic is being used as well as guessing at it's purpose. In the aftermath of the arena, she realizes that her path of revenge is rather hollow, and remembers that before being betrayed she wanted to change Lundar for the better. How she planned to do this and what exactly constitutes "better" isn't elaborated upon. Nevertheless, it's the first hint of why Lynn and Tyra might have wanted her out of the way, as up until now, there wasn't any obvious reason for them to have stabbed Sabia in the back. Also, if we assume that Sabia triumphing over all of her opponents besides Lutvrog in the arena is the best "canon*" path, then Sabia herself has gone from an unskilled, out of shape commander to a significantly dangerous 1 on 1 combatant in a little over 6~ months under orcish tutelage.
*By canon, I mean common route, as assuming you do well in the arena you have to fight the elites no matter what Captain you're with or whether Sabia is Dom/Sub; and aside from failing the first 3 fights, which doesn't affect the rest of the arena progression anyway, there's no incentive to do poorly.