Come on guys, Size doesn't always matter. I mean, comparatively speaking, even Orcs are short in the man-hood department compared to horses, so It's all equal. Orcs have to make up for that department with oversized weapons!
Just like with Martial arts, It's about how you use it. Stamina, Endurance, Attention to detail, these are important matters. This is why Lutvrog has the most sex-scenes in this game, afterall, because he's a fucking professional. This is why Sabia likes him the most!
it seems now days women only like man with a huge dick and they would dump you if they know your friend has a dick bigger than yours.
Any female shallow enough to leave you because of penis size alone is a female you shouldn't already be dating. That is of course unless she left you because you are insecure with yourself or the 'penis' issue. In which case, it was a problem with you.
The thing with partners is... You have to find a compatible partner. Otherwise it won't work out very well. And a female who only cares about dick-size, is most likely a female who either thinks that Pornographic material is %100 accurate or is someone who could potentially have mental or physical issues that need to be resolved.
Trust me, my man. Above all things that IRL females actually care about, you will find that dick size isn't that much of a problem for women, and in fact, women often have too much trouble with larger partners than with smaller partners, because vaginas are a certain size, and once you reach past that certain vaginal capacity, sex goes from "Ahhhh Yeah" to "AAARRGGGHHH! Stop fucking me you idiot!". In which, this is something that you don't find very often with sex-games, as size issues are largely ignored. I assure you, if a female or male actually managed to take a full-sized horse cock, there is the potential for fatal trauma. This would not be fun in a sex-game if you were covering this issue! (Unless you like Guro content)
What females generally care about, is confident partners.
So don't be insecure and find some confidence in yourself. My advice to you, then, is to get away from the Orc-porn, go find something you are good at and build up some confidence in yourself.
Orc porn is not in anyway reflective of Real-life. Thus, you shouldn't be drawing comparisons.
Largely though, the Porn industry is responsible for much of the problem relating to "Penis-size" issues. There were several polls stating that most males who thought they were small sized were in fact average-sized. Other polls also showed that Females largely didn't care about the penis size of their partners, and were more concerned with other factors.
Granted, some females do prefer larger size penises, but this should not be an outlier on %100 of the female population. Some women actually prefer ridiculously small penises too. As always, people are fucking weird and we like what we like.