VN Unity Kingdom Sagas - Origins (Medieval Game) - Intro and Development Thread


Developing Kingdom Sagas
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2021
For the first part of the story, the only options are brother-stepsister, stepson-stepmother, and cousins.
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Developing Kingdom Sagas
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2021
Seriously....will it have a patch for the step bulllcrap?
Do you mean the voice? You can turn that off in the Options.

I know, its annoying. After implementing it, I put the option to mute it. I will change it so by default its always off :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2017
Do you mean the voice? You can turn that off in the Options.

I know, its annoying. After implementing it, I put the option to mute it. I will change it so by default its always off :)
i mean the future incest patch, will you make it?


Developing Kingdom Sagas
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2021
Update 1/7/23: Post-Demo feedback.

Hello everyone!

It's been a full week since the Demo release, and I want to express my gratitude for all the valuable feedback I've received. Much of the comments I received have been spot on, and I've been hard at work addressing those areas while also focusing on future content and various aspects surrounding the game, including the , which has proven to be a more complex endeavor than anticipated (work in progress).

Here's a rundown of what I've done this week:

1. Implemented Windowed setting: You will be able now to enjoy the game in either full screen or windowed mode.

2. Enhanced movement controls: I've added an option to switch between using the mouse or the keyboard for character movement, allowing you to play the game in a way that feels most comfortable to you.

3. Bug fixes: I've dedicated time to addressing smaller bugs reported by the community, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience.

4. New short quest: I've introduced a new quest to the game, featuring over 60 renders.

5. Expanded lore and character profiles: I've dedicated considerable effort to expanding the lore and enriching the character profiles, tweaking the backstories and including traits/costs.

6. Code refinements: Behind the scenes, I've made changes to the game's code, optimizing performance and refining various mechanics to enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Thanks to everyone that gave the demo a try! Any feedback continues to be invaluable, so please keep it coming!


CharacterProfile - Kjellfrid.png CharacterProfile - Mary.png CharacterProfiles - Thessalia.png


Developing Kingdom Sagas
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2021
Update 8/7/23 - Small Updates and New Partnership

Hello everyone!

This past week has been quite busy with work, limiting the time I could dedicate to the game.

In spite of that, I managed to make a few small changes and additions. However, the most significant update is that I've finally found an artist who will be responsible for creating the renders for the game's story. As this will be a commission-based collaboration, the art updates may not be as frequent as other aspects of the game due to the associated costs. Nevertheless, I am extremely excited about this new partnership and the potential for creating a truly exceptional game.

Here are the other notable changes and improvements:

1. Implemented Quick Journey points: In anticipation of a growing map, I have added the ability to teleport to previously discovered locations. This feature will streamline travel and enhance gameplay convenience.

2. Refined the horse/wagon navigation system: There was a problem with the navigation system used by the horses and the wagons. This issue prevented me from including this feature in the demo version, but this has now been resolved.

3. Added the compass feature: To enhance navigation and objective tracking, I have introduced a compass feature that will help players easily locate objectives and navigate the map with greater ease.

4. Changes in the UI:

- Coat of Arms representing the player's dynasty: Players will now be able to choose their dynasty's Coat of Arms at the beginning of the game or via the options menu, adding a personal touch to their gameplay experience.

- Power and Level indicators: The UI now includes a bar displaying the player's settlement power and level, allowing for better tracking and progression monitoring.

- Character Experience bar: A new experience bar has been added to the UI, providing players with a visual representation of their character's growth and progression.

These previous points will not be affecting the gameplay for sometime, as the story needs to develop further in order for this to be relevant.

And last but not least, I have created a page to provide an opportunity for anyone who wishes to support the game. The funds received through Patreon will go directly to further enhance the game's art, including commissioning more renders and potentially animations.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update!



Crest2.png Crest4.png SS.png Cab3.png Asset 1.png


Developing Kingdom Sagas
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2021
Update 15/7/23 - Week with slow progress.

This week has once again been marked by slow progress in the game. The artist who will be assisting me is currently occupied with prior commissions that need to be finalized before starting work on my project. Consequently, I have focused my efforts on using Daz to render another scene that will be included in the next update.

Looking ahead, I am hopeful that I will soon be able to shift my focus solely to code and game development, enabling me to deliver updates with more substantial content. Alongside working on this scene, which consists of a total of 30 renders, I have also added four new quests to the game. My intention is to include these quests in the upcoming update.

Unfortunately, these missions require four rendered scenes, and I am concerned that I may not be able to complete them in time for next week. In such a scenario, the missions will use the standard dialogue rather than the intended visual novel style, to be replaced at a later stage for the proper scenes.

One of the future updates will include a scenes gallery, where players will be able to replay all scenes of the game after unlocking them for the first time.

Thank you for your time.



  • Yay, new update!
Reactions: jac022


Developing Kingdom Sagas
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2021
Update 12/8/23 - Almost there!

It has been quite some time since the last update. After enjoying some holidays and spending quality time with friends and family, I am now very close to releasing the next update.

All the code and gameplay elements are ready, and I'm only waiting on the rendering of a single scene. This scene is dependent on a brand new character that I have hired an artist to design. Unfortunately, due to issues beyond their control, I have not yet received the character, which is causing a delay in the rendering process. However, I anticipate that this will be resolved by the end of this week, allowing us to proceed with the update and have it ready for release next weekend.

This upcoming update will introduce several exciting features to the game, including:
  • Windowed Version setting.
  • Top down controller system, so the game can be played using the Keyboard
  • Quick Journey points
  • Horse/wagons navigation system.
  • 5 new missions with 7 rendered scenes.
  • Introduction to the fight system, which is currently quite simple and will require further refinement.
Moreover, there will be some changes to the user interface (UI):
  • A visual bar indicating the player's level and their settlement's power. (Placeholders as the function is not yet released)
  • Experience and health bars for the character.
  • The addition of a compass feature to facilitate objective tracking.
Thank you for your patience and support as I work on enhancing the game. I look forward to sharing this exciting update with you all.




Developing Kingdom Sagas
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2021
Update 18/10/23 - Very delayed update.

This update has taken, and still is, more time than expected.
I have just released one update with not so much new content, but only 1 mission with 62 renders.

I had found an artist that was going to deliver good renders, but unfortunately due personal reasons he has not been able to deliver any work.

This only means that I have to keep working on the visual side myself, and that just takes longer to get right.

This new update has:

- 1 new mission with 60 renders.
- Reworked the interaction with buildings. Now they will not be affected by NPCs.
- Changes in the UI, in particular the health display.
- Added fast travel points. Now you can fast-travel between the settlement and the Trade Guild.
- Decreased the angle of the camera so the point of view can be closer to the ground.
- Removed the Sleep function.


- The mission Welcome Home was not being triggered correctly.
- The Quest UI was showing during the loading screen.
- A dialogue between MC and NPC during the mission Pain Herbs was not displaying the NPC name.

In this new release, I'm including a file with the latest save.

If you wish to experience only the new content, copy both files inside the following directory:

C:\Users\"Insert your pc user name"\AppData\LocalLow\Grumpy\Kingdom Sagas

Grumpy Tavern.png

By the pond.png
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