I have a few bugs to report, tho i did really enjoy the game, love the art and the story was good (was because i got stuck by this)
1. The most important one, Leonore. It happened when i finished mapple island, i didn't explore south perry, i reached it but didn't do anything, just go back to amherst (i really don't remember the names sorry) then talk with mai completing all her quests. Go to elder, say goodbye to everyone and discover the other mai, do her quest, go say goodbye to admin, do her quests (except for the one to distract her) and then say goodbye to rogue and maria. Go home to save some items and there was leonore there. i didn't know who she was or why she was there. i thought i carry her from that house in the path to amherst but no, later in the game we meet leo or leonore. when that happened, i just felt for it, she wasn't supossed to be on our home before we reach victoria island.
2. The runtime 5 error when asuna attacks me, and starting the quest of leonore on empty town, when you have to use the beam. (i read someone has the same problem in the last comments) but i'm not sure if it's my crappy old laptop because of bitmap size, i can't use my cool pc with a graphic card due to the lack of a tv xd.
at least if i can't keep playing because of my crappy laptop it's ok, someday i'll buy a tv and play in the other pc.. but the leonore one it's a thing.
i attach a save with the leonore bug. if you need the file of the second bug tell me and i'll upload it (i did separate files for each bug because of managment, and because i'm retarded and didn't remember you can create more than 1 character)