have been improving the engine even more,
the "transfer key" that I added for the shop, is now also working for the stash and the inventory.
in inventory u can place equips onto your character without the need to drag and drop, I improved it even more to swap weapons even if theres a shield, this to make it even easier for u.
not only that, maximize is now only covering the working desktop leaving the taskbar visible, this was a feature requested and I see now the advantages.
now, when u quit while talking to a npc, it will remember that, and when u start the game again, u will resume from that point.
a bug when u quit while doing Asuna Character-kill-quest, resulting in the progress indicator to stay active when u restart the game. and a lot of other small improvements and fixes.
we will fix all the bugs and release a final patch in a week or so.
edit: talked to my team, we will not release another fix instead we will focus on Ellinia.
and after that... we will start with the update for Ellinia, the Fairy Academy and Elluel.