Agreed. I know there's a small blowjob option in the quickie sex scene in her office during the afternoon but I've yet to find a titjob option with her. I think because we have so much sex scenes with Karen, the three or so we get with Mrs. Morgan don't feel like enough. Having some rendition of the sex scene at her house would've helped with this.
I think part of the reason we lack that scene is this: the old public version of the game had us going to her house to open it up in the game world as part of Mrs. Morgan's storyline progress. In this version, everything with Mrs. Morgan happens in the school, and her storyline is mostly wrapped up within the school too--thus there's never a reason to visit her house.
Hope SLP includes additional sex scenes with her in future content. It happened with Karen I believe, hence why we have so much stuff with her, so Mrs. Morgan should get the same treatment. I like what we got, I just wish we got more for waiting. But seeing some of the small issues and consistent spelling errors throughout the new content, it's easy to see SLP was kinda struggling to put out this update, even with the delay.