
Former Legendary Game Compressor
Mar 16, 2019
JL, thanks for your amazing work on this walkthrough mod. Helps a lot. But there is a plot hole I found, that if I follow your choice I miss a sex scene with Alice. I'm adding the following screenshots so you can understand. In the 1st choice if we choose your suggested option, later we don't get the option to follow her in the bathroom and miss the scene. Hope you change it in the next update. View attachment 1482139 View attachment 1482140 View attachment 1482141 View attachment 1482147
The green choice gives you Leah points the second dosen't

Edit: I add the highlight to the second choice and gave it the points from the first choice, so you won't lose Leah points

Thank you
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Former Legendary Game Compressor
Mar 16, 2019
I couldn't find it. How do I unlock the gallery?
It says gallery unlocked, which means all of the galleries will be unlocked you don't have a unlock and lock button

Edit: Download the mod again and see if it works, but again it will unlock everything for you automatically

View attachment Mod.mp4
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Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Change log: Major dialogue editing (R1)

Story will have different impact now because of major rewriting and that will keep on going till we catch up to update itself so it's better to play with start for better experience.

I will add that when new updates arrive to game like this most(likely > 60% ) vn game player replay the game entirely.

About Abandoning : Free loader, including me usually don't abandon game because it's getting better(what you saying that can only happen if new added like NTR or sandbox : something like that).
We are not ever adding NTR options, and if we did do anything remotely NTR we would be from a "Bull Perspective", and not a "Cuck Perspective". The male protagonist is far too much of an Alpha male to be a convincing cuck anyhow even if we wanted to NTR it up which again... we do not. The male protagonist is a buff handsome man with a big cock and lots of money. Not a cuck. The male protagonist may also cheat on female love interests prior to them being a part of a harem. We may run into a cuck that wants us to bang their girlfriend for them.

Neither Moon nor myself want to convert the game into a sandbox-style game. We are far too deep in to switch from VN to Sandbox. It will remain a visual novel.

The main reason for the rewriting is that I am the fourth writer on the project. I must go back, and fix some things that other writers have done to make the game better overall and to make it blend together better. The biggest of these changes will be making Rose a "Mandatory" character and not an "Optional" side character. Too much of the story moving forward will hinge on her to make her just a side story. She has a mom that will likely be an optional character for instance and will have a female best friend as well.


Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
We are not ever adding NTR options, and if we did do anything remotely NTR we would be from a "Bull Perspective", and not a "Cuck Perspective". The male protagonist is far too much of an Alpha male to be a convincing cuck anyhow even if we wanted to NTR it up which again... we do not. The male protagonist is a buff handsome man with a big cock and lots of money. Not a cuck. The male protagonist may also cheat on female love interests prior to them being a part of a harem. We may run into a cuck that wants us to bang their girlfriend for them.

Neither Moon nor myself want to convert the game into a sandbox-style game. We are far too deep in to switch from VN to Sandbox. It will remain a visual novel.

The main reason for the rewriting is that I am the fourth writer on the project. I must go back, and fix some things that other writers have done to make the game better overall and to make it blend together better. The biggest of these changes will be making Rose a "Mandatory" character and not an "Optional" side character. Too much of the story moving forward will hinge on her to make her just a side story. She has a mom that will likely be an optional character for instance and will have a female best friend as well.
Oh I know , I just game him example that what could kill audience for vn game, Not for this but for all those game which don't have ntr. But they include it middle of it and it might be reason that people leave game in middle.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Neither moon, nor myself can offer any sort of technical assistance such as "broken saves" for players having problems that are using the compressed, or modded forms of the game.

The code is very delicate and fragile. When I first started writing on it and popped unren in to get to the scripts even doing that broke the game, and I needed Moon to send me a different version that could be worked on.

If you enjoy the modified version that is great, but we really can't offer any technical assistance with it. It's best to stick to the same version consistently if you don't want saves to break. If you play compressed stick to compressed, if you play modded stick to modded, if you play original stick to the original. Jumping from any version to any other version will break saves. Unless of course, you would like to start the game over from the beginning when jumping between versions.
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May 23, 2018
Save files load with no issues. I tested it multiple times before releasing the update.
And I did another test a few minutes ago with saves from Round 6 and Round 5, and everything worked perfectly.
Switching between the compressed and original versions or using mods then skipping them can cause a lot of errors.
The issue seems to be with either the main menu or an endless loop according to the log file and the traceback file.
I have added those files to this post along with two saves I am trying to load from.
The save files themselves do not contain high numbers(999+) that savefiles I have edited online usually do, so I suspect that is not the issue.
I do not believe it is the walkthrough mod, but if it is one of the two reasons you have listed then it must be that since I never go for compressed versions.
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Jun 8, 2020
I dont get a scene where Alice goes to pick up her papers at the office and then goes to the toilet. Says scene locked.
I am using mod (updated version) and my points are high (maximum?) - 10. Yet still somehow I dont get that scene, I assume its mod? or one of the answers god knows where was wrong?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
It's a enjoyable enough game, especially because I have a thing for redheads. But coming back to it half a year later, and I forgot just how rough around the edges the game was.

I mean, is Leah supposed to just use weird turns of phrases or not be a native English speaker? Because nobody says 'retribute the favor'. It is 'return the favor', unless they're going out of their way to flaunt being a . Otherwise, the game could really use a pass from a editor, preferably a native English speaker.

MC - "Same here. I really needed a rest from the training."
Leah - "Well, why cutting the night off, then? Come on in."

Like here, you don't want a 'the' in front of training. That sounds really awkward if someone were to read that out loud as dialogue. It just doesn't sound right, at all. They're having a casual conversation, 'training' doesn't need a definitive article in front of it. Likewise, Leah's response is also strangely janky. I get the point she is trying to make, but it reads like bad ; it looks like something was very much lost in translation. It just needs to be re-written, something along the lines of "Well, let's not end the night just yet. Why don't you come on in?".

Also, the second lewd scene with Leah that takes place in her apartment, is a great example of why you don't do low frame-rate animation. Up front, the animation is pretty basic and poor. But besides that, what makes it even worse is being rendered in single digit frames-per-second. Then you combine that with a moving camera, and it makes everything worse. Because now it's not just the two people having sex that are supper choppy and distractingly bad, now everything on the screen (the bed, chair, windows, picture frame, etc.) is an awful choppy mess.

Actually, is it even an animation file? The edge ghosting is so bad, I wonder if you're using Ren'Py to quickly transition between 5~7 separate still images (e.g. JPEGs) instead of using a single image that actually supports animation (e.g. GIF). Whatever it is, it isn't working well.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Also, Alice is kind of a huge bitch. Let me explain...

So Alice and her boyfriend get mugged. While that happens, according to her, the boyfriend runs off and one of the muggers chases after him. It's now her and the other mugger turned attempted rapist, when the MC enters the picture. After rescuing Alice, there is no attempt made to find the missing boyfriend. He could be in danger, the other mugger is still out there. He could be in dire need of help. No. We just take Alice at her word, that the events she described during this adrenaline fueled traumatic experience are 100% the truth and are simply taken at face value (which is never the case in real life, important shit is misperceived and misremembered all the time during traumatic events like these). Not only did her boyfriend run away, but we also take her perceived motive at face value as well; that he did so out of abject cowardice. His actions during a traumatic, potentially life threatening emergency, are painted as a moral failure with no objection.

Even if that was the case, the ones at fault are the muggers. One of whom got his shit kicked in, the other of which is still potentially out on the loose doing harm. Hell, neither the MC nor Alice called the police to get the one mugger arrested and off the street! Who the fuck are they to pass judgement on her boyfriend for panicking in the face of an emergency like that? They didn't even bother to try and search for the missing boyfriend, who even according to Alice's account, left being chassed by the other mugger and is potentially in danger right at that instant! She seemingly has no contact with him whatsoever until he arrives at the MC's residence and Alice immediately cusses him out, and never even lets him attempt to explain himself or his actions? I mean, really? Alice immediately jumps to blame him, instead of being relived that he managed to survive the experience and track her down to see if she was safe as this stranger's place? Then she turns around and give the MC a 'thank you' blowjob. From the perspective of an outside observer...


First you've trivialized sexual assault by having Alice be perfectly a-okay the very next day. No problems, no trauma. She just 'walked it off', there are zero lasting repercussions. The next day she is perfectly comfortable being seen by a stranger in her underwear and wearing clothes with her tits and ass hanging out for all to see. Later that same day (less than 24 hours since her assault) she's blowing the MC. That's fine if you want her to dress and act that may, but maybe don't use attempted rape as the inciting incident to bring her into the story?

Secondly, you trivialize the boyfriends victimhood in order to pigeonhole him into an antagonistic role over the (incredibly understandable and easily relatable) poor treatment he receive from a sober and not-at-all-currently-in-danger Alice. He got mugged too, and potentially his life was at risk. Not everyone is an action movie superhero, and running from trouble is not only a perfectly valid thing to do, it is almost certainly the smartest thing you can do whenever you are threatened with violence. Even if you are confident that you can win a fight, running is the better option in almost every scenario. The MC stepping in to fight a potentially armed person was brave, but also dumb as hell.

Fundamentally, it is a poor premise. It makes Alice a huge bitch, and her boyfriend has now been victimized twice over (by the muggers and Alice), making him inadvertently a sympathetic antagonist. In the process it both victim blames and trivializes sexual assault. So yeah, not great...

EDIT: So caught back up to the first club scene with Alice and Leah, where you get the filler backstory that proceeds to paint her former boyfriend in the worst possible light. So what we have here is a very common problem in story telling, where the characters in the story act with knowledge they couldn't or shouldn't have. Alice might have already been fed-up with her boyfriend leading up to the mugging, but we as the audience/MC didn't know that. So all of the things he did in the past that Alice explains to us in the club about why she's happy he is gone is new knowledge for the audience/MC, but the MC behaved as if their crazy actions were justified by this knowledge. In the moment, given the limited information that the audience has and the MC should have, both his actions and Alice's are super fucked. Only in the light of this later information do they make some sorta sense, but are still really fucked (no police called, still left boyfriend to fend for himself). The author knew that the boyfriend was going to be an antagonist, and he didn't bother to have any of the characters treat him as anything but an antagonist, well before his antagonist bonafides are explained to the audience/MC.
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Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
It's a enjoyable enough game, especially because I have a thing for redheads. But coming back to it half a year later, and I forgot just how rough around the edges the game was.

I mean, is Leah supposed to just use weird turns of phrases or not be a native English speaker? Because nobody says 'retribute the favor'. It is 'return the favor', unless they're going out of their way to flaunt being a . Otherwise, the game could really use a pass from a editor, preferably a native English speaker.

MC - "Same here. I really needed a rest from the training."
Leah - "Well, why cutting the night off, then? Come on in."

Like here, you don't want a 'the' in front of training. That sounds really awkward if someone were to read that out loud as dialogue. It just doesn't sound right, at all. They're having a casual conversation, 'training' doesn't need a definitive article in front of it. Likewise, Leah's response is also strangely janky. I get the point she is trying to make, but it reads like bad ; it looks like something was very much lost in translation. It just needs to be re-written, something along the lines of "Well, let's not end the night just yet. Why don't you come on in?".

Also, the second lewd scene with Leah that takes place in her apartment, is a great example of why you don't do low frame-rate animation. Up front, the animation is pretty basic and poor. But besides that, what makes it even worse is being rendered in single digit frames-per-second. Then you combine that with a moving camera, and it makes everything worse. Because now it's not just the two people having sex that are supper choppy and distractingly bad, now everything on the screen (the bed, chair, windows, picture frame, etc.) is an awful choppy mess.

Actually, is it even an animation file? The edge ghosting is so bad, I wonder if you're using Ren'Py to quickly transition between 5~7 separate still images (e.g. JPEGs) instead of using a single image that actually supports animation (e.g. GIF). Whatever it is, it isn't working well.
Maybe it was the word of the day on her Ziggy calendar? Moon must have been paying that guy by the letter for him to write "retribute the favor" instead of "return the favor". I agree on that line, and there are many more lines that are going to be edited in upcoming updates as I plan to improve the writing.

Earlier animations, and renders could be a little bit below current quality standards as Moon is still improving with tons of hours of practice. Down the road, when Moon gets some better hardware he may decide to go back and redo a thing or two, but at current hardware limitations, we are putting a bigger focus on moving forward more when it comes to renders rather than going back for touch-ups.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Maybe it was the word of the day on her Ziggy calendar? Moon must have been paying that guy by the letter for him to write "retribute the favor" instead of "return the favor". I agree on that line, and there are many more lines that are going to be edited in upcoming updates as I plan to improve the writing.

Earlier animations, and renders could be a little bit below current quality standards as Moon is still improving with tons of hours of practice. Down the road, when Moon gets some better hardware he may decide to go back and redo a thing or two, but at current hardware limitations, we are putting a bigger focus on moving forward more when it comes to renders rather than going back for touch-ups.

That's cool, I kinda figured as much. The off-kilter grammar has largely smoothed out since the club scene with Alice and Leah. It's still really dialogue heavy with few instances of internal dialogue to get a read on what anyone is thinking, and there isn't any 'fluff' text. No additional details insofar as actions go, or scene details, or character reactions. I know that not everything is gonna be Pale Carnations or Now & Then, but they really are the gold standards for narrative and writing in this niche sub-genre we find ourselves in.

But as a suggestion going forward, if you (royal 'you', the dev team) can't actually do good animation, you're better off not doing it at all. A well framed single shot, with well posed characters and good lighting, is far superior to a bad animation loop. If Moon wanted to invest the time, effort, and energy into teaching themselves the fundamental basics of animation, then build upon that in an effort to get to somewhat decent people animation, I'm all for it. It would take a ton of work, I know, I was an animation major in college. Animating people is hard, because the Uncanny Valley is a very real thing; and poorly animated humans don't just look bad, they can be downright unsettling if not disturbing.

But I wouldn't blame anyone who cannot justify that kind of time and effort investment. But a well framed shot, with well posed characters is comparatively far easier to achieve. The skill ceiling there is much lower (as is the render time). I'll always prefer a tastefully done single shot with good lighting, good framing, good posing, and even good effects (i.e. depth of field) over a bad animation. Getting it done well will still take effort, but far less time and effort than an animation of similar quality.

Unless you're using Illusion game assets and can cheat with the in-engine animation loops (which both Pale Carnations and Now & Then use to great effect). ;)


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Also, Alice is kind of a huge bitch. Let me explain...

So Alice and her boyfriend get mugged. While that happens, according to her, the boyfriend runs off and one of the muggers chases after him. It's now her and the other mugger turned attempted rapist, when the MC enters the picture. After rescuing Alice, there is no attempt made to find the missing boyfriend. He could be in danger, the other mugger is still out there. He could be in dire need of help. No. We just take Alice at her word, that the events she described during this adrenaline fueled traumatic experience are 100% the truth and are simply taken at face value (which is never the case in real life, important shit is misperceived and misremembered all the time during traumatic events like these). Not only did her boyfriend run away, but we also take her perceived motive at face value as well; that he did so out of abject cowardice. His actions during a traumatic, potentially life threatening emergency, are painted as a moral failure with no objection.

Even if that was the case, the ones at fault are the muggers. One of whom got his shit kicked in, the other of which is still potentially out on the loose doing harm. Hell, neither the MC nor Alice called the police to get the one mugger arrested and off the street! Who the fuck are they to pass judgement on her boyfriend for panicking in the face of an emergency like that? They didn't even bother to try and search for the missing boyfriend, who even according to Alice's account, left being chassed by the other mugger and is potentially in danger right at that instant! She seemingly has no contact with him whatsoever until he arrives at the MC's residence and Alice immediately cusses him out, and never even lets him attempt to explain himself or his actions? I mean, really? Alice immediately jumps to blame him, instead of being relived that he managed to survive the experience and track her down to see if she was safe as this stranger's place? Then she turns around and give the MC a 'thank you' blowjob. From the perspective of an outside observer...

View attachment 1482606

First you've trivialized sexual assault by having Alice be perfectly a-okay the very next day. No problems, no trauma. She just 'walked it off', there are zero lasting repercussions. The next day she is perfectly comfortable being seen by a stranger in her underwear and wearing clothes with her tits and ass hanging out for all to see. Later that same day (less than 24 hours since her assault) she's blowing the MC. That's fine if you want her to dress and act that may, but maybe don't use attempted rape as the inciting incident to bring her into the story?

Secondly, you trivialize the boyfriends victimhood in order to pigeonhole him into an antagonistic role over the (incredibly understandable and easily relatable) poor treatment he receive from a sober and not-at-all-currently-in-danger Alice. He got mugged too, and potentially his life was at risk. Not everyone is an action movie superhero, and running from trouble is not only a perfectly valid thing to do, it is almost certainly the smartest thing you can do whenever you are threatened with violence. Even if you are confident that you can win a fight, running is the better option in almost every scenario. The MC stepping in to fight a potentially armed person was brave, but also dumb as hell.

Fundamentally, it is a poor premise. It makes Alice a huge bitch, and her boyfriend has now been victimized twice over (by the muggers and Alice), making him inadvertently a sympathetic antagonist. In the process it both victim blames and trivializes sexual assault. So yeah, not great...
That is an interesting point that you make, and I am going to come back with some counterpoints.

Why would you set up a search and rescue operation for someone who abandoned you with an attempted rapist?

They could have called the police, but at the same time maybe they just wanted to not have to talk to the police? Some crimes go unreported... Imagine you been through some trauma... Do you REALLY want to sit down with a cop as he gets out his clipboard and talks to you for about an hour, then has you come down to the station, and asks you tons of things like "What were you doing out at night?" MANY crimes go unreported as it can be an exhausting experience even if the police are 100% professional. Some people just want to move on and forget about it.

There are certain things not shown on screen that will explain Alice's contempt for Liam. Cowardice aside, the man is a stalker, manipulative, abusive, and narcissistic. Liam (Alice's Ex) Setup that whole "mugging" anyways. The guy ain't right in the head. Things were already in a very bad place before the mugging. It wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows before that, and it was sort of like the straw that broke the camel's back.

Sometimes the fastest way to get over someone completely is to get under someone else. She is on the rebound, and a bit vulnerable, and our MC there is there to offer her a nice cock meat sandwich to soothe her tears and comfort her fears.

She was not actually raped, and it was attempted rape. So, I assume the latter should be less traumatic, but again no picnic not trying to trivialize anything. Different people have different responses to traumatic situations. Your interpretations of how she should feel are valid, and I'm sure many victims feel that way, however not all victims feel the same way after a crime. I will give you a good example of this from my personal life. About 20 years ago my sister who was about 20 at the time was working as a cashier at a drug store. An old man wearing a mask came to the store and he had a gun, and he asked her to empty the register, and she did as she was told... After he got about 600 dollars the robber left, and she called the police, and talked with them and got the rest of the night off (And the following week she had paid time off) closed the store for the night... I talked to her that night and she was really scared and opened up about it... The next morning talking to her at the breakfast table and she is sipping this coffee, and she got this big smile on her face like she doesn't have a care in the world. Then she says to me, "You know... This coffee is the best coffee I ever had in my life." She was afraid at night, but woke up the following morning with a sense of "It feels great to be alive!" She faced death. She survived. She looks at herself as a "Survivor", and not a "Victim".

Again, Liam isn't really a "Victim" at all. As he planned it all out. That was supposed to be a kidnapping that he set up for Alice. It was botched badly and poorly planned. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.


May 23, 2018
Yep, both saves crash for me too. If you used a walkthrough mod then that might be the reason.
try this save file (Round 6)
The issue still persists on my machine. It is probably the walkthrough mod causing trouble.
Grab a :coffee: as I am currently redownloading to do a fresh install without the mod, I will let you know if that makes it work.

Edit: The fresh install seemed to do the trick. Like a modern day internet version of Nancy Drew or Philip Marlowe we can thus deduct that the suspected culprit was indeed the purpetrator! Shame on you walkthrough mod! You can not hide from us or from the truth! :cool:
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Active Member
Feb 20, 2021
Also, Alice is kind of a huge bitch. Let me explain...

So Alice and her boyfriend get mugged. While that happens, according to her, the boyfriend runs off and one of the muggers chases after him. It's now her and the other mugger turned attempted rapist, when the MC enters the picture. After rescuing Alice, there is no attempt made to find the missing boyfriend. He could be in danger, the other mugger is still out there. He could be in dire need of help. No. We just take Alice at her word, that the events she described during this adrenaline fueled traumatic experience are 100% the truth and are simply taken at face value (which is never the case in real life, important shit is misperceived and misremembered all the time during traumatic events like these). Not only did her boyfriend run away, but we also take her perceived motive at face value as well; that he did so out of abject cowardice. His actions during a traumatic, potentially life threatening emergency, are painted as a moral failure with no objection.

Even if that was the case, the ones at fault are the muggers. One of whom got his shit kicked in, the other of which is still potentially out on the loose doing harm. Hell, neither the MC nor Alice called the police to get the one mugger arrested and off the street! Who the fuck are they to pass judgement on her boyfriend for panicking in the face of an emergency like that? They didn't even bother to try and search for the missing boyfriend, who even according to Alice's account, left being chassed by the other mugger and is potentially in danger right at that instant! She seemingly has no contact with him whatsoever until he arrives at the MC's residence and Alice immediately cusses him out, and never even lets him attempt to explain himself or his actions? I mean, really? Alice immediately jumps to blame him, instead of being relived that he managed to survive the experience and track her down to see if she was safe as this stranger's place? Then she turns around and give the MC a 'thank you' blowjob. From the perspective of an outside observer...

View attachment 1482606

First you've trivialized sexual assault by having Alice be perfectly a-okay the very next day. No problems, no trauma. She just 'walked it off', there are zero lasting repercussions. The next day she is perfectly comfortable being seen by a stranger in her underwear and wearing clothes with her tits and ass hanging out for all to see. Later that same day (less than 24 hours since her assault) she's blowing the MC. That's fine if you want her to dress and act that may, but maybe don't use attempted rape as the inciting incident to bring her into the story?

Secondly, you trivialize the boyfriends victimhood in order to pigeonhole him into an antagonistic role over the (incredibly understandable and easily relatable) poor treatment he receive from a sober and not-at-all-currently-in-danger Alice. He got mugged too, and potentially his life was at risk. Not everyone is an action movie superhero, and running from trouble is not only a perfectly valid thing to do, it is almost certainly the smartest thing you can do whenever you are threatened with violence. Even if you are confident that you can win a fight, running is the better option in almost every scenario. The MC stepping in to fight a potentially armed person was brave, but also dumb as hell.

Fundamentally, it is a poor premise. It makes Alice a huge bitch, and her boyfriend has now been victimized twice over (by the muggers and Alice), making him inadvertently a sympathetic antagonist. In the process it both victim blames and trivializes sexual assault. So yeah, not great...
I think you have missed the entire rescue plot.

1. What kind of man runaway when her woman in might be most critical condition(killed, rape or both). : Btw I don't think I will call human filth a man(her bf).:FacePalm:

2. Calling Police : If they had called police they needed to write a report where you need an identification(Mentioned in the game) which she lost and also mention they(MC) might face problem, regarding the fight situation he might loss his license of pro boxing.:FacePalm:

" Even if that was the case, the ones at fault are the muggers. " : I have serious doubts on you mind_set(Personality).:FacePalm:

3. First she had trauma but if you forget that turn into hatred and anger toward her BF. Then her rescuer turn out to be not only a pro fighter but a gentlemen with caring nature . . . Now connect the dots(I am not including most obvious . . . when her bf showed up Alice reaction . . .the just after then situation got really good between mc and alice when they hugged together.) :WeSmart:

4. Look if someone can't even protect their own woman. They have no right to be with one. Mother, daughter and wife are mean a world to a man. For example : When wife cheat on their man. Men usually break down and in most cases do not recover from that. While you are making a hero out of human filth. OK : TRY to justify Alice's BF action when he nearly killed mc and try to kill Alice.:FacePalm:

Bravery and Madness are really close because in that person has to forget about him self but protect their loved once at any cost. :WeSmart:
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Sep 9, 2021
Also, Alice is kind of a huge bitch. Let me explain...

So Alice and her boyfriend get mugged. While that happens, according to her, the boyfriend runs off and one of the muggers chases after him. It's now her and the other mugger turned attempted rapist, when the MC enters the picture. After rescuing Alice, there is no attempt made to find the missing boyfriend. He could be in danger, the other mugger is still out there. He could be in dire need of help. No. We just take Alice at her word, that the events she described during this adrenaline fueled traumatic experience are 100% the truth and are simply taken at face value (which is never the case in real life, important shit is misperceived and misremembered all the time during traumatic events like these). Not only did her boyfriend run away, but we also take her perceived motive at face value as well; that he did so out of abject cowardice. His actions during a traumatic, potentially life threatening emergency, are painted as a moral failure with no objection.

Even if that was the case, the ones at fault are the muggers. One of whom got his shit kicked in, the other of which is still potentially out on the loose doing harm. Hell, neither the MC nor Alice called the police to get the one mugger arrested and off the street! Who the fuck are they to pass judgement on her boyfriend for panicking in the face of an emergency like that? They didn't even bother to try and search for the missing boyfriend, who even according to Alice's account, left being chassed by the other mugger and is potentially in danger right at that instant! She seemingly has no contact with him whatsoever until he arrives at the MC's residence and Alice immediately cusses him out, and never even lets him attempt to explain himself or his actions? I mean, really? Alice immediately jumps to blame him, instead of being relived that he managed to survive the experience and track her down to see if she was safe as this stranger's place? Then she turns around and give the MC a 'thank you' blowjob. From the perspective of an outside observer...

View attachment 1482606

First you've trivialized sexual assault by having Alice be perfectly a-okay the very next day. No problems, no trauma. She just 'walked it off', there are zero lasting repercussions. The next day she is perfectly comfortable being seen by a stranger in her underwear and wearing clothes with her tits and ass hanging out for all to see. Later that same day (less than 24 hours since her assault) she's blowing the MC. That's fine if you want her to dress and act that may, but maybe don't use attempted rape as the inciting incident to bring her into the story?

Secondly, you trivialize the boyfriends victimhood in order to pigeonhole him into an antagonistic role over the (incredibly understandable and easily relatable) poor treatment he receive from a sober and not-at-all-currently-in-danger Alice. He got mugged too, and potentially his life was at risk. Not everyone is an action movie superhero, and running from trouble is not only a perfectly valid thing to do, it is almost certainly the smartest thing you can do whenever you are threatened with violence. Even if you are confident that you can win a fight, running is the better option in almost every scenario. The MC stepping in to fight a potentially armed person was brave, but also dumb as hell.

Fundamentally, it is a poor premise. It makes Alice a huge bitch, and her boyfriend has now been victimized twice over (by the muggers and Alice), making him inadvertently a sympathetic antagonist. In the process it both victim blames and trivializes sexual assault. So yeah, not great...

EDIT: So caught back up to the first club scene with Alice and Leah, where you get the filler backstory that proceeds to paint her former boyfriend in the worst possible light. So what we have here is a very common problem in story telling, where the characters in the story act with knowledge they couldn't or shouldn't have. Alice might have already been fed-up with her boyfriend leading up to the mugging, but we as the audience/MC didn't know that. So all of the things he did in the past that Alice explains to us in the club about why she's happy he is gone is new knowledge for the audience/MC, but the MC behaved as if their crazy actions were justified by this knowledge. In the moment, given the limited information that the audience has and the MC should have, both his actions and Alice's are super fucked. Only in the light of this later information do they make some sorta sense, but are still really fucked (no police called, still left boyfriend to fend for himself). The author knew that the boyfriend was going to be an antagonist, and he didn't bother to have any of the characters treat him as anything but an antagonist, well before his antagonist bonafides are explained to the audience/MC.



Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
That is an interesting point that you make, and I am going to come back with some counterpoints.

Why would you set up a search and rescue operation for someone who abandoned you with an attempted rapist?
I think the core of the problem here is that the author assumes the answer to that is yes, and that the 'abandonment' both happened and was obvious to the audience. The author expects us to take Alice's word as inerrant, perfect exposition. That makes sense if you're using her and her trauma as a plot point, an event on a checklist, there only to move the plot forward to your predetermined conclusion.

Again, in the real world, events like these are traumatic, and people have a tendency to misremember and misperceive these events. So there is plenty of reason to doubt her account, especially when she tries to assign motive to someone else's behavior (not for nothing, but motive is one of the hardest things to prove in a court case). Also the term 'abandonment' is a really loaded term, and it also assumes that the motive Alice prescribed to her boyfriend is factually accurate. As a random stranger that doesn't know her or her boyfriend, do I have any reason to take her word on his motive at face value? Hell no.

Now the author could have side-stepped this. The author could have used their authorial intent, made use of a third person perspective, and actually shown the audience what happened. But the author didn't do that. The audience arrives in medias res and only has Alice's take on what happened before we got there. So the problem here is that the author just assumes that the audience will take her words at face value (and apparently a lot of the more credulous fans on this forum did), but I'm not sold on it, because I'm brutally aware of just how unreliable our sense and memories are at the best of times, let alone under such duress.

So now, having established that there is ample reason to not just take everything Alice says at face value, you have a situation where the MC has demonstrated that they have the capability to intervene and help. While I can't take Alice's word on motive, the presence of her boyfriend and another mugger is a much lower bar to clear, credulity wise. If we believe that, and have a reasonable expectation that we could help if we tried, we now have the moral imperative to do so. To have the power to help, and chose to do nothing, makes Alice and the MC more culpable and morally inferior to the boyfriend (assuming he simply panicked and ran off without any malicious intent). People get scared, people make mistakes (especially when they are scared). But the MC isn't scared, and has shown that they can help. That the MC doesn't even try is a huge moral failing. One that is rather poorly plastered over by the author later using Alice to give a laundry reasons as to why her relationship was failing. But even then, those reasons aren't anywhere close to a valid enough reason to help those in need; even scummy assholes don't deserve to be mugged and assaulted.

I mean, this is kinda point for point the whole Uncle Ben death for Peter Parker (Spider-Man), and the origin of the 'with great power comes great responsibility' line. If the MC turns his back on the boyfriend and doesn't help when he could have, that is the MC's failure.

They could have called the police, but at the same time maybe they just wanted to not have to talk to the police?
So they've placed their own comfort over other's safety and the public good. I don't want to deal with the police, so I won't do anything to apprehend this attempted rapist? I mean, sure, you can do that; but that makes you an asshole. Again, there is about a dozen different ways to handle this. But I get the sense that this attempted rape is little more than a necessary plot point on a checklist, and not a well thought out, impactful event for the life of Alice; given just how little impact it has on the rest of the narrative, and even less impact on her.

Some crimes go unreported... Imagine you been through some trauma... Do you REALLY want to sit down with a cop as he gets out his clipboard and talks to you for about an hour, then has you come down to the station, and asks you tons of things like "What were you doing out at night?" MANY crimes go unreported as it can be an exhausting experience even if the police are 100% professional. Some people just want to move on and forget about it.
Sure, but again, that is a failing of Alice and the MC. There are plenty of other ways to square this narrative circle that don't have Alice and the MC being so selfish and callous before being expected to take their side against her former boyfriend. Sure, Alice and the MC can just do nothing; but then they have zero moral high-ground to stand on themselves. Which again the author can do, it just makes Alice and the MC assholes. Unfortunately, I don't think the author intended to make them assholes.

There are certain things not shown on screen that will explain Alice's contempt for Liam.
Okay, but the problem is when the MC (who represents the audience) ALSO acts in accordance with this hidden foreknowledge. It is one thing for Alice to be upset with her boyfriend over past issues, it is another thing entirely for the MC to also treat the boyfriend like a pariah when he has no personal experience with the person. Either the MC is a credulous dipshit who believes anything he's told at face value, or the author is being lazy and have the MC act with knowledge he shouldn't have. I'm assuming its the later, because that is a super common narrative mistake.

Cowardice aside, the man is a stalker, manipulative, abusive, and narcissistic. Liam (Alice's Ex) Setup that whole "mugging" anyways.
When all this is going down, Alice doesn't know that. The MC doesn't know that; and by extension the audience doesn't know that. They still left him to fend for himself when they thought that he could still be in danger. You don't get bonus points for your actions because they were vindicated by a conspiracy revealed to the audience after the fact. In the moment, given only what the audience could know at the time, Alice and the MC were simply in the wrong.

The problem here is a failure of the author. They have the characters acting in moral accordance with knowledge the author has, but that they simply do not have at that point in the story. The author knows the boyfriend is a sociopath, but Alice, the MC, and the audience do not at that moment.

The guy ain't right in the head. Things were already in a very bad place before the mugging. It wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows before that, and it was sort of like the straw that broke the camel's back.
which again, isn't information the audience is privy to at the time.

Sometimes the fastest way to get over someone completely is to get under someone else. She is on the rebound, and a bit vulnerable, and our MC there is there to offer her a nice cock meat sandwich to soothe her tears and comfort her fears.
Let's be real, she's giving him a blowjob not because it makes sense for her character and the trauma she's just (apparently not) suffered, she's giving head because this is an erotica game and we need X amount of lewds every update.

She was not actually raped, and it was attempted rape. So, I assume the latter should be less traumatic, but again no picnic not trying to trivialize anything. Different people have different responses to traumatic situations. Your interpretations of how she should feel are valid, and I'm sure many victims feel that way, however not all victims feel the same way after a crime. I will give you a good example of this from my personal life. About 20 years ago my sister who was about 20 at the time was working as a cashier at a drug store. An old man wearing a mask came to the store and he had a gun, and he asked her to empty the register, and she did as she was told... After he got about 600 dollars the robber left, and she called the police, and talked with them and got the rest of the night off (And the following week she had paid time off) closed the store for the night... I talked to her that night and she was really scared and opened up about it... The next morning talking to her at the breakfast table and she is sipping this coffee, and she got this big smile on her face like she doesn't have a care in the world. Then she says to me, "You know... This coffee is the best coffee I ever had in my life." She was afraid at night, but woke up the following morning with a sense of "It feels great to be alive!" She faced death. She survived. She looks at herself as a "Survivor", and not a "Victim".
But again, a little different here. I was almost the victim of a shooting. Indeed I was 15 feet away from two people who were in a fistfight when one of them pulled a gun and shot the other, and I was almost hit. I ran, hid in a bathroom (I was front desk at a hotel at the time), and called 911 to get the State Troopers there. Then when they arrived, heavily armed themselves since this was an 'active shooter' situation, I met them outside; when the person with the gun was spotted and apprehended. I spent the rest of the night (this was night shift) coming down from that adrenaline high.

Now if you had invited me the next day to go to a gun-range and do live fire exercises with man shaped targets, I'd have told you in no uncertain terms to go fuck yourself. Sure, different people will react to different trauma in different ways. But having a sexual assault victim give a blowjob as a reward not 24 hours after their victimization is, if nothing else, extremely gauche. But again, that's a byproduct of the mugging and attempted rape being little more than plot-point on a check list, and not thinking things through. The author isn't treating Alice like she is a well fleshed out character with a lived experience, she's just sexy eye candy that events happen to in order to forward the plot.

Again, Liam isn't really a "Victim" at all. As he planned it all out. That was supposed to be a kidnapping that he set up for Alice. It was botched badly and poorly planned. Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
If someone gives you a guns, tells you it is loaded, then askes you to kill someone with it and you pull the trigger; you don't get bonus good-boy points just because later you learn the gun wasn't loaded.

Still, I do appreciate the time you spent to respond to my critique, and I had fun elaborating further. :geek:


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
I think you have missed the entire rescue plot.

1. What kind of man runaway when her woman in might be most critical condition(killed, rape or both). : Btw I don't think I will call human filth a man(her bf).:FacePalm:
Written with all the bravado and complete lack of empathy from someone who's never been in a life threatening situation before. Being scared and cracking under pressure in extreme circumstances is not a moral failure. Life sucks, shit happens, and bad things happen to good people. We're not all 80's action movie super heroes.

2. Calling Police : If they had called police they needed to write a report where you need an identification(Mentioned in the game) which she lost and also mention they(MC) might face problem, regarding the fight situation he might loss his license of pro boxing.:FacePalm:
In what universe? Her lack of papers didn't stop her from applying to get them replaced, did it? So clearly there is someway to prove identification beyond just having a state issued identification card on you. Do you want to know who's probably best equipped to do so on the fly? The police. Also, the very next day, the MC brags about being wealthy (rich people own jets, wealthy people own airport), so how could this hurt him at all? What unfounded circumstances could he not simply buy himself out of? Also, it is very damming that the monied playboy who need not work a day in his life holds his fight license in higher regard than doing the right thing to stop a rapist from victimizing someone else.

Hell, if reality is any indication, the MC could have been the rapist and just bought his way to freedom with a good enough lawyer. According to the game itself, the MC has 'Fuck You' money. He is the 1%. Consequences don't apply in the same way to people in that financial bracket. Not that he did anything to even warrant more than a side-eye glance from the police. He's a rich white dude who beat up a criminal while defending a lady's honor. They'd probably hold a parade in his freakin' honor.

" Even if that was the case, the ones at fault are the muggers. " : I have serious doubts on you mind_set(Personality).:FacePalm:
I second that; I too have serious doubts about your mind set if 'blame the mugging on the muggers' is a difficult concept for you to grasp. Pretty sure Captain Picard would agree with me too.

3. First she had trauma but if you forget that turn into hatred and anger toward her BF. Then her rescuer turn out to be not only a pro fighter but a gentlemen with caring nature . . . Now connect the dots(I am not including most obvious . . . when her bf showed up Alice reaction . . .the just after then situation got really good between mc and alice when they hugged together.) :WeSmart:
Again, in what universe do you live in where someone survives an attempted rape so violent it literally tore her clothing to shreds, is then perfectly okay honky-dory with showing off her body intimately and performing a sex act on a stranger not even 24 hours later? I'm not saying that's impossible, just stupidly improbable. Unless Alice is subject to some extreme situational context (like that she grew up as a child prostitute and has spent years being sexually abused to the point of being numb about it), then it absolutely shatters my suspension of disbelief for her to act like that. I don't think a regular human being who just went through that sex related trauma would be so blasé about performing sex acts so quickly.

4. Look if someone can't even protect their own woman. They have no right to be with one. Mother, daughter and wife are mean a world to a man. For example : When wife cheat on their man. Men usually break down and in most cases do not recover from that. While you are making a hero out of human filth. OK : TRY to justify Alice's BF action when he nearly killed mc and try to kill Alice.:FacePalm:
Okay, so now you are making the very same mistake the author did. You are treating the decisions that happened in the moment, with knowledge from much later in the story; knowledge that the audience and the characters involved DID NOT KNOW AT THE TIME. Hell, I didn't know either. I'm replaying the game, I hadn't gotten far enough to learn the boyfriend was a sociopath that staged the mugging. That's why I'm reacting this way, because I didn't have that knowledge. But you do, the author did, and unfortunately (and this is the point here) so do Alice and the MC, even though at that point in the story they cannot possibly know that.

I'm not trying to excuse the sociopath, so maybe work on your reading comprehension. My point is to critique the writing as I was encountering it. So the fact that the actions of Alice and the MC only make sense long after they've made them in the light of later knowledge, is in fact a point in my favor. Thanks for proving me right.

Bravery and Madness are really close because in that person has to forget about him self but protect their loved once at any cost. :WeSmart:
Whatever you say chief. I think you have some weird personal issues with inadequacy and masculinity you need to sort out. Good luck with that...
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