Koikatu / Koikatsu: Looking for DLCs


New Member
Jan 29, 2019

I'm looking for the DLCs "EX - Additional Personality Pack (07/27/2018 DLC) AS - After School Extension (12/21/2018 DLC)".
Unfortunately I can't find any link. Maybe someone know where I can find them or can provide me with that.


Birb Skull Fuckery
Staff member
Jul 5, 2017
Pretty sure we have both games and I think hogfire has most of the other stuff.

Also moved to the right section as this is not a request for a game


New Member
Jan 29, 2019
in HongFire I'm not more active. Have their reasons. Anyway, a good friend looked for me there and didn't find anything.
When I find the two DLCs, than are only some dead links or links they leads me to some suspicious pages, like this one: . If you click there on the link for the two DLC, you will be linked to an page, where are appear some strange pop ups.
Or they are unfortunately combined with the full game and the mods, into a big file.
I need them separated for a clean install of this game. Because I want to test some mods I created.

I found the summer DLC here: and here: . But it will take 10 hours to download it.

4Chan is very badly organized to looking for something. They have no reasonable search function.

Here I can't read thai language:
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New Member
Jan 29, 2019
I tried to download the stuff via Mega. Two times the download of the EX - Additional Pack (koikatu_seikaku_tsuika.zip) stopped suddenly, near to the end from it. Than I tried it a third time with the Mega App and near to the end of the download, a message pop upped "Download Limit Exceed. Please rate up your status $$$ or wait 5 hours to continue".
The other, I googled again with the file name "Koikatu-as.zip" and I found an torrent (wish that it works).
Wished to find the other one too for torrent.

Goblina Lover

May 20, 2017
the "torrent" of time the Japaneses have such a weird way to describe cat sounds, i dont understand those "nyaa" everywhere. i just want to go to their face and call them "すけべい" ( sukebei).

Just PM me if you can't figure out the riddle i'l answer eventually


New Member
Jan 29, 2019
I already got everything and was able to test my uncensor. Thanks
My uncensor is on Anime-Sharing available.
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New Member
Mar 6, 2019
is there anywhere i can get the after school, winter and summer dlcs? as a standalone, I already have the game. i know there is a link, to the summer one, i cant use it tho, i dunno why, the only one that works for me is the uploaded one, and that one has 2 of the same file... (part 2 and part 2)


New Member
Nov 15, 2018
I've been trying to find the Summer, After School, and Personality pack DLCs myself and most of the links I don't trust. And I'm in ragsterbs situation here: I have the game already but I need standalone downloads.


New Member
Mar 7, 2019
It's oddly difficult to find them... I don't believe I've ever had this much trouble finding DLC's for an illusion game, especially this long after release. Most of what I find are "donate to me even though I didn't make the game" offers (for repacks. I get that it's a bit of footwork for a repack, but it's odd that the vanilla version isn't in the search results from the get-go.. when someone requires mandatory donation for something like this I can't help but see it as sketchy, for more reasons than the obvious one)

Well, I don't normally do the whole repack thing, but I'll give the most recent one here a shot, I suppose. I normally stubbornly refuse making things easier on myself, but I'll have to concur this time since I can't find the DLC's alone using several search engines. Maybe I just suck at it.
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New Member
Mar 23, 2019
did anyone find the summer dlc stand alone because I found the winter one
Futaboy posted not one, but two links to the summer DLC.

These two. Though he said the download speed was pretty bad. It's a download nonetheless.
Could you please give me your link to the winter DLC?


New Member
Mar 23, 2019
funny enough both dlc are on this website and I mis posted I meant the winter one,koikatsu page 25 and 63 I think
Do you mean you have a link to the winter DLC, the After School Extention? If so, could you please link it? The two links FutaBoy posted and I nicked are for the Additional Personality Pack, the summer DLC.


New Member
Mar 23, 2019
I see, I found it. Thank you.

Nevermind, I found the link on page 25, which was the summer DLC that's been posted here as well, and I can't find your link on page 63. Sorry, I need help.


Active Member
Oct 15, 2017
Hey guys are you all aware of the After Darkness dlc? i cant find the download.