Sorry to intervene in a private conversation (well, in the end it is on a public forum on the Internet, so, not very private

), but maybe additional information... Chronos is indeed the personification of time, but at the same time, there is the myth of the Titan Cronus that would eat his children, till when thanks to their mother hiding them, Zeus and other children killed him.
At the start, the two were separate, but so it happens that in later time, Cronus ended up being identified with Chronos (I personally saw almost always Cronus written as Cronos, and sometime even as Chronos).
At a certain point it became a tradition of seeing the myth of the titan eating his children as an interpretation of time, but in reality, taht is a reading a posteriori deriving from the confusion between the two.
The game takes some elements from Greek mythology, but it is not meant as an academic tome on Greek mythology.