It's likely because it's being sold on Steam. I believe Steam has rules against purely 18+ games being sold, so what a lot of dev teams do is pare away all the explicit elements and release said elements as a patch somewhere else for free, which is technically okay. Kuroinu is basically entirely 18+ like you said, and everyone knows that, including Steam, hence why the patch is basically as large as the game, but any attempts to sue or claim Steam broke it's own rules falls flat because they're not selling the actual porn.
If the game were an RPG or the like there'd probably be more to work with beyond just the sexually explicit stuff, but this is a visual novel, so you can't exactly have as much fun with a book that cuts away significant chunks of pages before selling it to you unless the cashier hands you the remaining pages for free with a bottle of glue to add them where they're supposed to be, but they do that as a loophole because they can't sell it at all otherwise.
If you know the meme about Dan the Panini Man turned into Dan the Paper Towel Man, it's the same basic concept in action.