It's been almost 3 years since I last played LR2
and a couple of days ago I decided to download the latest version and see how things are going. Overall it looks pretty good, clearly a whole lot of changes and improvements have gone into the game since I last played! I think, so far, I've been able to figure out some of the new stuff, but there's a couple things that I've not been able to figure out yet. For instance, when looking at a characters detailed information, under "Sex Skills" there's something called "Novelty: 100%" but I have no clue as to just what that is!
Is anyone able to provide some insight on that one please?
Also, back when I was playing LR2 Modded fairly regularly all those 3+ years ago, I was submitting various spelling, grammar, etc corrections. Now, back then all the game files were loose and anyone was able to simply edit any *.rpy file quite easily, but now it seems that all the loose files are packed into Ren'py archive packages and, so far, I've not been able to find how to edit individual files to make my own corrections and/or find the relevant lines to report for correction. Could anyone please shed some light on how to go about that? I've tried using Unren to unpack the *.rpa packages, but that just results in a whole lot of *.rpyc files that I can't edit because I don't have anything that can edit them. Yes, after only a couple days of playing I've found a few spelling and grammar errors!
Finally, is there any sort of guide / walkthrough available anywhere? There's a whole lot of stuff going on in this game and it gets real confusing as to what you're supposed to do and when it's best to do things! Which reminds me, the "Home Improvements" are new (to me at least) and I have no clue if they should be done in a particular order or if they have any effect on anything else. I know there's a wiki section over on the LR2 Mods GitGud page but there isn't much of anything there yet.