Ran a new game, modless, and have a few comments.
I got the strip club to run again, which is roughly half of my playthroughs, there really should be fewer connections to stories which appear to have no relevance, like Sarah.
Speaking of Sarah, I was going to complete her story after the strip club, but the breast enlargement serum has vanished from my list, it is neither to be researched, nor has it been researched.
I selected no alpha personalities, and that does not work. Yes, nobody shows up with those listed, but there are characters who cannot be enslaved because they are alphas, regardless of what the character description says.
Pregnancy is not my fetish, but I like Rebecca. Thus it annoys me that I cannot move her to girlfriend status, because Jessica might find out, even after I've had them in multiple threesomes. I know that the devs do not read this, and don't have my concerns, but this seems just silly.
Finally, while I'm very pleased that the devs are working on this from the kindness of their hearts, I want to point out that the trend is that as a character gets a storyline, sex options are locked out. We know this process will take literally years based on experience. It might be worth considering finishing a storyline before starting to create a new one, lest we end up with a clear majority of unique characters locked off without any recourse.