This game has a TON of potential. Fun concept. Lots of options and transformations, enemies, kinks and you can see your character etc.
The difficulty is beyond stupid, even on EASY.
All enemies have projectiles that can instantly transform you.
All enemies can seduce you from a distance before you can even get to them.
All enemies instantly B-line for you the moment you're on the screen.
There is NO NEED for that kind of difficulty.
Hell, sometimes you appear surrounded by enemies---so your basically dead or transformed the moment the game starts.
Easy fix.
Get rid of ALL the maps save for two: "New Labyrinth of the Forgotten Goddess" and "Original Labyrinth of the Forgotten Goddess."
The original Labyrinth is the entire game as is right now, all the difficulty, all the enemies, all the randomness fully customizable as it is now. Boom. People have what they want.
New Labyrinth however, should be a SLOW burn and traditional RPG/Rogue-Like. Transformations are slow, maybe random and maybe even have cooldowns against you. Enemy difficulty gradually progresses along with you save for bosses, enemies cannot lust you from afar and MOST don't have projectiles. Give the player a chance to explore a world or this "maze" and show us a story within all of this. It can still be rogue-like and sexy and even have an element of randomness.
One thing I can say though is NOBODY (save for a massochist or two) finds the difficulty of this fun. If you adjust the difficulty, give the player some kind of weapon and a chance and allow them to resist transformations sometimes so your ass doesn't expand to the size of a balloon in a matter of seconds, you could have something GREAT here.
Right now you almost have to cheat the system to get anywhere and even then one wrong move and all the progress you made is toast.
Just my two cents.